You could either go neutral with a simple and short hairstyle, OR you could get a special, peacoking one..
I think that the hair tells alot about a person, and people who have boring haircuts are instantly being judged by me as boring people. I'm not saying you should have crazy hair, but I think it's a good idea to have a cool haircut that stands out from the crowd.
I've always had hairstyles that draws attention. This results in more people remembering me, and due to the fact that I'm very good at social settings, i tend to expand my social circle very easily. This gives me alot of social proof.
Currently I'm cut like this: In the front it almost covers my eyes, while it's messy and busty on top and in the back. On the sides I comb it close to my head and I feel like it's a great look for me. I have it all bleeched. Like really blond. Everyone says I look swedish, but i take it as a compliment
I hate looking like everyone else......