Back in the middle ages, Masquerade balls were the preferred form of social net-working. It’s appeal was you could court (seduce) whom ever you wanted to without any scandal. This was due to the anonymity that a mask would offer. Anytime you wear a mask you instantly exude some mystery and mystery often triggers attraction.
Seducing She-Devils in ShOcktober is totally Ghoul. Right after students return back to school in September, venues begin gearing up for Halloween. In the United States Halloween is growing by leaps and bounds. Every year they come out with new ways to scare the YELL out of you. Halloween is great for first dates as there is always some club/bar/school hosting some sort of festive party. You can also find Haunted Hay rides, Haunted houses, pumpkin patches, scary movies, creepy classics on TV, Halloween music, stories, costume contests, etc.
This is an ideal situation for you to BONE-up on your seduction skulls.
SCARED STIFF-The female species often get afraid in certain scenario’s, you can be the mack by being thought of as a protector from evil. Dark places (movie theaters, haunted houses, etc) are less threatening when you are holding someone’s hand. Instant Kino works wonders when the adrenaline is pumping.
COS-TOMBS-you can instantly become your favorite child hood super-hero complete with c ock-piece and a cape or transform into something ghoul, creepy or funny. You can ask for opinions from females as you try on various costumes or opt to get a couples costume (Bonnie & Clide, Ricky & Lucy, Fred & Willma, etc). Heck if you dress like a chic……….THEORETICALLY you should be able to venture into a girls washroom or ask women for some lipstick. Creativity gives you a huge edge, cuts your approach anxiety way down.
CONTESTS-costumes are an easy conversation starter. Now depending on how creative you are, women often approach you. You get the opportunity to be seen by everyone while showing off………..if you win it’s like instant Prizeability (no Pun intended). If you see someone with a similar costume you can engage them with the old………”hey are you trying to copy me” line or we should enter as twins we are a perfect fit.
HUMOR-the perfect opportunity to bust on someone……….if they are a witch or something hideous you can say “I thought you were going to dress up” or what are you supposed to be. If you are lets say Dracula you can say stuff like I VANT TO BITE YOUR NECK…. …..Frankenstein……….I AM A LITTLE STIFF & MY NUTS……..ERR BOLTS ARE SORE……and get away with it.
EVENTS-plenty of single MUMMIES venture out to parties or haunted houses with their female fiends. Great opportunity for you to practice your cold approaches. You can ask them what they dressed up as when they were a kid, you can go trick or treating with them if they have kids, what their favorite scary movie is.
HOSTING A PARTY-you’ll earn plenty of social points if you are the one GHOSTING a party. You can get creative by adding creepy music, dim lighting, decorations, BOO’s…….I mean booze. You can ask them to assist you when shopping for spooky stuff. If you are really lucky you may even get a little FREAKY.
CAUTION-Halloween also brings out a lot of psycho’s, so make sure the hot nurse/French maid, exotic dancer or vampirella, your drooling over is really a female and not a she-male. Also take note that they may look better in costume and dim lighting than in the flesh during the daylight. Do make sure they are actually wearing a costume and not just really hairy or a recently escaped mental patient.
Seducing She-Devils in ShOcktober is totally Ghoul. Right after students return back to school in September, venues begin gearing up for Halloween. In the United States Halloween is growing by leaps and bounds. Every year they come out with new ways to scare the YELL out of you. Halloween is great for first dates as there is always some club/bar/school hosting some sort of festive party. You can also find Haunted Hay rides, Haunted houses, pumpkin patches, scary movies, creepy classics on TV, Halloween music, stories, costume contests, etc.
This is an ideal situation for you to BONE-up on your seduction skulls.
SCARED STIFF-The female species often get afraid in certain scenario’s, you can be the mack by being thought of as a protector from evil. Dark places (movie theaters, haunted houses, etc) are less threatening when you are holding someone’s hand. Instant Kino works wonders when the adrenaline is pumping.
COS-TOMBS-you can instantly become your favorite child hood super-hero complete with c ock-piece and a cape or transform into something ghoul, creepy or funny. You can ask for opinions from females as you try on various costumes or opt to get a couples costume (Bonnie & Clide, Ricky & Lucy, Fred & Willma, etc). Heck if you dress like a chic……….THEORETICALLY you should be able to venture into a girls washroom or ask women for some lipstick. Creativity gives you a huge edge, cuts your approach anxiety way down.
CONTESTS-costumes are an easy conversation starter. Now depending on how creative you are, women often approach you. You get the opportunity to be seen by everyone while showing off………..if you win it’s like instant Prizeability (no Pun intended). If you see someone with a similar costume you can engage them with the old………”hey are you trying to copy me” line or we should enter as twins we are a perfect fit.
HUMOR-the perfect opportunity to bust on someone……….if they are a witch or something hideous you can say “I thought you were going to dress up” or what are you supposed to be. If you are lets say Dracula you can say stuff like I VANT TO BITE YOUR NECK…. …..Frankenstein……….I AM A LITTLE STIFF & MY NUTS……..ERR BOLTS ARE SORE……and get away with it.
EVENTS-plenty of single MUMMIES venture out to parties or haunted houses with their female fiends. Great opportunity for you to practice your cold approaches. You can ask them what they dressed up as when they were a kid, you can go trick or treating with them if they have kids, what their favorite scary movie is.
HOSTING A PARTY-you’ll earn plenty of social points if you are the one GHOSTING a party. You can get creative by adding creepy music, dim lighting, decorations, BOO’s…….I mean booze. You can ask them to assist you when shopping for spooky stuff. If you are really lucky you may even get a little FREAKY.
CAUTION-Halloween also brings out a lot of psycho’s, so make sure the hot nurse/French maid, exotic dancer or vampirella, your drooling over is really a female and not a she-male. Also take note that they may look better in costume and dim lighting than in the flesh during the daylight. Do make sure they are actually wearing a costume and not just really hairy or a recently escaped mental patient.
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