Guys with money and women


Oct 22, 2006
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SilverProphet said:
You lose money by chasing girls. But you never lose girls if you chase money. Getting rich is the only way to go. Money in the bank will never dissappear.
the fool and his money are soon parted.


Apr 27, 2006
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Should a girl want you because you have good abs? I call that a *****. If a girl wants you because you are tops I call that classy. That girl probably would prefer a nice romantic meal at a classy restaurant over beer and screwing on some football players dorm bed.

Having more money than the guys around you is what it is all about. Just the confidence that it gives you is worth it. I was reading where the dude that checks you out at Costco makes around $15 an hour!!! If you take those dollars to the former Soviet Union you are KING. Stay in America and you are a chump fighting for a fat older woman who will let you see her panties. I know I am redundant, but American guys just plain baffle me.

Having a Hummer in America means nothing. Who doesn't drive one of those? It seems like every suburban American home has a nice luxury SUV parked outside. Even in the friendly Baltic countries of Lativa and Lithuania a doctor makes less than $700 a month. Which always makes me wonder, "Who is driving all the Hummers you see in Riga these days." I don't think I want to know.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2007
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NSUballer said:
well when youre in college and play football theres no time for a job. personally i like to pay all my bills like the rent,lights,water,cable/internet. and then theres food and gas. this stuff costs money and doesnt leave much for dates or whatever. girls dont care as much about whether or not a college football player has lots of money i find. lucky for me im a good lookin SOB or most girls wouldnt give me the time of day
i bet there are lots of college footbal players are ugly and not rich but still get girls...using personality etc. who college its a different ball game..btw how hot are these women were talking about..groupies is a different story


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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Vypros said:
How can you possibly improve your skill in an area when you don't respect your opponent?
I respect their nature. Just as I would a bear or a crocodile or any other of god's creatures, but that's about it.

Yes, I do make exceptions for special women. But this is my attitude towards most of them.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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Raikojo17 said:
the fool and his money are soon parted.
That applies to morons who have money by a stroke of luck. Not to sharp business men who have made millions from nothing.

Get your quotes in the right context.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2005
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Сиби́рь Sub-ArtiC
Why is that women care about money so much? If a girl is cute, we get along, fun personality, and has morals she could live in a trailer park I wouldn't care. I expect nothing financially from a girl. Having money to buy the latest technological toys is pretty cool and will spike your happiness for a short period of time but you'll always end back at that base level of happiness you were at before.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
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I would definately travel to teh Soviet Union for a good time. But I'm smart enough to know to keep them there. To bring a hot girl from there here is unrealistic. If you marry a girl from the Soviet Union, it takes her just a few months to realize her $15 an hour husband is no hotshot here. In fact he is laughed at. We all know most hot women want the best guys they can get in their environment.

One guy wrote a really good article about that. He used the analogy that the foreign women begin to look out the car window(of her American husband) and begins to compare what her man drives with everyone else. Pretty soon, a girl who would have been impressed with a used Hundai back in her country(because few people she knows actually has a car),begins to get used to her new world and realizes not only does everyone here have a car. But many are driving high end cars. She looks at who is inside and sees a man with a very average looking girl and quickly learns she can upgrade.

My uncle is an immigration attorney in NYC and he and his collegues agree going on vacation and having a great times with these girls are fun. But for marriage to the average American guy, the success rate is very small. He says the government really does not show the reality of failures. A lot of those sweet women become worse than American women once they are here and guy with big incomes are no longer in short supply.

He says beautiful Eastern European women are most likely to change once here out of every other culture. Filippinas least likely to change.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
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New Orleans
Man you reek of insecurity. Your name is NSUballer. You're constantly telling everyone you're an athlete, and how good-looking you are. Have you ever considered that a lot of ppl are in the same boat as you but have no need to show off about it? Plus being an athlete isn't especially difficult...especially in such a meat-headed game like american football. And I'm willing to bet you're not actually that good my experience, every single guy bar none who verbally states they are 'good looking' really isn't.

Just quit the embarass yourself when you brag....and girls hate it.

