hamilton's improvement/boot camp journal


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2009
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Thanks for the reply Snowdog, I didn't even notice it til now. Anyways, I just finished up my first week of school and I figured I'd post some updates.

- I think I might be out of luck with the girl I kissed at the train station. I texted her saying I was going to the mall on Saturday and seeing if she wanted to come, but she had an excuse lined up. Her excuse was valid, but she didn't counter offer. I think I will used the two strikes principles with this one and try again in a couple weeks, and if that doesn't work, NEXT.

lesson learned: use phone to set up dates, check if she's free before letting her know your plans.

- in my mwf classes, I didn't really do much monday and wednesday as far as girls go, but I managed to talk to a couple of guys who seem pretty cool. I sat down next to and tried to talk to one guy in another of my classes, but he seemed like he had something wrong with him or was just socially inept.

-Then, Friday, a semi-attractive girl actually sat down next to me in my statistics class, and we got to talking. We talked after class too but I didn't # close. I don't know if I would hit it but I may try for the number this week for practice. In my econ class on friday, I saw a cute asian girl sitting alone and just went for it and sat next to her. I think I did alright here, we walked for a bit after class but once again, I didn't go for the #. I need to get better at steering the topic of conversation away from just boring class stuff when talking to girls in class. I'm going to start sitting next to cute girls whenever I see them sitting alone from now on though, because it's really not that hard.

lesson learned: go for the number, dumbass.

- Friday night was pretty good, just a bunch of people drinking in the dorms. I hung out at my home dorm for a while, but there weren't really too many people out who I didn't know. A girl a year below me started hitting on me something fierce at this point, but she was maybe hb5.5 at best, skinny, dece chest, but face pretty bad. When I went to leave she got upset so I got her number and then went over to another dorm for a while and talked to this one kinda cute girl, sam, for a minute or two, and then just hung out with some friends there. I talked to a few more freshman girls there but I don't remember their names or the conversations. Then I decided to head back to my home dorm. I had had a few beers at this point so I was a little tipsy, so I thought it would be a bright idea to call up the girl who had been all over me earlier. We met up, and wandered around looking for parties. We went to where we thought there was one, and there was nothing there, so I just said **** it, pulled her to me, and started making out. Someone walked by tho so we had to stop after a bit. Then she met up with her friends and had to go home, so I was thankfully free. I hung out for a bit more and then went home. Throughout the night I got a bunch of numbers from people/girls I've talked to before, but I already had a bunch of rapport with them so it was easy.

lesson learned: approach more, dummy.

to be continued..


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2009
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On to saturday night

Saturday night I had a damn good time. There was a big public party at one of the dorms, where they have a huge themed dance party in the commons. In the past I have hated these but tonight I had a great time. I had a few beers at my home dorm before I headed over, I didn't think I was that drunk, but from the way I acted at the party, I might have been. A couple of snippets:

-Right when I got there, I saw a really hot asian standing off to the side all alone. I approached her-

me: hey what are you doing over here looking so bored?
her: I'm cooling down

at this point I noticed she was completely soaking wet, dripping sweat off her face, etc. The party was outdoors and it was probably about 80*.

me: holy crap, that's sweat! it looks like you just got out of the shower
her: yeah, I exercise a lot so I sweat a lot.
me: oh so is that how it works?
her: yeah I think so.
me: oh well that may explain why I sweat so much too.. anyways you wanna dance when you're ready to get back in there?
her: sure

we bull**** for a while longer, until finally we go and dance. I start grinding with her, but I get bored pretty quickly and try to turn her around to dance face to face, but she doesn't let me. A minute or so after that I'm really bored, so I lean into her ear and say:

me: hey I'm gonna go find some of my friends, this has been fun, why don't you give me your number and we can hang out sometime.
her: sorry I have a boyfriend (god damn freshman girls and their high school boyfriends)
me: oh.. well that's ok I don't get jealous

I didn't even hear what she replied to this but it didn't seem favorable so I just walked off and went on my way.

- I saw this one girl who I have talked to a bunch of times, not too fly, maybe hb6, but she is super friendly and super cool. Danced with her and her 2 friends, one ug and one hb7.5. Got all of their numbers, the ug was pretty aggressive with me but I was having none of it, I may call up the 7.5 at some point.

