Had Sex with 10+ women, all hookers!


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2008
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Ok, so I'm a new member even though I've been reading this board like for 1-1.5 ys seeing all the interesting **** that you guys have posted. And guess what? I was recently thinking of my love life and it is practically non-existent. No, this is not another rant about misery with girls, but I find it interesting to point out that I've never had a girlfriend, I'm 21, yet I've "slept" with maybe 15-20 girls in my lifetime, all comfort women. Whenever I'm sarging and fail, which 99.9% of the time I do, I turn to the hookers and massage parlors. Here in Hawaii we have the best Asian massage parlors but it is rather on the more expensive side. I've had white, black, asian, hawaiian, purple, whatever but this hasn't changed anything. So for all you virgins out there who are told to do a hooker, by all means do it, but it doesn't change ****.

When I'm inside these woman I can't help but feel if its all there is to it. Doing a woman you have no feeling for is fun, but cold like f u cking a couch. Also at work and at school, I come off as a innocent, never-been-touched virgin who needs to be protected, but little do they know I've been quite a man***** with my escapades. To put it plainly, it's like I've had sex, but don't feel my own sexuality. For some men, marriage is the only option. Sexual relationships to me is like getting drafted in this year's NBA draft: Not going to happen. However, I suspect a lot of people in this forum are like me and have gone to ladies of the night when there seduction has failed. I guess some things you just have to live with, right?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2007
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Wouldn't you like to know? ;)
No. You DO NOT have to "Live With It". You can change. It's going to be a difficult journey, but it'll be worth it. You have to change, improve.
Change your inner game. Get funnier, ****ier, more comfortable around women, etc etc.
Outer game. Work out, Keep your hygiene up to par, Have a awesome dress sense.
But first. Stop focusing on women. Please, dont focus on the women. Focus on yourself for now, and the women will fall into place when you start to show that you are the GREAT CATCH.

Good luck, pal
ben ;)


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Sexual relationships to me is like getting drafted in this year's NBA draft: Not going to happen.

There are a lot of women who feel the same way. Many of them are fairly hot.

Don't you have drunk tourists everywhere? How hard can it be?
May 23, 2006
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I know exactly what you mean. I purchased a fleshlight earlier this year (high-quality artificial vagina) because in order to untrain myself from masturbating by hand, and as of lately my libido has been too low to support erections, and I know what you say, it's like cold sex, like going at a couch, with this fleshlight thing. I think hookers are too expensive, and for a one time investment of $ 50.00, maybe with a few inflatable dolls, etc... is probably cheaper than a hooker or should be able to cut down the cost of such. I'm still a virgin since those are masturbation aids and not real women, but I suppose that with a good imagination vs a hooker is not very far apart.

But I'm still trying to find a real girl though. If I have enough documented rejections, then I may as well be in the same boat as you, but the thing is, I'm to shy to even risk rejection. Girls in my church for example are mainly in sets and I'd have to isolate them to ask for their number, or sit beside them and ask for their number point blank. Then if I get rejected by them, then take it from there, as you have, probably later in the year.

You should invest in a fleshlight/doll or something and save some money, that way you can replicate whatever experience you had with one of them hookers with that thing without having to use them.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Or, instead of fvcking an inflatable love sheep or a tin can, you could just go get laid like a normal person - just a crazy idea...


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2008
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I'm disgusted! Go do some soul searching and stop being pathetic!
May 23, 2006
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People just don't seem to get it that people like the OP and myself really have a difficult time trying to find a gf or seduce women, as with other people on this thread until they walk a mile in our shoes.

I'm sure the OP has drunk foreign women he has hit on, but again, the woman chooses who she goes with even if she's drunk....or in my case, I'm trying going to various Christian groups but I just cant seem to connect with anyone there (yet). It's easy to think that something stupid or obvious is being overlooked, but it isn't so.

Just like on the other thread, you tell me to find a passion and do piloting. Well, you read a response from another pilot who has no luck finding a girl. Nothing is cut and dry.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
I tell you to find a passion so you will enjoy life, which attracts women. One begets the other.

