It has now been two months since my girlfriend broke up with me. She broke up with me because she is only 20 years old, in college, and just wants to be by herself for awhile so she can figure out who she is. This was hard for me to realize at first because it shocked me a little, but in the time since I have come to respect her decision. It was hard for awhile knowing that there were no other guys in the equation, and that we couldn't be together anymore even though we never lost feelings for each other, but I have since learned to move on. The thing is...I think she still thought we would be a part of each other's lives. We tried it for a little while, but eventually I couldn't take it and told it would be too hard to be friends, and that the only way we would truly move on is to learn to live our lives without each other. I gave her the 'all or nothing' speech saying how I cared a lot about her, but being friends just wouldn't work. I don't think she expected me to follow through with this, and it has been about 3 weeks since I have communicated with her. She has attempted to make small talk with me a few times, and I have ignored her as a way of showing that I was serious this time. Well, just today, she finally gave in and sent me a text asking me to please not ignore her and that she really misses me and wants to see me. Following through with my 'all or nothing' mentality, I politely told her that that wouldn't be a very good idea. I am not going to be her emotional outlet, and just see her every couple months when she misses me. I guess what I'm asking is...obviously she still cares a lot about me, and although she doesn't regret her decision to be on her own, she clearly isn't ready to remove me from her life. That being said, I know I can't be the poor sap that keeps going back. Do you think she will eventually give up trying to contact me? I'm not saying I am going to wait around for her (I definitely haven't up til this point), but if at some point in the future we realize we want to try and work things out again, will I lose her forever if I keep ignoring her now? She can't just hide her feelings like that can she? I feel I am doing a good job showing I can live my life without her, and that I am the prize here, and I think it is getting to her. Should I continue to display this?