Part number One: Everything is rotten.
Half truth, simplifications, biased....stirred to only conclusion...'All is rotten because of inequality.'
Equality is nowhere to be seen in nature not even among twins. Equality is unobtainable and undesirable, because prevents evolution, adaptation.
To achieve equality everyone have to be as dumb, or pretend to be, as the dumbest person alive. The same goes to skills, health, drive, emotions, looks............
G.Orwell's book Animal Farm mentions equality.....'All animals are equal'...'but some are more equal' especially those who have the oversight over animals to behave communist aparatchicks caricatured as pigs.
Part Two:
'Welcome to Communism will work this time....because we have a computer.'
'Take a pill. Take a vacation. Go to work. You don't need that anymore.'
It is only missing the famous barb prevent the whole planet's population to migrate to such places as Hawaii, leaving no one to work on them.
Welcome to f@cking Matrix.
'Nature is a Dictatorship'....that is new...communists 1.0 wanted to 'command wind and rain'....I guess you have to derive your power from something....'We wanna save the nature....therefore you have to submit to our ideas.'
How to achieve this? in communism (didn't make the scientific test criteria, but put that aside) you first need to get rid of opposition....this paradise on Earth can be achieved only with likely minded people 'who get it'...put them to camps for reeducation and the new ones (children) to communal care....remember the part in that propaganda flick when they stress about 'abandoned children'?
But let's assume that everyone 'gets it', since no one is better off in term of material possessions there is no envy. There is no gluttony - everyone eats his equal share of food in ratio to his work you can;t become fat.
Females pair with males based on pure money involved and no power issue since the computer is the boss.
Men are head over heals to do the worst job they can get, like drilling for resources in Antarctica, in order to make the planet better place for their children (if they get a permit to reproduce). WAIT. WHAT?
Will men devout their lives for inventing Fusion Reactor, which would made energy needs covered without drilling and such? Not for gain, there is none.
Yeah, eventually there will be one selfless genius who will invent that....better than strolling around city, which is exactly the same as another city....but there is higher probability we will find one such genius when we offer comparative
Did I mention that the whole population would have to rotate frequently in order for everyone to enjoy living and working in close proximity to sandy beaches. If I will be placed in a northern f@cking Europe, I want some compensation.
FREE MARKET created automation. Who will become Automation expert if he could just walk in a park all day fornicating with females?....yeah offer him Hawaii vacation....WHAT? I want that too, man. This is inequality.
When it lies like a communist, wants you to live in commune, with no private property rights, no voting, centrally planed and ruled, then it is a communist, no matter how much it think it is not one.
COMMUNISM 2.0 now with a computer
version 1.0 ended in FATAL ERROR
are you ready for another test?
You know what communist said about the fail....'Lenin was wrong to start it in Russia, because you first need capitalism to build you the machinery, industry.'
And now they think capitalism generated enough wealth to build their dream society on. Can they achieve it this time? Not a f@cking chance, sorry.
Why?Because the cosmos is in it's nature unpredictable. Flip of butterfly wings can produce hurricane. No central planner can compute all the odds.
The best we can do is to use the best computer we have between our ears. Compute what is best for ourselves and let the others do that too in their own space and time.
Now I see why commies 1.0 so hated freedom. In order to be equal to live in paradise we all have to be slaves.
I lived in communism, I know their is carbon copy+ecology. But Greens are really on the outside, red inside.