Harnessing Your Obsessions


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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Going to the gym, making yourself good looking, developing confidence, etc. It is a difficult thing to do, but does it have to be. We have heard it all before; you have to put in tonnes of effort because the tasks ahead are going to be extremely difficult and will test you. I gonna go ahead and disagree with this. Before people even start they have made their mind up that it's going to be extremely difficult so they start but then their will power begins to falter because keeping up is 'so difficult'. What people don't realise here, is that the second you decide that the upcoming tasks are going to be difficult, you just put your head in the ****ter and there is almost no chance of doing it. Well it doesnt have to be like this.

Unrelated tip: I thought this would be a good place to add this little tip in. Have you noticed that every now and then everything seems to be going good? Well, my tip is that feeling doesn't ussually last, you have work to do before it does last, so when it does come make full use of it, talk to as many people as you can, make as many improvements as you can and you will find that the 'buzz' will last ALOT longer then if you sat their obsessing over how you can make this feeling permanent. When things all seem to be going bad, just believe the 'buzz' will come back, because believe me, it does. :)

Now thats out of the way, i'd like to ask you all a question. If your mind is always at the gym, then where do you think your body will want to go?

That's the secret to making these tasks alot easier (actually not easier, it makes them fun). The way I came up with this idea is i asked myself, what makes me want to play computer games? What makes me want to eat junk food? What makes me want to jack off? It's the short term reward! So how did that help make jobs fun? Well the common misconception is that their isn't a short term reward but there is. So to make these jobs interesting is you have to obsess yourself over these short term rewards. Until now this srategy wasn't to effective because people thought the reward was much to long term.

For this to work you have to spend as much time obsessing over the short time as it takes to make you almost automatically do the task. Don't let the task at hand even come into your head, instead all your focus should be on what will happen if you complete said task. The brain can't comprehend you going to the gym for a year, but it can for 2 weeks and after that 2 weeks you can focus on the next 2 weeks.

Let me give you a few examples.

To make yourself do schoolwork, obsess yourself over getting a good grade, feeling good about it, getting into a good college instead of obsessing over your dream job.

To make yourself go to the gym, obsess over increasing your lift, defining your arms a little more, or whatever muscle group your about to develop instead of obsessing over the perfect body.

To make yourself get a girl, obsess over holding eye contact, having a conversation, beating your fear instead of obsessing over having sex with her. (Ever wonder where AFC's came from?) :)

I think you get the idea, note for this to work you have to know exactly what you want.

Well i hope you liked it and until next time,

Good luck :)


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Baby steps...

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Excellent as always...


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2003
Reaction score
Sammo, ur the only other person who knows about "the boost" or "buzz" as you call it. When it happens to me, I feel like i can do anything. In the past its helped me in so many aspects of life. For one it really helps in school presentations. I can approach any girl withotu hesitation. (damn i wish i had some boost rite now)

The problem is, its mad hard to get "the boost" back. You have any secrets on getting the boost?


New Member
Jul 21, 2004
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Well I'm not Sammo werdmaster, but I know of the "Buzz" and I know how to get it.

From now on, whenever you get that buzz, play a song that you really like. An upbeat song that gets you motivated. It needs to be upbeat. Techno tends to work well cuz it's fast paced. For me the song isn't even in a language I understand.

Then, whenever you want to get in the mood, you just play that song, and you suddenly feel upbeat.

Now. You can only play this song when you really need it, otherwise it loses it's effect.


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2002
Reaction score
Sammo this was a great post. I'm gonna use it on my program sometime in the future but I will give you a whole LOT of credit for it, trust me. I hate when people steal from me and take credit for it so I won't do it to you, but I will use the material.

El Mariachi

New Member
Jul 17, 2004
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West Side
Hey how's everbody doing? great i hope.

Sammo you have a valid point when you said that things are not difficult, that we make them difficult. But i think that obsessing about anything is not healthy you need balance buddy

I do realise that everbody is different and that you might get off by obsessing about every little detail. I however find that if i just chill out and do what i have to do i feel alot better

"To make yourself go to the gym, obsess over increasing your lift, defining your arms a little more, or whatever muscle group your about to develop "

i used to obsees about lifting getting bigger, bigger arms bigger chest bigger everything, that i used to feel sick on arm day and be so amped up, a life or death struggle that my workout suffered

Now it's just another thing i do no biggy, i go there give my best and split. my workouts have gotten so much better, cause im not obsessing about bigger arms, getting a number of reps etc.

So eventually because i have intergrated what i do into just another thing, then it becomes common and easy.

but if you are constintly bringing something up or obsessing then it's not common and not intergrated. It's foriegn and scary/hard etc.


New Member
Jul 28, 2004
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I have to say, GREAT advice.

When I started working out in 6th grade, I wasn't thinking "I want to be a buff ass model!" I was just interested in working out. I wanted to do 100 pushups, actually. Within a few months I could do 120.

And within a few more months, I was a buff ass little kid. I can honestly say, I was the strongest 12 year old I've ever known lol. By the time I was thirteen I could beat most full grown men arm wrestling, and that wasnt even my goal, it was just something that happened at the side.

But hey that means nothing, thats past. I'm going to start applying my concept to girls, however, I think it will work.

And about the boost.. MAN! I love the boost lol. I had myself trained last year to have the boost 24-7, and well, girls loved me.. I lost it though.. That's why I'm here. I'm getting it back.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by werdmaster
Sammo, ur the only other person who knows about "the boost" or "buzz" as you call it. When it happens to me, I feel like i can do anything. In the past its helped me in so many aspects of life. For one it really helps in school presentations. I can approach any girl withotu hesitation. (damn i wish i had some boost rite now)

The problem is, its mad hard to get "the boost" back. You have any secrets on getting the boost?
It's a chemical reaction in your brain. Start doing coke and you can have "the boost" all the time.