Guys with money-confidence.


Mar 12, 2011
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ChargingRhino said:
Then she did say something interesting. She said, "There is something called money confidence that alot of rich guys have. They walk differently, they have a different way they carry themselves. Now THAT'S a turn on."

I thought I'd post this and see what other DJ's think.

Thought I'd post this on this forum and
Confidence is confidence, whether is comes from money, tv, music, or family. The confidence she is talking about must be from guys who have created wealth themselves and are well known and liked throughout the community. There is a different mentaility that comes from winning the lottery and being rich, and working, sweating, learning, arguing, fighting, expanding your business, and being rich.

Confidence comes from learning, doing, self reliance. People have to get the feeling that even if you're rich and lose it all, you have enough confidence to do it all again. That is sexy.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Confidence without money can come from living a poor life, then having a bunch of money drop in your lap, only to realize that it did not make you any happier than you were before. (I promise.)

Everyone has needs - physical, emotional, and yes, material. But once you figure out what those needs are, anything beyond that is a waste of time. People slave their lives away to get just a little more money, but that extra money will never make any real difference in regard to meeting their needs in life.


Jul 30, 2003
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confidence is one thing but if u aint got the clout to back it up then your only getting the short cheese and never amount to ****. its like the broke ass bum whos happy with life its an oxymoron yeah you might be confident but at the end of the day its a bad look when your bank account says zero


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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ive known guys with no money who attracted tons of women and got them to pay for them and give them sex, and ive known guys who are making six figures and still cant talk to women, so it all really depends on the person.

when i worked in retail, i knew a 17 year old kid who would get picked up by all the time by different older women during his lunch break who would take him out to eat, and then he would **** them in the car in the back of the parking lot before he came back inside for work, and he was broke as **** but he was an alpha male who women were drawn to. i knew another guy who was similar to van wilder, he was broke as **** and lived in his gfs room, he would sleep all day while she went to work, then she would come home and bring him food and clothing she had just bought for him, and then he would eat and get dressed and go out partying and ****ing other women every single night. on the flipside i see guys at work who are making 6 figures but look like **** and are too afraid to even look at a woman. i dont really know what to say here to be honest, just to do the best you can with what you have, but whatever you do just dont stop trying to improve yourself.


Apr 9, 2010
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She said she doesn't like men who flaunt their money. She didn't say it's a turn off if a man has money to support himself. There's a difference between a person who is stupid and a person who is wise when it comes to possessing money and other goods.