Had a date last night and......


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score
BetterCallSaul said:
I don't entirely subscribe to the philosophy of no fap. Ok, if you want to blow a huge load on her, sure that can work. But just getting through life? I don't think it's such a great idea.

I think it would be more accurate to say 'stop fapping by watching porn'. Yes, stopping the porn consumption can be good and if you fap, do it the natural way by using your own mental imagery. Maybe it was some hot chick you spoke with yesterday and liked the shape of her a$$. Before the internet (yes, some of you younger guys there used to be a time when there was no internet) and also being a horny teen, I needed some outlet when not having a g/f.

I can distinctly remember back then that even the littlest things about some of the hot chicks in school would be enough to get me off....the way her butt looked in those jeans, maybe she bent over and I saw some cleavage, maybe I got close enough to one of them to put her butt up against me. Whatever it was, it worked just fine and I didn't need porn from magazines even.
...and I wish it was still like that. Many countries around the world (from China, Botswana, Sri Lanka and even liberal countries like Iceland :D ) have already banned this society poisoning tool that was created by liberals. I think it should also be banned in US and Europe. You are so lucky that you grew up in a generation without porn!