-Saw that girl sam from the previous night at the dance floor, she was dancing while I was walking by, I stopped behind her:

me: Hey, you're sam right
her: yeah... (looking a little confused, clearly didn't remember me)
me: What! you don't remember me?! (acting hurt) I'm hamilton
her: oh yeah we met last night.
me: so you wanna dance?
her: sure (she gave a little weird face when she said this, and not a good weird)

After dancing for a couple minutes I got bored again (seems to be a big problem of mine... grinding is so gd boring, I don't understand the big appeal).

me: hey I'm gonna go catch up with some friends, but give me your number and we can hang out some time
her: no, you can just friend me on facebook
me: ah whatever

and I walked away. I knew immediately that I hadn't established enough rapport, I should have tried to isolate, something like "hey i'm getting kinda hot, wanna go sit on the side for a bit?" Alternatively, when she said yes to dancing with me, I could have said "sorry, that wasn't nearly enthusiastic enough, too bad for you!" and walked away.

lesson learned: don't take **** and make sure you have established enough rapport before going for the #close.

-There's this one girl who is a sophomore who I never talked to all last year. I think she is super gorgeous though, tall, slim, tennis player, pretty face, etc. I saw her dancing in a group with a person or two I knew, so I went and danced with them, talked to my friends, and introduced myself to her. Didn't really get a chance to talk to her, but it's progress! I will definitely see her again though, so she will be one of my target projects.

-This one girl who I have known since freshman year is the biggest tease I have ever met. Flirts with everyone, has guys drooling all over her all the time, huge attention ***** at all times. And she has a long distance bf from highschool still, who she has broken up with and gotten back together with numerous times. I saw her on the dance floor, she came up to me and gave me a big hug, and starts talking to me while her face is literally inches from mine.

me: you'd better move a little further away or else I'm gonna have to kiss you, you're in my zone you little tease
her: *something really indignant, I don't remember*
me: *something about her being a ****tease*
her: I'm sorry! I know I am, it's because I'm drunk!
me: babe you're like this even when you're not drunk
her: well I can't help it, I've always thought you're cute, etc

I don't remember what was said after this, but she gave me a kiss on the cheek when she left. She is actually pretty hot, this was the first time I have ever called her on her bull**** and it felt great. Later in the night I saw her in passing and slapped her ass, I'm sure she loved it.

lesson learned: if you call girls on their sh1t, ****ily and confidently, they will love it.

Overall I had a great time. I was working the party the entire night, walking around, moving from group to group. I now understand why parties were always a little awkward for me before: I would always hang around with one group til the conversation died down. Last night I would talk to people for a few minutes, then move on to wander some more and find more friends. I saw a bunch of people multiple times throughout the night, it was great.

For my entire life I've been waiting for situation to bring me into the conversational path of attractive girls, and now I'm starting to realize that I can just make it happen if I want to. I need to work on cold approach # closes though, the only #s I got last night were from people I had a mutual friend/social proof with.

Also, I just remembered one more random thing to update. There's a cute girl in my number theory class who I'm gonna work on. She was dating one of my friends last year, so I didn't really talk to her, but he transferred now. I talked with her for a while after class on thursday, and the conversation was flirty and good. Her facebook says she's dating some other guy now, but she doesn't know I know that, and he goes to school a long ways away too. I'm gonna try to get her number on tuesday.


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2009
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One last thing I remembered. Last night 2 girls asked if I had been working out. I didn't really know how to reply, because I haven't. I think it was a combination of better posture+wearing a shirt that actually fit to my biceps. Now I see why guys love to work the broceps all the time!


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2009
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Alright, I have a weekend field report for you guys, it's not the greatest but I still had a pretty good time.

Friday night was alright. A couple of the girls at the dorm were having a party in their suite, there was beer pong in one room and dancing in the other. Unfortunately so many people went that it was about 90* in there. At this party I met a couple girls I had never talked to before, but no real cold approaches, I just let circumstance make it happen (ie they were talking to other friends of mine or something). This was to be a theme for my weekend, unfortunately. While I was in the party, the skinny hb5.5 from last Friday came up to me and basically begged me to go in and dance with her, and I flat out rejected her. I decided I def don't want to hit that so I had to lay down the law. Unfortunately the party ran out of booze really early so after that everyone just went up to the roof to hang out. Nothing else notable to report really, just me hanging out with a bunch of friends I already knew.

