Gym, Game & Girls


Don Juan
May 20, 2013
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idk if you guys have seen my previous thread here:

but i find myself in interesting situations with girls in the gym on fairly regular basis. tips, advice, or any helpful input is much appreciated.

i mentioned in that thread one that i'm working on, but there were a couple of other ones in the last few days that were interesting & kind of funny to me.

these happened on different days obviously, but both situations happened right when i was about to start my workout & needed to use the smith machine, and both were with fit blondies. strong coincidences lol

1st girl, never spoken to her, but i've seen her looking at me quite a few times, but the kind of looks that had me thinking she hated me for some reason unknown to me or she was just crazy. she's a 7.5-8 so i don't give it too much thought or attention.. anyways that day i go over to the smith machine & she's on there.

i wait a few seconds till she finishes her set to ask how many she still has, she says i can have it & takes off her towel off the bar (she was squatting) right away, i said no rush finish your sets, she goes i can do something else. she came across nice & i want to say accommodating, so i smiled & said well that makes things easier for me, thank you, smiles back says you're welcome & goes her way.

i honestly don't know exactly what to make of this interaction, but i was a little surprised she was this nice when i'd anticipated she'd be crazy or bitshy.
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Don Juan
May 20, 2013
Reaction score
2nd girl, i've spoken to her once before, a while ago. this one's a 8.5-9, very fit, competes in women's bikini/figure in NPC. the first time i talked to her, she was happy to let me work in on her smith machine, then i needed a spot when i went up to 245 on the incline press, she was more than happy to spot me, even enthusiastically cheered me on during those last few reps of a longish set. she was very easy to talk to, so i figured i might as well try to see if i can make something happen.

i tried to suggest working out together sometime so the following step i'd get her number, but she flipped hot to cold instantly.. weird, i know... whatever, i don't care, seen her around a few times after that, i mind my own business & so does she. i noticed that when other dudes tried chatting her up, she's polite/nice/whatever you want to call it, enough to makes a little bit of convo before wrapping it up & getting back to her workout. understandable to me, & i don't know if it's my own ego or reality, but she did seem to engage my convo more so than with other dudes..

anyways, fast forward to this past week. i just got in the gym, need to use smith machine (yes, again lol). she's got her towel on there, but looks like she's about to move over to another machine.

i don't say a full sentence, i just looked at her, pointed at the machine & said "done?" she goes yeah, grabs her towel, then starts convo by "hey i've met you before" with a big smile on her face, i'm like yeah i think we have. it was funny to me how a single word prompted her to start convo, & how she pretended to have sort of forgotten my name, then later in the convo she remembers the exact time frame she 1st met me & details she'd mentioned to me lol in that little chit chat i tossed in a bit of a neg just for good measure haha

i think this chick is interested but has some issues, what do you guys think ?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
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being social and being interested is a very weird line. Its up to you to push the pace and see where it goes, not wait for a response and then react. Reacting is chump mode.

that being said you have to know how to display attractive qualities, and when you can do this reasonably well any progression of interaction will probably become more fluid.

Think of it like this, you know that a nice ass/face/tits/legs gets you sprung. You have to learn how to trigger those same responses in a woman. How to do that is the whole point of learning this "game".


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2011
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1st ones being nice, 2nd ones an attenion wh0r3..

Not bein a **** bro but youre gonna get no where chasing gym chicks


Don Juan
May 20, 2013
Reaction score
Kbomb said:
being social and being interested is a very weird line. Its up to you to push the pace and see where it goes, not wait for a response and then react. Reacting is chump mode.

that being said you have to know how to display attractive qualities, and when you can do this reasonably well any progression of interaction will probably become more fluid.

Think of it like this, you know that a nice ass/face/tits/legs gets you sprung. You have to learn how to trigger those same responses in a woman. How to do that is the whole point of learning this "game".
not sure i understand what you're trying to say.. but i wasn't waiting for a response from either girl in the attraction sense, if anything i was being a bit aloof.
as for displaying the attractive qualities, i agree with that completely.


Don Juan
May 20, 2013
Reaction score
dutchmaster said:
1st ones being nice, 2nd ones an attenion wh0r3..

Not bein a **** bro but youre gonna get no where chasing gym chicks
1st part, i agree it's possible that it's just what you said.

2nd part, idk where you got that impression, but if you read the situations i described you'll notice i wasn't chasing any of them really.

but putting that aside, what makes you say you will get no where with gym chicks ? has that been your personal experience ? because i've seen guys pick up chicks regardless of the setting.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
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insomniac9 said:
1st part, i agree it's possible that it's just what you said.

