


the issue of hair - straight from a girl's mouth

Girls are usually more into the face rather than the hair. Hair is something you can easily work with. Besides, if a girl likes the way you look then the hair thing wont matter. I started having a crush on a guy who had you're typical surfer/skater/Shaun White thing going on in the hair department. I liked it a lot on him it was CUTE however, he cut it off. Does it matter? No. Does he have a boxy head? Yes. Do I still like him? Of course I do! I wouldn't stop being interested in a guy because of his hair. It's irrelevent. Still, because I know these things do matter to guys/girls who are wanting to attract someone, here are the following pointers...

Spiked hair - If the hair is overly spiked (think Derek Zoolander) then no way. Forget it, you look like you're trying too hard. A moderate spike is alright.

Long hair - There's a limit. I think we all know the limit but just in case you don't : If you look like you could pass for a woman from the back its not working and mullets... well what can I say? they're sexy as hell.

Crew cut : I've never heard a girl oooh and aaah over a the guy's hair when it was a crew cut. Crew cuts are fine but they're not stand-out haircuts.

Curly hair : Cute... you get more of a response then say if you were sporting a crew cut or "Jesus hair"

Bleached hair : Natural blondes are a lot better than the bleached boys. Stick to the natural hair color guys. We know when it's dyed, we can spot it on each other, we can spot it on you and we will be a little weirded out.

Those are all the hairstyles I can think of... I hope this helps.
Just remember, from a girl's point of view : Be yourself, do your hair the way you want and if you come off like you don't care about the way it looks, you'll be fine.