Saturday night was better, although I made a lot of afc moves. I headed to my home dorm for a power hour to start the night, where I awkwardly talked to a couple of freshman girls. I really have trouble making FUN conversation at parties, I can always talk about class and logical things, but that doesn't make the panties wet unfortunately. Pretty soon after I got there the few girls left and it was just a big sausagefest.

Eventually, we all headed over to another dorm for a "highliter party", where everyone wears white t shirts and draws on each other in highliter under blacklights. As we were heading over there, I was walking with one of my friends, and a freshman hb7.5 who apparently knew him walked up to us from behind and started talking w/ us, apparently she knew my friend. She was really cool, and I ended up hanging out w/ her for much of the night.

Once we got to the highliter party, there was a line to get in, packed body to body. Me and the 7.5 got separated from the rest of the group and went in. We were only inside for about 5 minutes, it was absolutely disgusting, way too many people, too hot, reeked of b.o., etc. After we left we headed over to my friend's birthday party at another dorm, which was slightly better.

When we got there, we went in and got separated somehow. I saw a bunch of people I knew, so I was talking to them all for a little while, including one of the girls I met in my econ class. After a while I saw the 7.5 again and introduced her to some of my friends. Then I had to go to the bathroom, so I told her and went. At this point I assumed she would leave since she had been telling me how she knew no one there.

I got out of the bathroom, and saw this senior girl dancing with some guy. She immediately left the guy and was all over me, telling me how cute I was, etc. I flirted with her but no way I was having that. The 7.5 found us again and I kind of awkwardly danced with them both while trying to figure out how to get rid of the senior. Then the 7.5 left bc it was awkward and me and the senior went outside. While there she was continuing to tell me how cute I was, how I have deep brown eyes that say "I respect you as a woman and not just a vagina", etc. At this point I was starting to get worried as I didn't see any easy ways to get rid of her. At some point she was like "alright let's go get you drunk" and we went back inside, me with the intention of losing her. As soon as we went inside, it was like a sign from above, she grabbed the first guy she saw and started making out with him. I took that as my cue to move on and lose her. Ended up finding the 7.5 again and grinding with her for a bit, then we left when the party started to wind down.

At this point I had her isolated for a while but I simply could not turn the conversation sexual or close in any way, big fail. We eventually went back to our home dorm and talked with some people for a while. Then I decided to head home and she decided to head to her room. I was about to ***** out and not even try to # close since I would see her again, but she asked me for my number. I gave it to her and said "call me", meaning for her to call me then so I would have hers, but she didn't understand and I just left her at that.

Overall the night wasn't too bad but I made a lot of afc mistakes. I really need to work on having FUN conversations at parties, and sexualizing them once I get the isolation. With the 7.5 I think I may have already landed in the friend zone, or she may like me a lot as she was basically following me around all night. Literally everywhere I went she did. The friend zone would actually not be too bad in this case, as she was actually really fun and I can easily see myself developing oneitis for her. I don't really want to get into anything w/ a freshman though so nipping this in the bud before it begins wouldn't be so awful.

Anyways, I really need to focus on meeting people and djing this week, which I will try my hardest to do. One more night of weekend tonight, i'll let you guys know how it goes.


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2009
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Report from last night-

Well, I think I'm giving off the complete wrong impression to girls. I went to campus last night, and was feeling slightly off from the start. I got a drink or two in me and started to feel better though, met a couple people, was having a good time etc. Then the oneitis risk 7.5 showed up and latched onto me for the rest of the night, which was kind of a pain since I wanted to meet more people, but I do sorta like her so it wasn't too bad.

Anyways, the reason I say I'm giving off the wrong impression, is that me and her ended up kissing for a split second (before some people came by) when I went w/ her to get a drink of water. Then she delivered the sort of line I really didn't want to hear. She goes "You're nice, I like you!". I had no idea what to say. It really bothered me though, because in the past 2 nights, I have had:

-1 girl tell me I'm adorably cute, and that I have deep brown eyes that say "I respect you as a woman, and not just a vagina".
-This girl tell me I'm nice, and that she likes me.

This is not the impression I am going for here! It doesn't help that I look like I'm 15. I think something is seriously wrong w/ my game to be getting these reactions, I am going to have to make some changes.