2nd part, idk where you got that impression, but if you read the situations i described you'll notice i wasn't chasing any of them really.

but putting that aside, what makes you say you will get no where with gym chicks ? has that been your personal experience ? because i've seen guys pick up chicks regardless of the setting.
because 95% of good looking chicks who hit the gym regularly have their **** together and a boyfriend and are going their to workout not get hit on by guys. some for them. they dress like a slut then its game on


Don Juan
May 20, 2013
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captain55 said:
because 95% of good looking chicks who hit the gym regularly have their **** together and a boyfriend and are going their to workout not get hit on by guys. some for them. they dress like a slut then its game on
while i do agree that some girls are in gyms so that they can be hit on by guys, get dates & such, i disagree on that arbitrary number of 95% & the description you associated with it. i believe that this is something that will vary to a great extent based on the location/area and its demographics, & on the age of a given woman as well.

also, the correlation of fit good looking women with having their sh!t together & having a boyfriend... through my own observations & the experiences of a couple of good friends irl, i'd say that is the exception to the rule, at least in the age group of girls i'd be interested in. these women are just as insecure & aware of their own flaws as much as their non-fit counter parts, if not even more so.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2013
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Not to brag, but I can tell that pretty much every girl at the gym gets wet when I work out in my tank. That's because 95% of the other guys there are chumps who makes no progress, they see me as some kind of a god because next to these 5'11 150 lbs 12" arms guys I look like Ronnie Coleman. I got overtly hit on several times the last few months, there was a 25 year old brazilian chick who had a ripped body and silicone t1ts approach me and I showed that I wasn't interested. Why? Because I work out 4 times a week and the gym is 100 feet from my appartment. There's no point hitting/gaming girls there because you will meet these girls AGAIN and it will create drama. I don't want to change gym.

I already yelled out a few guys there who stole my barbells, and every time I see them I feel the tension in the air. It ruins the mood. I can't imagine how it feels having a girl I pumped and dumped stalking me at the gym. :D

You have 3 choices:
1. Granted you have a good looking body, go sarge for every girl there but do it subtly so the other chicks wont see you hitting on everything that moves.
2. Go to another gym, not your regular one, and sarge there.
3. Focus on your workout instead of girls. I see too many skinny kids and old men at the gym who makes no progress, since all they do is drool with envy over guys bigger than them and stare at girls butts. Do some working out instead. If you want to hit on girls, do it somewhere else.


Don Juan
May 20, 2013
Reaction score
i was looking at other thread about talking to a girl & her bf showing up, i had something similar happen to me once. i was at the gym, towards the end of my workout.

there's this guy that i'd seen before at the gym, exchanged a friendly nod or a "hey, how you doin" with him. this time he was training with what seemed like his girlfriend, a light/fair skinned bruenette, no makeup at all or at least none that i could notice, very cute face, & the right curves in all the right places, a 8.5-9 imo. they come to use the other side of the cable station i was using. exchange of hellos, then it easily (& unintentionally on my part) into a conversation, all while the bf was there, looking & listening.

the girl was pretty engaging, asking where i'm from, trying to relate my background to my look, i reciprocate & ask where she's from etc. this happened a few months ago, but i do remember getting a strong attraction vibe from the girl, the most notable things being that she stopped herself literally millimeters short of squeezing my arms, then she says "i want arms like that", i replied "you want arms fit for a guy on your body?" with a grin on my face because i understand that's code language meaning she wants the guy with arms like this ;) lol's followed.

i thought that if i tried to push it further with the girl, it'd be no-go just because the guy is standing there, even though he was probably intimidated to start sh!t with me. i asked a friend who'd done well with gym pick up situations & he said she's 100% DTF & advised that i make a move any time i spot her without him.


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
It doesn't seem like much to me with the exception of the last girl trying to grab at your arms. It reminds me of this night I went to a friend's house to watch boxing. Later in the night a friend of his shows up with I would say a 6 because of age and immediately noticed that she was trying to engage me the whole night. I left it alone, but once I said I was leaving she immediately insisted that she move his car to get out of my way. He refuses, but after a few minutes of them going back and fourth she finally gets her way.

As we are heading to the exit she immediately starts conversing with me, asking where I'm from. How do I know the host, etc. And during the conversation she started rubbing my right bicep (I immediately knew that I could bang this chick if I really wanted to or so I think), her date comes and the situation becomes a little awkward since she still rubbing and he see's it. He immediately gives her a look and she immediately has the oh **** look.

I begin with the jokes to disengage the situation and say my good byes. Outside she again starts talking and immediately asks me what's up. I politely decline her advance, get in my car and go home. But yes anytime a chick starts rubbing your arm, or chest and doesn't really know you. Pretty strong indication she is turned on by you.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2011
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insomniac9 said:
1st part, i agree it's possible that it's just what you said.

2nd part, idk where you got that impression, but if you read the situations i described you'll notice i wasn't chasing any of them really.

but putting that aside, what makes you say you will get no where with gym chicks ? has that been your personal experience ? because i've seen guys pick up chicks regardless of the setting.
competes in women's bikini/figure in NPC talks to other guys, goes cold as soon as you show interest. All signs of an attention seeking woman.

You say you aren't chasing but here you are online posting about it (showing investment). So whether you think you are or not, your actions speak other wise. which she can probably see in your body language when you talk.

Ive never tried hitting on chicks at the gym, I go there to lift. Don't get me wrong I enjoy the sights and attention from women at the gym, but I wouldnt bother approaching one unless she makes it obvious. They're there for the same reason, just 2 lift.