Harpo: The girl at the bakery


Don Juan
Nov 15, 2008
Reaction score
A few weeks ago I posted about my first clear-cut cold approach, and asked for suggestions in the Toronto area (please feel free to continue responding). Since then, I've been on a work trip to a really small town in the northern part of the country. I was pretty pissed at first because I was really looking forward to trying to make some progress in the city, but tried to stay positive about it. Since there are almost no jobs and definitely no college in this place, I've only seen literally 1 or 2 girls anywhere close to my age. One of them worked in the bakery/restaurant where I was going almost every day for lunch. I don't know if it's because there are so few girls around or what, but I actually started to really like this girl - she was really cute and obviously super-shy, even when serving customers, when people are able to fake it anyway...

Unfortunately, after the first day I was there, she didn't serve my table again for the next little while, I think just by fluke. So after a few days (last friday) I got the courage to leave my table and go walk up to her on the other side of the restaurant, where they kept the dishes and printed out bills and stuff. I started by saying that she'd probably seen me around the place before and that I just wanted to introduce myself. She seemed pretty surprised but happy that I'd come up, and we talked about where she was from and what her plans for college are (she was taking a year off). I thought things were going well when all of a sudden another waitress there walks into the area, and her boss, some middle-aged dude with a moustache who was pretending to just wander around, comes up and stands right behind me. I was kind of thrown off here, as I'd never done any sort of approach with other people around, and more importantly, I could tell that she became much quieter as well. I quickly asked her if she wanted to hang out on the weekend, and she looked from side from side, clearly embarassed, and said she was working all weekend. With her boss still standing behind me, I just said OK and walked off kind of awkwardly.

The next Monday, I went up and told her I didn't mean to embarass her the other day in front of her co-workers. I wasn't really trying to apologize - I just thought it would be a good way to approach and then lead into other things. I didn't get quite as good a vibe from her as before (it was more awkward this time), but she smiled and told me not to worry about it. Then, just as I start talking again, her boss comes out of the kitchen and calls her over, saying he wants to talk to her. She hesitated for a second and then went in to talk to him, and he stared over at me a second before turning around. I'm not sure what the **** the deal was with this guy - it seems strange to think it was intentional, but I found it an incredible coincidence that he suddenly appeared or interrupted both times I tried to talk to her, especially since I could usually see him just standing around behind the front counter of the place.

So it's been left at that for the time being... Part of me wants to try approaching again, not just because I'd actually like to go out with her, but also just to see how things go. On the other hand, I only have a week and a half left in this place and I don't see how I could separate her from her overprotective (creepy) boss, seeing as I've only ever seen her at her workplace, and don't even really feel like going in there to eat again...

In any case, I was pretty happy with myself for approaching - I'm sure I could have done better, despite all the interference, but I guess I'm still at the point where any approach is a good approach. Maybe the lesson here is that I'll have to start learning how to deal with these unexpected things that can happen... rather than planning only for the perfect situation...


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
westchester, ny.
the dude probably wants to bang her, don't stress it, try to discretely slip her your # and e-mail maybe? sorry, i'm a newbie too, dont have much in the way of advice, just stay positive brother, either this works out or it doesn't, don't put too much weight on the outcome, just focus on the process.


Don Juan
Nov 15, 2008
Reaction score
thanks brownbear, I've been trying to stay positive, and I think that probably gets easier the more you put yourself out there.

I guess what I'm looking for, if I can bump this thread up (or for people who didn't feel like reading the whole story), is more of what people's strategies are when someone steps in to your approach. I'm guessing that can really lower your chances, especially with a girl who's so shy and probably doesn't want to be hit on - let alone give her number out - in front of her co-workers. Do you plow through anyway, do you give her your number, or do you just drop it and try to come back another day?

Any thoughts would be awesome....


New Member
Dec 12, 2008
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for her, you are just a traveller who has to leave her finally! i think you should keep this feeling in your heart ,love her ,so don't hurt her!(the day you leave, she breaks heart)


Don Juan
Nov 15, 2008
Reaction score
eile said:
for her, you are just a traveller who has to leave her finally! i think you should keep this feeling in your heart ,love her ,so don't hurt her!(the day you leave, she breaks heart)


New Member
Dec 12, 2008
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what does wtf means?
you must understand that my english is not so good.many thanks(*_*)