No. It came from monkeys. When two species live in such close quarters, viruses tend to jump from one to another after some time. Like the avian flu virus. There was a big scare back in the day but it was caught early and contained. In monkeys its called SIV.highconscienceness said:You heard of AIDS haven't you. That virus was made in the lab, and majority of people that die from it are black.
Here's some reading:
There's all sorts of promising HIV medicines now, including vaccines to immunize against the most common strains. They're still in the experimental testing stages though, but exist now!
Black people tend to die from it because in Africa, they don't wear condoms. HIV is also more present in the gay populations because it's easier to transfer. Guess what happens in prison? Guess what percentage of the black population is incarcerated in America? Exactly.
Every race of people is different. Some are more sensitive to certain things than others. If you come from Europe, chances are you can hold your drink and throughout the ages, your ancestors have developed iron livers.Diabetes and hyper tension kills mostly blacks, although it is present in whites heavily, because GMO foods target primarily blacks.
Is there some sort of government conspiracy? No.
Also, black people tend to live in the city, in poorer neighborhoods. You can't always get good food there. Sometimes, the only thing available is a fast food restaurant.
Educate yourself, food desert:
The only thing I think you got right. Unfortunately, I think it's a fluke.Other things you want to know about are fluoride in your drinking water, which among other things inhibits key enzymes and supresses thyroid function. Fluoride is banned in non-diabolical countries.
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