h2o's approach journal


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
h2o good see you back man.

if they were really that interested they would look at my number on caller id and call me back, right?
a guy probably would call you back, but a woman is normally too lame/wimpish to do such a thing. Think of a really really lame scared guy who over thinks everything and you have a women.

After you get off the phone her mind will be going at 100 miles an hour over thinking everything, she won't go on the caller ID and call you back, that would make her a stalker and make her look like a desperate fool.

anyway, you said you'd call some of them back :)

a couple of dates will boost your confidence no end.


Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world
gonna take a break from posting...need to get tons more experience

hey thanks for all your replies.

i called that only number i'd kept and when i told her "hi, it's h2o" she knew exactly who i was. i suggested we 'hang out' this coming weekend, and she said it's father's day weekend and was planning on spending it with her dad. i said "how about thursday," and she said she has class. so, thinking she's just making excuses, i said "you have my #?" and she's like "the one you're calling from now, on my caller id?" i'm like "yeah, gimme a call if you want to hang out sometime" and she's like "yeah, i do, okay." even though she remembered me, i know she won't call back, she wasn't too happy that i called after flaking on her 3 weeks ago...and besides that the phone convo wasn't too great. anyway, it was worth a try i guess. i also called the other girl who's number i got the other day...left her a message and my number, and suggested she call me back so we can 'hang out' this week.

i gotta realize that just because i didn't get dates or even if i did get dates and managed to screw them up by flaking, that it's not the end of the world. i'm still confident and happy. i still have my goals intact. i know what i did wrong with these past approaches, and i know not to make the same mistakes again.

1) stop putting so much emphasis on the number, close only as a last resort
2) call 2-3 days after getting the number, if she is busy and still wants to hang out, call once to follow-up (that is not being desperate)
3) on approaches, keep being relaxed, keep doing the for my own enjoyment...and don't hesitate when girl is checking me out (regardless of how bad of a day i'm having)
4) when closing, do not just get the number; instead, set a date right there; again, get the number only just in case
5) when leaving messages, do the same thing; set a specific date...not just the "let's hang out sometime," bull****
6) don't flake if i set a date...chances that she would still want to go on a date 3 weeks later after i flaked will surely be slim
7) on the approaches, build deeper, or atleast better, rapport; the same old fluff talk about school etc won't set me apart from the numerous other guys that casually hit on her
8) on approaches (this goes with the 'better rapport' bit), get her aroused somehow...get her into that sexual state or atleast definitely flirting; remember how kristine, kelsey, and jessica were aroused and in this state (the 3 girls i flaked on after setting up dates, 2 of which i tossed their numbers, because i'm a fvcking idiot)

9) though mentioned before, the best possible pickup is when she initiates eyecontact or was already checking me out...those are freebies and should be taken no matter what

even though i have learned these aformentioned things, i do feel a bit pathetic; although i actually accepted my afc ways and began to change around january/feb, i've been on this site since sept04. it will be sept05 soon, which will mean around a year that i've been improving myself, but haven't gotten any dates yet. feel free to flame/criticize/cuss me, because i honestly deserve it.

meanwhile i post on threads that relate to cold approaches, feeling like i have some experience with them, but i still have so much to learn. i don't wanna say i'm a keyboard jockey because i am doing approaches, but i just manage to fcuk up every time something good.

i think i'll refrain from posting back until i make atleast 5 solid "connections," and actually not screw them up. i'll take notes of my experiences and give an update when i get there (it may be a while - yeah, i'm just slow like that). i seriously need to get more experience. i feel really pathetic, but i deserve to because it's my fault. i know you guys have given me great advice, and i just really need apply it more often. thanks.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Re: gonna take a break from posting...need to get tons more experience

Originally posted by h2o
I think you have lots of success, even without dates. For example I had some dates but didn't have much success - I didn't learn much ecept may some phone things.

On the phone: Probably you want to start with some positive example, i.e. "Hi.. This is h2o...How are you doing blah blah ....I have been to.... recently... it was so much fun because <description of cool things feelings people>. What are you doing on Tuesday or Thursday?".

So you have to
a) advertise yourself with an example of some simple fun you had recently. You didn't have fun? Just make it up: I have been to that YYYY coffee shop and trie ZZZZ coffee.... it is was awesome! It tastes stronger than HHHH and sweeter than GGGGG ...blah blah"
b) suggest, i.e ask her about two different days, one day apart. Dont got for "weekend" - most girls reserve weekends for somebody special, and they will not give it up to you who they barely know. Even if she is not busy in weekend chances are she will say "I am busy". Go for two different weekday, one day apart - i.e. you are showing that you are busy in that day between them.
c) If she says "On tusday I watch TVand on Thursday and pet my cat" and didn't suggest any other day - thats it - you may just hang up on her "All right take it easy dont let your TV suck you into the tube much bye".
If you go for "call me back" it is bad: you know she won't cal you back, she know that too... and she sees you as an AFC cuz you were given a clear sign "not interested" but still sort of asking her out indirectly. You will save energy but cutting the convo if she is busy on two separate days and dont suggest anything.
d) if she says "busy-busy" but ask "What are you up to?" sure be ready to suggest a trip to a cafe, art gallery, stroll on the beach etc etc