**** has been going on for too long... My ex girlfriend


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
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Iceberg said:
There's no way a guy has "been with a lot of girls" yet he's cool chasing some girl for months (years?) and NOT getting sex from her.

That's pretty much an oxymoron. "I can get LOTS of girls. But I'm gonna chase this one girl instead. Oh, and by the way, there's no sex involved. I'm getting nothing out of this."

An ex girl friend of yours is not that, if you haven't banged her !

She doesn't just sleep with someone.
She's not like that.
This is complex.
She's the right girl for me.

Jesus. The problem is, you're buying the idea that this event is special. Your love for her is "different." But if you look through any page of this forum, you'll find 10 of the same exact "different" story.

Guy chases girl. Girl doesn't care. Guy convinces himself that he just needs to chase more, and the girl will come around.

This story is not special. It's not different. You and 1 million other suckers are experiencing the same exact thing right at this moment.

This whole scenario disgusts me. Not because of you. But because I've been there. And the lies we tell ourselves to convince ourselves that "this is the right girl" are all the same. No matter how unique we think the situation is....it's a freakin carbon copy of everyone else's experience with the same type of girl. "Ohhh she's different!" Haha. Yeah buddy, you....and only you...have found the "different one". The rest of us are dating crackhead skanks, and your girl is worth waiting for...because she's different.

It's sad that you're putting yourself through this. It's sad that you've convinced yourself that this is the correct path. It's sad that other guys are doing the same thing. The only person who's winning is the girl. Because she gets boyfriend attention from you without making any sexual commitment.

That MIGHT work. But remember - if you're backing away, it's not just to get her. It's to prepare yourself for moving on without her. The main purpose of going No Contact is to distance yourself from the woman. If she comes back, that's just a positive side effect.
Pretty much sums it up hey bra?


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
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On Earth
Savaris said:
She didnt cheat on me she broke it off before going to her ex cuz she was confused thats not cheating anyways ,she thinks im the sweetest, cutest and smartest boy thats what I heard from someone, what I dont understand is that shes attracted to me, she likes me, loves me and all that but is not IN love with me? I dont get it, I sat down with her wanted the truth and thats what she said. To me, those words are confusing because it makes me not want to give up on her. but then on the other side all the **** ive been gone through for her, makes me think twice.. but i cant change my feelings or who I am. Im not a quitter. So its a complicated case.. anyways right now were just having normal conversations, Im not acting like shes special or anything, im acting a bit aloof, keeping convo's short. Hope i'm doing the right thing cuz I know theres more.. just need to spark it and keep the flame going once and for all.. or if my feelings fade for her keep them in the shades forever

You think that 'she thinks that you are sweetest bla bla'

IF SHE REALLY DID, she WOULD be WITH YOU. What idiot goes for the 2nd class 'CUTEST SMARTEST' boy if she doesn't mean it.

You heard once Jesus Christ " The man who looks at someone elses spouse already made a cheating in his heart. " Don't want to shove in people's ass religion. But she already was cheating, thinking about the other guy (ex ) and lying to you. FOR THAT TIME you could've found a better girl. Stop being so naive, if she said all the best about you she would be chasing you , not ex.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2011
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Savaris said:
Guys again, she did NOT say this to me.. She said it to someone...I just happen to be a pro at finding out things. So why would she say those things to someone with an agenda? That person barely knows me......

Also she admitted that she did not know where to place me... those were here words towards me. That was the main reason I kept trying. She also said "I know your the perfect man for me, but I dont want to start something now when im not over my ex, you mean too much for me for that''

So like, should I in that case keep trying or just be her friend or leave it and dont talk to her and maybe after a long time try again.. so she won't start to see me as a regular friend but someone who she had a romantic relationship with?
No, you're stalking her by asking people where she's been, what she has done and what she has said. You're a very creepy little fellow. And Johnny offered you the link for a reason. READ IT. Then apply it to your own situation. You are being toyed with and although it is amusing, you come here all arrogant about being some broad's SLAVE. You disgust me.


New Member
Feb 10, 2012
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Savaris said:
Guys again, she did NOT say this to me.. She said it to someone...I just happen to be a pro at finding out things. So why would she say those things to someone with an agenda? That person barely knows me......

Also she admitted that she did not know where to place me... those were here words towards me. That was the main reason I kept trying. She also said "I know your the perfect man for me, but I dont want to start something now when im not over my ex, you mean too much for me for that''

So like, should I in that case keep trying or just be her friend or leave it and dont talk to her and maybe after a long time try again.. so she won't start to see me as a regular friend but someone who she had a romantic relationship with?
She knows EXACTLY where to place you. Right in the FRIENDZONE. You will never have anything more with this woman than you have right now. You don't want to hear it, but you should follow the advice that everyone is giving you. Forget about her completely, and move on.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2011
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I think you've all been had. I think this is a troll and a parody of an AFC. No one is this clueless/stalkerish.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Have to agree with the other posters. If youve never banged her, then she was NEVER your girlfriend. Simple and plain.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
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On Earth
Gentlemen,Men,Boys,Male Babies, Transgendered people, maybe Ladies ,Women,B1tches,Girls, Female Babies.

We have been trolled.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Point of order

1. If your story takes more than a two paragraphs it's a train wreck and you're chasing. Anytime you have a novella to write it means there way too much going on and the "relationship" and contact should have been ended long ago.

2. Women who are unsure are not interested. A woman says this to string you along for attention or as a break glass in case of emergency option. Don't play long shot odds to win little money.


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
If that have been the case she wouldn't have agreed to hold hands in public or kiss me. So I guess she is interested.. Or else you woudn't do something like that with someone you dont think highly off right? Or tell others that i am actually perfect for her, why even bother then? I guess this chick defies logic. She doesnt even understand it herself which makes it even more confusing, o well, ill just do my thing we'll see what happens