I can't believe you fly a plane, yet you are scared of girls. I would be a lot more scared of flying with you than I am of girls. Flying is dangerous; talking to girls is not. If we are flying and the plane's engine goes out, are you going to start making excuses as to why you might as well just give up? No, you're not, because making excuses is a complete waste of time. Cut out the self-pity bvllsh!t about how life is so much harder for you in regard to girls. That is what got you where you are today.

And although I am all for meeting new women, stop trying to get rejected, as a way to enforce your self-pity. That's lame, mostly because your self-pity is so misguided. You're not nearly ugly and stupid enough to have any right to feel so unworthy with women. In fact, other than your self-pity, you're actually pretty normal. That gives you no right to excuses - or to fvck a tin can. Every time you even think about your little love light, it reinforces in your mind that you are a loser who fvcks tin cans. That's what's killing your libido.

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
^ Pure truth.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
Cut out the self-pity bvllsh!t about how life is so much harder for you in regard to girls. That is what got you where you are today.
No that's the result not the cause.

Bible_Belt said:
And although I am all for meeting new women, stop trying to get rejected, as a way to enforce your self-pity.
I don't have to 'try' to get rejected, I just have to 'try' to make a number close, if they don't give me the number, then that's a rejection. Obviously I'm trying to get a number.

Bible_belt said:
That's lame, mostly because your self-pity is so misguided. You're not nearly ugly and stupid enough to have any right to feel so unworthy with women. In fact, other than your self-pity, you're actually pretty normal.
Ok, let's see how that Christian group goes.

Bible_belt said:
That gives you no right to excuses - or to fvck a tin can. Every time you even think about your little love light, it reinforces in your mind that you are a loser who fvcks tin cans. That's what's killing your libido.
No, the reason I bought the Fleshlight is to untrain myself from hand masturbation and into a more simulated sex format, and ensuring that I'm not going to release unless I have a sustainable erection that can survive penetrative sex. It's not part of any self-pity campaign.

I've had three releases in the Fleshlight since I had bought it, but usually the erections just lose since I'm not used to it due to 'death-grip' of my hands. I've also heard reports of normal guys who have sex with women who lose their erections when having sex with them and that's quite normal. So at least I have a bit idea of my own sexuality - and it seems that I have the most success on a doggie-style position for some reason, but the normal position worked the last time.
Fleshlight will be placed back into the shelf after April 15th and wont be using it after that date for the time being.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
A white guy over 6' would never be able to identify with the constant negative experiences with women.

Everyone has a sob story. I was constantly miserable over women due to being a giant afc who chased them away by being a needy, clingy wuss, then was destroyed and barely wanted to live anymore after one would leave, because the woman I had was how I defined my life. Being tall is no immunity against being miserable. I would make a woman everything, then she'd leave and I'd have nothing. That is the afc story. My wife cheated on me, then divorced me against my begging, and told me she was now only attracted to short, dark, Indian men who dance - the type of guys she'd been cheating on me with. btw, you are taller than all of them.

Your stories of losing confidence all have in common you caring too much about what other people think. That's what they're really laughing at you for. That's why you are having trouble being taken seriously - you care too much; you're too worried about it. Go your own way and do what makes you happy, and if some bar idiots laugh at you, who cares? Fvck'em. As soon as they saw that you didn't care, they'd stop laughing, because then it would not be funny any more.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2006
Reaction score

When a guy comes and post about getting hookers "which we all can get fairly easily"

You know that the end of this webiste has come near


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
That is the afc story. My wife cheated on me, then divorced me against my begging, and told me she was now only attracted to short, dark, Indian men who dance - the type of guys she'd been cheating on me with. btw, you are taller than all of them.

Why does this never ever sink into Wutang and MM heads? Is it some kind of mental block they have or what?

