Had date last night couldnt pull her.

Aug 28, 2015
Reaction score
It went alright met at dnb and teased, kinoed etc... She was not fully into me i could tell but was compliant and going along with it. After we played games i said we can watch a movie she seemed cool about it. Alot of making out quick sessions she let me grab and slap her ass. We went to the movie store then she started questioning me and was saying she has to draw the line. (emotional momentum went down) i tried to say let's grab ice cream or a snack i mean we were down the street from my house. She would not budge, she said i was pushy. How do you try to pull her but then go back if she doesn't comply?? Also frustrated me when she said the next date i want you to take me to a nice place i dont like mcdonalds. I want to smash it how do i proceed text tomorrow and just try to get a date setup?


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Why the Fvck are you taking chicks to expensive places like dnb on a first date??

Drinks only...

Why was she like this? Oh, I dunno maybe it could be because you came off like you were so excited to be around a woman you had to do like 50 things with her that night all at once, because that is how it's sounding from reading it so I can only imagine what it was like in person...

Now you've squarely put yourself in the "provider" role and she is already expecting you to take her to a "nice place" next time. Good luck...you'll be working overtime for that pvssy if you even get it at all...


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2014
Reaction score
Turns out Trump's post on a different thread applies to you too. Quit trying to buy the ass, its AFC.
If you're already kissing and no one is saying good night, logical next step is your crib without having to explain sheet. Who cares about next date when we can do it all on this date?

It seems like a lot of guys need friends more than they need sex from a woman.
They will not fall in love with you over text. They will fall in love with you over sex.
I think she wants to have good sex with a man but can't find a guy willing to make a hard move. How does one girl, who you haven't had sex with, make your head spin? How do you guys survive in real life?
Try to have sex with her..
Aug 28, 2015
Reaction score
I only.bought her a drink THATS it. She bought a card played games. I was trying to give.her emotional fun time so shed come over. I told her i dont wine and dine.

I offered pool.by my house she said too far so i selected dave and busters.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 17, 2016
Reaction score
Find a lower quality girl..I agree with others advice,this ones gonna make you have to pay for that ass,I've known some pretty slutty girls and even they wouldn't give it up first date. I personally wouldn't and don't sleep with a girl who gives it up that easy on date zero.
Aug 28, 2015
Reaction score
She left another guy to dance with me and i kinda had to work to get her.number and date too. What should i do for next date?


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
It went alright met at dnb and teased, kinoed etc... She was not fully into me i could tell but was compliant and going along with it. After we played games i said we can watch a movie she seemed cool about it. Alot of making out quick sessions she let me grab and slap her ass. We went to the movie store then she started questioning me and was saying she has to draw the line. (emotional momentum went down) i tried to say let's grab ice cream or a snack i mean we were down the street from my house. She would not budge, she said i was pushy. How do you try to pull her but then go back if she doesn't comply?? Also frustrated me when she said the next date i want you to take me to a nice place i dont like mcdonalds. I want to smash it how do i proceed text tomorrow and just try to get a date setup?
Dont even attempt the lay or house pull on date 1 until you have enough experience to know the signs of DTF.

Some of these are:
Initiating the Kino
Leaning into you
Prolonged eye contact

Otherwise go for lays on date 2s


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2012
Reaction score
Personally, I believe your first date should of been more about ACTION! Dinner and movie is better with someone that you've actually been dating a little while. Women are experts at sitting around and talking... You need to get them outside their bubble by doing things. Such as, Bowling, Hiking, Swimming, Walk in the park, Bike ride ect. The focus should be on fun, not sitting around talking and being bored.

Second, it sounds like she aint that interested. If she really likes you, she will go along with whatever you have planned out. Also, if a girl puts out on the first date, she is probably a slvt. And if your seeking something long term you gotta screen these chicks to find one that meets your standards. Good Luck!


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2016
Reaction score
She left another guy to dance with me and i kinda had to work to get her.number and date too. What should i do for next date?
Say what? You're really going to go on another date with her after she pretty much DEMANDED that you take her somewhere nice to eat? So you think it's cool for her to make demands after the b*tchy way she ended the first night? Are you really sure that you want to bother? If there is a next time, I say it should be either at her crib or yours. Nowhere else unless she's paying after saying some trash like that.

SInce you've made your mind up though...You have to take the reins back somehow because she's driving this wagon currently. You should do this way before you go on this Second Date though. Otherwise she'll continue to get physical enough to keep you interested, ultimately not go all the way when it's crunch time while telling you again what lines she needs to draw, and then start the drill all over again by telling you afterward where she wants to go for the Third Date or First Shopping Trip.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
if you could bang her on the first date then you wouldn't have needed anything fancier than "lets get some drinks" as a date.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2016
Reaction score
Dude you did fine. You hit last minute resistance and need to qualify her and build more comfort. She wants to know you see her as worthy of dating and not some hoe you just bang and forget. A movie at your place screams sex, so find a less intimidating excuse to get her there. She's dtf, just needs an excuse. You offer to cook this girl dinner at your place and mix in some wine and you're getting laid. Or try the old " I think my roommates having an after party... oh whoops canceled."