i met a girl off facebook just now, first date, cool date, i took her to a rooftop of a building on campus, should have kiss closed there but missed my chance, then we walked back to the lifts i kissed her there while waiting for the lift, then i pulled away mid kiss as the lift behind us opened (i don't know why i did that, just instinct).. i think that ruined the moment for her, cos when we got into the lifts i went in for a kiss again and she kinda pulled away slightly, as in not as receptive. i tried again a couple times on the walk back to hers and she seemed more reluctant. outside hers for kiss goodbye she moved her face to the side.. but i went for the lips still. this is not good signs. i think she didn't enjoy or feel anything from the kiss.
can i recover from this some how? i'm not sure how long i should wait before i contact her again and arrange a date. maybe i shouldn't offer date straight away, and maybe 1 text of chit chat.
can i recover from this some how? i'm not sure how long i should wait before i contact her again and arrange a date. maybe i shouldn't offer date straight away, and maybe 1 text of chit chat.