I'm not really sure what I want to do with the freshman 7.5 though. I would pursue, but she is from my home dorm, which causes all sorts of complications. My school is on the harry potter system, where you live with the same people for all 4 years, and gossip gets around within the dorms, believe me. In addition, I do see myself potentially developing oneitis for her, as I have been thinking about her a lot today, unfortunately. Also, I feel kinda sketchy since she's a freshman and it's only the 3rd week of school. Anyone have any advice/thoughts?


Sep 8, 2009
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Anyways, a little about me. I'm currently 19, turning 20 this month, going into my jr year of college. I discovered this site back in high school, and actually started applying ottawa asian escorts the techniques. I think I may have been a bit of a jerk, I don't really ottawa asian escort remember, but I do know that I reverted to my afc ways as soon as I got a girlfriend. My first 1.5 years of college were a haze of weed and booze, but at the beginning of spring semester sophomore year I ottawa escorts started to get my **** together.

My improvements started with my diet and exercise. This past semester, I started lifting weights, running, and actually being somewhat mindful of my diet. This was a ottawa escort big step for me, as I had always managed to get away with living and eating like a slob before, since I am skinny and somewhat muscular, since I did gymnastics for a really long time in my youth.


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2009
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hey, don't post that sh1t in here, wtf. Anyone have any advice for my game given my last post?


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
hamilton said:
Anyone have any advice for my game given my last post?
Well,at least you "get it" dude. At least you understand that the reactions you get from women are a result of the way YOU approached her.

That's half the battle right there.

You have NO IDEA how many guys will approach girl after girl,get THE SAME reaction over and over again,and get upset with the women,not realizing that everywhere THEY GO AND HAPPEN TO BE,the same neagtive results seem to turn up.

So props to you for that.

If you could post an example of your standards interactions with women,maybe we could see where the problem lies.

Now when I say standard interaction,I mean...

What do you say when you approach a girl? EXACTLY. What EXACTLY do you say? And I mean from the very beginning.

How do women generally respond to you? Do they actively participate in the conversation,or do they just answer one-word answers to the questions you ask?

When do you start to notice problems? Is it during the approach,after the approach,but before the first date,or after a first date has already taken place?

If you could answer these questions,ESPECAILLY the ones about what you say when you approach a girl,maybe we could help you out.


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2009
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Igetit, I just saw your post, I'll try to remember some of that info from this coming week.

So I have a few updates, but on the whole things are not going too well:

-The freshman girl called me one night while I was sleeping, left me a voicemail saying she was just calling me to see how my day was (ugh). I texted her back in the morning:

me: hey I was asleep when you called, hope you're feeling better though (she was sick)
her: I'm ok, about to take a nap

I didn't respond to that. I texted her again last night to see if she was going to this big party on campus, but she didn't respond.

-I think it might be game over with the cute asian girl i kissed at the train station, I hadn't talked to her in a while so I sent her a random text yesterday, some random fact about elephants. She responded back, and I asked her if she was going to the party too. She sent back "I'm still really hungover from last night... you have fun though!" like 6 hours after my text. I haven't responded yet, but i'm gonna keep sending out feeler texts to her, no reason to next her entirely when we haven't fvcked yet.

-Got the numbers of the 2 girls in my econ class, they're freshmen and not that hot, but I'm enjoying trying to build up my social circle.

-On a similar thread, this one girl who I talked with a bit at a party 2 weeks ago and got her number posted on my wall "WHERHAVYUBIN?". She's really well connected and not awful looking, so I think I'm gonna try to hang out with her and her friends this coming weekend.

Overall, things with girls aren't going so great, so I think I'm gonna put getting laid on the back burner and just go out with the intention of socializing and expanding my social circle. If I get laid, it happens, but that will not be in my intentions for the night whenever I go out for the next couple weeks.

Violent V

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
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Overall, things with girls aren't going so great, so I think I'm gonna put getting laid on the back burner and just go out with the intention of socializing and expanding my social circle. If I get laid, it happens, but that will not be in my intentions for the night whenever I go out for the next couple weeks.
Excellent. I promise you will have more chance of getting laid if you are out there to learn and have fun, than if you were out on the 'prowl' intending on getting some sex.

But this really has to be your focus. To the point where when you will get laid, you'll think to yourself 'this is great, but it wasn't the point, I'm just trying to have and fun and learn!'.

If you don't think that is going to cross your mind if your getting laid tongiht, then your focus is still wrong and you are still on the 'prowl', which basically means you probably won't be getting layed tonight.

Good luck man!