Your stories of losing confidence all have in common you caring too much about what other people think. That's what they're really laughing at you for. That's why you are having trouble being taken seriously - you care too much; you're too worried about it. Go your own way and do what makes you happy, and if some bar idiots laugh at you, who cares? Fvck'em. As soon as they saw that you didn't care, they'd stop laughing, because then it would not be funny any more.
This is totally on the mark. People will always be jealous and try to ****block you by getting inside your head. And if you let them it will only make them do it more. Wutang says girls tell him he's cute and too short. It's not his height it's his attitude he is conveying. This is feedback to do something different that isn't so "cute".
May 23, 2006
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wutangfinancial said:
See, none of that's ever happened to you, Bible Belt. Looking at Sywalker's pics, he would have to be a very succesfull, charismatic businessman to have a shot with an hb6......I'm not surprised he's still a virgin. I think he got screwed by genetics.
Ok, I feel I need to put things into perspective again. I think my posts may have been a bit too negative, so I have to balance them off with some positive before this decends into madness.

I'm not ugly enough not to get pity-sex from a random stranger if I cry virgin for a prolong period of time (this is not any official game and I don't do this unless I consider myself a certified INCEL - and the certification is a lenthy beaucratic documentation of 'registered rejections'). The last time I was a true certified INCEL was in November, 2006. Thus, this was tested online Nov/06, where I did get four prospects from adultfriendfinder who were prepared to meet me and deflower me out of my virginity.

I connected with one of the four that I felt was the greatest 'sexual chemistry' and at the end of the day as my dad distracted me with an offer of his other female friend, which I just closed the case since the month ended and so did the mission to get deflowered along with it. There is no need to replicate further test of boundaries.

The thing is not with trying to find pity-sex but - it's meeting people online for purposes of dating who are born-again Christians and also likely to be virgins too. For the most part, I do not believe people online are of my faith background, so I'm sticking mainly with the church in Yonge Adult groups or churches.

The problem I have there has nothing to do with what I'm doing for a living, but it seems integrating socially or being at ease talking with people in the group....which requires a degree of extroversion...I'm constantly looking of ways to challenge my comfort zone within these groups, but there are always guys around most girls chatting them up, so it's a bit difficult there.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
I I can't believe you fly a plane, yet you are scared of girls. I would be a lot more scared of flying with you than I am of girls. Flying is dangerous; talking to girls is not. If we are flying and the plane's engine goes out, are you going to start making excuses as to why you might as well just give up?
Just food for thought. Mystery states that there are two hard-wired fears that guys have concerning girls, and they both deal with approaching.

1) Approaching a girl. (could be taken)

Explanation: In caveman days, if you took a girl who was taken by a high-ranking member of the closed society, you could end up killed by those members as they beat you to death. Since you don't know if she's taken or not, there is a bit of a death-risk.

2) Being rejected by a girl. (other girls could reject you if she does)

Explanation: In a closed caveman society, there may be 3-4 available girls. If one of those girls rejected you and word got around that you were not pre-selected, the other 3 girls would also reject you and you'd never have sex and be condemned to involuntary celibacy.

These are two hard-wired attributes that are responsible for phobias relating to women.

According to Mystery, we are like an old computer that hasn't been updated to the times -- but I believe that there is some phobia behind it, and he explains that even PUA's get this phobia once in a while, and everybody has it.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
I'm constantly looking of ways to challenge my comfort zone within these groups, but there are always guys around most girls chatting them up, so it's a bit difficult there.
No matter where there's women there will be guys on them like flies on sh1t. You are letting these other guys cut you out without you putting up a fight. You're going to have to step in and cut them off.


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
Dude, throw that fleshlight thing out of the window right now. My so called mates wanted to play a prank on me. They bought me one because they knew I was not get any and I was spanking the monkey all the time. I didn't use it. I use to wank 3-4 times a day. Now, I have decided, the only time I am gonna wank is when my **** is inside a p*ssy. And not paid sex as well. So, its been 8 days without wanking. Thats a big improvement for a guy who was addicted to masturbation.

You can't be feeling sorry for yourself that you are not getting laid. Like most ppl above me and have said, improve other aspects of ur life and the girls will come. I will add another advice. Act like your already getting tonnes of women. I am not talking about making BS up to other ppl or about talking crap. I am talking about the attitude. Force your mind to believe that you already getting women.

So, this means you have no reason to masturbate. You have no reason to be scared to talk to other girls. So even if you have been rejected 100 times, you don't give a ****. You are scoring heaps of women!! Which one would you prefer? never be rejected in ur life and bang no woman. Be rejected 1000times and bang 10 women?

