This post is one example of the pitfalls of one-way communication/lecture. No one can cover every...single...angle in each one of thier posts. This forum would read like lawyer-speak if we had to make each article perfectly logically consistent! (And who the hell likes to read laywer-speak? Yech!)
Well, if anything else, this forum proves WHY such dialect like lawyer-speak even exists at all!
Let's face it, most of the people on this forum are the type to analyze things to death (and then some!) Guys, this is LIFE, it is not physics, not calculus, not logic, not strategy! Over-analyzing things will never make you any happier.
Also, I notice that many of you will see a post and come from a presupposition that the poster is already WRONG! Look! Pook writes a post, and instead of reading it and taking what you can from it, some of you guys have to already ASSUME that he is wrong and LOOK for ways that you can tear apart the observations.
There are no theories Pook is spouting, they are just observations. If you guys actually LOOKED around in the world and TALKED to people, you would probably already know what he is saying! What, you think he is lying? How can you disagree with an observation?
Look at your friends who get lots of girls. Do they make a HABIT of sitting at home, going to the same crappy boring job every day? Or do they get out there and interact with many people?
Getting girls is not some thing that has to do with "ability-points" or shit like that. You do not build up your "Don Juan experience levels" and chicks magically come to you; just get out there, your "game" will tend to itself.
As he said in his original post, habit is the child of mindset. You have to WANT to change your habits. This does NOT mean that you need to FORCE yourself to approach chicks, (because why get into the habit of forcing yourself to do something that should be fun?) you should make it so that you genuinely WANT to.
This reasoning applies to EVERYTHING! Look, even the seductionists agree; look at juggler SexPDX's posts. You should have it in your mind that you actually WANT to interact with girls, you should WANT to show your life to other people. What is stopping you?
Your life itself?
Well, if you sit around all day playing computer games, and eating bon-bons...your life is boring, and you should not share that with anyone! If you sit on the porch all day, drinking beer and smoking blunts...your life is useless, and then what do you have to talk about? If you are poor and fat and dress in rags...well, I think you get the picture...
Changing THIS is what is meant by 'self-improvement'. Changing THIS will help you on your goal to be more open, because if you have an interesting life, why would you NOT want to share it?
The main point of self-improvement is NOT GIRLS! It is making your LIFE better. You can still get hot girls whether or not you sit at home all day, or run around doing many different things...but girls cannot be everything, I have seen many people with crappy lives and HOT girlfriends that imploded when they finally broke up with the girl. Women lull men into a false sense of security sometimes, THAT is the devouring element of women.
Your insecurities?
Once you have solved your problems in the real world, it is time to solve them in the mental one. This is where the 'as you think you shall become' mantra comes in. As long as you are HONEST with yourself about your OWN problems, you will have no trouble overcoming this barrier.
Your thoughts?
Are you afriad to open up to people because you do not want to share your mind with them? Everyone has and uses thier brain, we are all thinking something. Are you busy thinking of what to say, carefully making it sound 'perfect'? Or are you simply honest, and say what is on your mind?
"But icepick, I HAVE to make up things to say...the things that I am thinking are bad things (like: I hate people, I just wanna fuck her, I wanna 'manipulate people, I wanna go play video games, etc.)"
Well, then you are going to HAVE to change your thoughts. Put yourself in a better mood. Realize the VALUE of interpersonal interaction, and people's feelings. Develop EMPATHY, and you will be able to read people's moods/emotions better. Express your, this does not mean be gushy, but don't stifle your natural actions out of fear. Act as you are going to act, and accept the consequenses. Let your mind be shaped according to your goals in the outside world.