Harvesting your ANGER for yourself..


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
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ANGER..some people think it's a curse or something they must try to hide or be ashamed of.I think that because of todays frustrations and bull$hit,not everyone knows how to express and release their anger in healthy positive ways..and they may not know how to harvest their anger and direct it wisely and for their own good.Have you ever wanted to kill someone? your blood rushed to your head, your body tightens and you are ready to throw down? everyone has their limit and everyone has their own level of anger...

i can say that i did'nt really become completly sure of myself or have true confidence until i learned how to harvest my anger the right way..i learned about my tolorance level and how i can become when i am angry..everyone gets angry but not everyone knows how to direct it accordingly..maybe holding it and exploding on some poor stranger,maybe taking it out on loved ones or your girl.Some people do those things, which is totaly unhealthy and could be directed differently.I say learn how to direct it the right way..know yourself,understand how you become when you are angry,feel it in everyway and the blood rushing in your veins..learn how to express it physically and effectively if you need to defend yourself and fight..to the death if you must in order to live..that may sound harsh, but this is reality and some people will kill you..you must take that into serious consideration.

when walking around in an unfamiliar place, on my own, or where ever- i trust myself and in my instincts that no matter what happens..no matter what, i trust myself that i can take care of myself and dig down into my anger ,if i need to in order to defend myself and fight to the death if i have to..as a last resort of course.the best way to get out of a fight or a life threatening situation is to not get into it in the first place and to avoid violence at all costs..always play it cool and be willing to walk away or run if i have to if out numbered (but always be willing to fight to back up a friend,out numbered or not) but as a last resort..fight to the death if you must, and that you can trust yourself and your inner resource of anger that no matter what happens..you can take care of myself and you will survive.

That raw untapped masculine fighting ability that everyone has inside them...i say tap into it,learn how to direct it appropriatly and learn how to trust yourself that when the time comes, you can resurface those intense feelings of anger if you needed to. think about it, how would you feel about yourself if you had complete confidence that no matter what happens- you have the ability to fight with all of your might if you had to and that you really can take care of yourself? this has nothing to do with 'acting hard' ,but having the self-mastery and knowledge that it takes to really take care of any type of altercation or conflict that arises.Real confidence in your physical abilities..how awesome would that be? pretty awesome i'd say...

i have had many times i could've unleashed a fierce explosion of hell onto someone..but i didn't..i didn't have an EGO about things and i let the guy go because i knew..i knew in my heart and soul and in my mind that he's only standing there breathing and woffin' ..because i let him ,i could snap his twiggy neck at anytime or i could break his nose and shove it into his frontal lobe anytime i felt like it..but he dosen't know that and i know that just because i know how to defend myself and how to hurt someone..it dosen't mean that i should.As a matter of fact ,first thing that pops into my head when someone get's in my face 'i don't want to hurt anyone...not today'...

as a matter of fact, IMO- until you know how to defend yourselves and harvest the gift of intense anger in the right way , you are never truly confident... :box:.how does this help with getting girls? it dosen't directly,but it helps YOU out tremendously at becoming more confident,independent and self-reliant..that in turn makes one more attractive overall :rock:

how do i harvest my anger? i have a 100 lbs. punching bag that i go apesh!t on 2-3 three times a week for an hour ,while letting out all of my frustrations and anger towards.bobbing and weaving,jabs,hooks,power knock out punches- it conditions the mind and body to reconize that state and resurface that type of mentality and physical exertion whenever i need to..will i become a golden glove champion? not likely,but it'll give me the mental and physical edge that i need,when i need it most.

The next time you become angry or frustrated and about to do something stupid..wait, hold on to it and save yourself the grief from having to deal with the consequences of your actions... think carefully and just for a second..wallow in that feeling,that anger- the way it takes over your mind and body,reconize that feeling and allow it to take over...remember that feeling,because thats the exact same feeling that will come over you everytime and anytime you feel the need to exert force over someone ...


New Member
Dec 1, 2004
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Re: Harvesting your Anger

How a u going 2 harvest anger to a guy with a gun 2 your head?


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
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common sense, you must have common sense..but then again i already assumed that people had that around here and i should'nt need to remind them to use it :whistle: thanks for doing so :rock: you try to avoid getting into situations where having a gun to your head occurs in the first place...wow, i feel special-you been here for two years and only posted three times prior to mine? and you didn't even buy me a drink and or take me out a couple times- you bastard! where have all the gentlemen gone?! :rolleyes:

besides, if you are in the situation where there is a gun to your head often,then maybe learning to become a 'don juan' is the least of your problems :wave: and maybe you should consider a helmet, a bulletproof one from WWII :rockon:


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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this a good tip to manage your own anger. something emo/goth fags should learn.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
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I personally feel strong and confident when I'm calm, as if what I'm about to do or face is no big deal. Anger stems from weakness with me; it's what I feel when things aren't the way I think they should be, especially when I don't have the power to make them that way.

Getting angry doesn't make the problem go away and it doesn't make what I have to do to fix it any easier. Getting angry can actually make the problem worse, by making me impatient, easily frustrated, and careless - in addition to filling me with a very unpleasant emotion - so I have nothing to gain and a lot to lose from getting angry.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
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you're NOT understanding the tip, that aggitated ,frustrated,bitter feeling of rage is NOT a weakness.i am saying, harvest it, reconize it for what it is and use it for your own good.Think about it this way, by reacting to it the way you are..you are NOT expressing it the right way..you are only allowing it to take over..which is what most people do...by reconizing it's strength and what it does when it comes over you ..you have control to release it whenever you need to,appropriatly,because you respect it's power..say to defend yourself in the time of need. And because you understand and know the power of your rage, you no longer need to get flustered over the trivial crap that you used to..why? because you'll understand (hopefully) that it's not worth getting upset over and that there is a place and time for feeling angry..and that paticular time is NOT the time to do so... not getting your way? and you become angry? ...it dosen't sound like true ANGER to me,more like frustration... you go out to a bar and some guy is hitting on your girl ,she rejects him and he grabs her hair and pulls her down...now, would you warrent a calm and relaxing confrontation..or would you rip his face apart? not saying that it's the right thing to do..but let's see if he cares or not if you are respectable and a caring person.Anger can be a gift or it can be a curse that takes over you..only you can decide..for me, it's a gift.

Think about it this way, imagine and unassuming guy that keeps to himself but you could tell he could rip a hole through someone..just from the vibe you get from him..he knows himself and is sure of his capabilites.His strength comes from understanding how his anger works and how to harvest that energy for his own well being.He's sure of himself so he dosen't have to flaunt any kind of traits-because he has no need to overcompensate for anything...

And then there is another guy, a 'woofer'- you know the type..his bark is louder then his bite.Goes crazy over every little thing, but then not ever really in control- kinda just blows up anytime..he dosen't control his anger ,it controls him and he is not acting from a core of strength, but of weakness..his display of anger is not for defense or preservation of his life- but out of cowardess and attention seeking..he dosen't understand his strength and he allows his anger to run his life,exploding on whomever bruises his ego..no matter how temperarily...

once you understand your anger and rage, you won't feel as angry over trivial things in life... because it puts things in perpective...and besides, everyone is preaching to 'be more alpha' non-sense but is afraid of a little scuffle now and then? give me a break!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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organizedconfusion said:
:crackup: :crackup:

dude, what's up with you and emo/goth fags?! :crazy:

They must be taking his girls.