ha ha ha ha...Shiate... AWESOME.


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2008
Reaction score
Oh ****…

Check it out, theres this local bar in my area.. Im there twice a week, and always flirt with the waitresses, they know me very well and we all get a along…anyway fastforward, I walk in there yesterday, straight after work, in a suit looking sharp.
Walk up to the bar, and a brazilian bartender walks up. HB9( Ill call her kim for privacy)

Dalton: Jesus Kim, you look rough.
Kim: You’re an *******, the first thing you say when you see me is that I look rough, not even a hi.
Dalton: (Just smiling)
Kim: Anyway I look better than yesterday when you saw me. Had a shower, and some sleep
Dalton: Brushed your teeth.
Kim: Lol
Her radio rings, her boss is calling her to wash some glasses.
Dalton: Is that your mummy calling you to take your vitamins.
Her: Lol, no shes calling to tell me she doesn’t like you.
Dalton: Why, am I the kind of guy shes always told you about.
Her: worse.
Dalton: you better run, go take your vitamins and your chocolate milk.

No this is ****ed up, im just standing by the bar chilling, making friends, and one of the plates im sopinning walks in, she see me comes up and gives me a kiss.

PLATE: why havnt you called.
Dalton: been busy.
Plate: with what (sarcastically)
Dalton: don’t be a sarcastic little *****. And if you must know, Ive been busy thinking about how cool I am.
Plate: really.
Dalton. Uhuh, you should be happy I guess that means we have something in common.
Plate: Lets get some tequila.
Dalton : Whatever.

She then orders two shots of tequila, this is when Kim walks back in. I ignore her.
We drink and then she says that she has to get going, dinner or something. We kiss( all the while kim is watching) She then leaves.

Kim: You a man *****.
Dalton: I prefer being told that I have flexible moral standards.
Kim: *****!!!!!
Dalton: Jealosy makes you nastyyyyyy!!!!111 lol.
Kim: Im not jealous, im way better than her.
Dalton: yeah I suppose, you brush your teeth twice a week.
Kim: No seriously Iam .
Dalton: Uhuh, prove it.
Kim: When.
Dalton. Today, tomorrow, NOW.
Kim: im working now.
Dalton:. Too bad, you’ll get over it.
Kim : I get off at two.
Dalton: I get OFF every hour….ha ha, (lol) so
Kim: lol, where do you live?
Dalton: I don’t trust you.
Kim: I prove that im worth it.
Dalton: Really.
Dalton: yeah I live down the road. (GIVE HER MY ADDRESS)
Kim: ill be there at 2.30.
Dalton: catch you later.( exit and go home)

2.30 comes and the door knocks, this chick was actually on time. I answer the door in my pyjamas, a bottle of vodka and a cigareete in my mouth.

Dalton: Can I help you.
Kim: Playing along. Im here to see Dalton.
Dalton: hes not here, and I close the door.
Kim( knock knock)
Dalton: you again
Kim: Can I come in.
Dalton: for what.
Kim: Blushes
Dalton. Hey look chick, if you fancy it, who am I to let you down.

She comes in, we sit, she has a smoke, start to drink. I then kiss her with vodka in my mouth.. Hah hah… fastforwar.

I grab her hand and lead her to the bedroom.

Now this is where I need your help. So im lying there and this chick is sucking my ****, Im fingering her. She then puts my fingers in her mouth. Now with out thinking after she did this I went back to fingering her.( Bear in mind she was sucking my **** and obviously got some in her mouth, can she get pregnant, if any sperm got on my fingers.???

Anyway we ****ed, fell asleep, and if shes good, shell get to see me on Saturday,.

Guys, help with above please.


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Don Juan
May 11, 2008
Reaction score
Czech Republic
Well, I don't think you should worry too much. HYPHOTETICALLY, she COULD get pregnant, but the chances are very small, about the same like you winning in lottery I'd say. I am not a biology expert or anything but we went through this stuff at school a few weeks ago pretty thoroughly and I did find some info myself as getting my gf pregnant would be the last thing I needed, so I pretty much trust what I'm going to write now.

First, of all the sperm that ended in her mouth, I suppose there was only a relatively little left when she put your finger in her mouth (she would either swallow it or spit it out, but not keep it in her mouth..). Of that amount, again only a small part got on your finger. And from that, AGAIN only a very small amount - if any at all - got into her pvssy. Chances that any of it managed to make it to the egg are extremely low. Plus biologicallly, girls are supposed to be able to get pregnant only in a couple of days in a month. Not that it was safe to **** without protection on the other days, but the chances of pregnancy are way lower, so if she wasn't in one of those good-for-pregnancy days, it helps the cause even more. Plus I am not sure about this, but I'd say that the bacteria and enzymes people have in their mouths aren't exactly what sperm would call an ideal living environment, so MAYBE it even disabled its effectivity. All of that taken into consideration...it shouldn't be a problem.

Still, if this happened to me, I'd be worried no matter what people would say :D Ask her to get herself a pregnancy test to be 100% sure.

PS: if I'm wrong in anything I said, perhaps the more educated/experienced/... guys here could correct me.

PPS: great story, congrats on that ;)