Conquer your mind, you will conquer anything.


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
sorry, my last post was more of a reply to the earlier posts.

I'm constantly looking of ways to challenge my comfort zone within these groups, but there are always guys around most girls chatting them up, so it's a bit difficult there.
You should try chatting girls everyday and anywhere. And not just girls but anyone. Keep doing it till it becomes natural. Trust me, if you get good with girls outside church, you will have no issues with girls inside church. Don't worry about the other guys. As soon as you start worrying about them, you will start acting desperate.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Deadly_Assassin said:
Dude, throw that fleshlight thing out of the window right now.
No, it will be thown out the window on April 15th, 2008. (or put into the basement which is about the same thing).

Deadly_Assassin said:
My so called mates wanted to play a prank on me. They bought me one because they knew I was not get any and I was spanking the monkey all the time. I didn't use it.
That's your perogative that you don't want to use it. I purchased mine by credit card directly from the site and thought throughly about it to make sure it was morally sound (my religious beliefs forbid pre-maritial sex), and decided, hey, this is not pre-maritial sex, I cant STD from it, and testimonials (even from people who dont stand to benefit from a positive testimony) indicated that this is close to simulated sex.

Again, it addresses subconcious fears about losing your erection if having sex with a real woman, or pre-maturely ejaculating, or even if you prefer masturbating by hand to having real sex.

However, like you, I'm going to be stopping to masturbate and for the next six months, it's going to be outlawed from here.

Deadly_Assassin said:
I use to wank 3-4 times a day. Now, I have decided, the only time I am gonna wank is when my **** is inside a p*ssy. And not paid sex as well.
Well it's good that you have a sex drive. I used to wank too prior to the Fleshlight, but now the waking with the fleshlight had meant fewer orgasms since only erections strong enough to be penetrative are reinforced, weaker erections (lazy ones) wont be supported in that thing.

Using this fleshlight, I have insights into my own sexuality, and may try to get c0ckrings to see how that effects my erections, etc.... better to find out with a Fleshlight than with a real woman.

Deadly_Assassin said:
So, its been 8 days without wanking. Thats a big improvement for a guy who was addicted to masturbation.
Good, let's see if you'll hold out for six months as I'm going to try.

Deadly_Assassin said:
You can't be feeling sorry for yourself that you are not getting laid.
You mean being married. Again I'm a Christian and don't believe in pre-maritial sex. But a Fleshlight is not pre-maritial sex, it's just masturbating, and I don't see anywhere that masturbating is wrong.

Deadly_Assassin said:
Like most ppl above me and have said, improve other aspects of ur life and the girls will come. I will add another advice. Act like your already getting tonnes of women. I am not talking about making BS up to other ppl or about talking crap. I am talking about the attitude. Force your mind to believe that you already getting women. Conquer your mind, you will conquer anything.
Sure, it doesn't hurt to imagine success. But having a pity-party and being in despair could lead to a self-fullfilling prophecy as it's possible opportunities of success could be overlooked in that state of mind.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Deadly_Assassin said:
You should try chatting girls everyday and anywhere. And not just girls but anyone. Keep doing it till it becomes natural.
I'm always seeking to challenge my confort zones EVERYWHERE, however, that being said:

The thing is, it's difficult for me to cold approach and chat up strangers I don't know. The church I know people in common so there is a social context. The irony is, that going to church and chatting with people in a positive social environment would more likely help me approach people anywhere....but even in a place as safe as church seems to have it's own set of issues.

The only time it's safe to talk to a stranger is if she's already showing some sort of interest towards you or is a service clerk that's paid to be nice, otherwise I cant understand how it would be easier for me to chat up strangers to gain confidence to chat up people I know in common when it's supposed to be the other way around.

Deadly_Assassin said:
Trust me, if you get good with girls outside church, you will have no issues with girls inside church. Don't worry about the other guys. As soon as you start worrying about them, you will start acting desperate.
I know I'm not supposed to worry about the other guys - but again your milage can only go to as much confidence you have in the tank.