Actually my self confidence is through the roof at the moment. And to say being a D1 college football player shows you know nothing about american football. Its one of the most physically and mentally demanding sports in the world. I didnt really know that I could "show off" on an internet forum. Im just being truthful. And i KNOW im goof lookin because i cant seem to go anywhere and not get at least some attention from girls. Some flat out tell me "youre hot". And my standards are VERY high because of this. Not bragging just confident in my looks, which is somethin alot of guys arent. And Im willing to bet you couldnt hang with me on a football field. Again not bragging just being truthful. And from personal experience being a college football player is intriging for lots of hot women.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
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manchester UK
NSUballer said:
And i KNOW im goof lookin .
lol...real smooth.

Couldn't hang with you on a football field? Mate I played for Manchester City in my teens....and thats REAL football...not that watered-down version of rugby that you meat heads play. Real football takes strength, skill, imagination, intelligence and teamwork, whereas American football takes only they wear pads...pvssies.

True story. I visited the US this summer to coach football (soccer) and this guy who was supposedly one of the best soccer players AND athletes in general in the state of Washington invited me to play a game with his team. Typical meat head jock, muscles upon muscles, big, dumb....same with all his friends...whereas I'm a lean 6'1, 175. These guys were taking the piss outa me before we we we started playing it wasn't even funny how much better I was than these guys, I actually nutmegged this guy three times in the match....felt a little embarassed for him actually. And this was one of the best in the state.

Just shows that meat head jocks can't really play games that require skill. A proper sportsman (like me) doesn't walk around with a ridiculous jersey that says what team I play for, plus I don't make it my screen name, even though I've played sport at a higher level than you. Seriously....stop bragging....there will always be someone better than you.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2007
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I chase girls with money.. yea.. im a bum.. but the girl doesn't have to know that :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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sparky0000 said:
Having more money than the guys around you is what it is all about.

Having a Hummer in America means nothing.
The monthly amount on my car and house alone is $5000/mo. Car is $1000 (including everything), house is $4000. Add to that taxes and living expenses. Not everybody can afford that. Requires at least a six figure salary. Not to mention I have other things, nice clothes, etc. I make $20k/month. I'm 25. And again, girls don't care. I would say the only thing they care about is if you look rich (as in how you personally look - your clothes and physical appearance), not if you are rich. I sold my house because it's not necessary although I did make around 50k in it last year so I basically lived there for free.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
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New Orleans
Since you never played REAL football where you can be knocked unconscious on any given play you could never understand what REAL football is about. Theres more contact in baseball than soccer. It takes much more than strength to play football. I guess you never really watched an NFL or college football game and saw how brutal the game really is. The game is so intricate you could never understand unless you actually played on a very competitive level. LIke Division 1. And I guess you havent noticed that ALL of the BEST athletes in AMERICA DO NOT play soccer. What kind of rush do you get out of a game that RARELY has more than 5 scores. America dominates the rest of the world in athletics. If there was American football in the olympics, they would be rolling guys off on a stretcher.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
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manchester UK
NSUballer said:
Since you never played REAL football where you can be knocked unconscious on any given play you could never understand what REAL football is about. Theres more contact in baseball than soccer. It takes much more than strength to play football. I guess you never really watched an NFL or college football game and saw how brutal the game really is. The game is so intricate you could never understand unless you actually played on a very competitive level. LIke Division 1. And I guess you havent noticed that ALL of the BEST athletes in AMERICA DO NOT play soccer. What kind of rush do you get out of a game that RARELY has more than 5 scores. America dominates the rest of the world in athletics. If there was American football in the olympics, they would be rolling guys off on a stretcher. ignorant. You do realise the rest of the world apart from America understands 'real football' is soccer?

Stop trying to argue that your ridicuolus sport is better. Its only a version of another British game anyway, is the world's most popular sport, there's more money in it, the top players are better known than the top american football players, and there's far more players worldwide: NEWSFLASH: the world is bigger than America.

How does America dominate the world in athletics? They are world champions at nothing, they win sprint medals at the olympics and thats about it. Even those winners are African-American.

Face it. The world thinks American football is crap, it was only invented so the US could be the best at something...but it doesn't matter who's first when no-one else is trying does it?


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
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Every where in the United Kingdom
NSUballer said:
It seems to me that alot of girls go after guys they know have money. I mean I know all girls dont but I know some do. I mean how shallow and superficial are some girls that they will only go out with a guy that drives a nice car and has some cash to spend on her. Now dont get me wrong its ok to have a nice car and money because personally thats one of my goals in life. And its ok for a guy to spend money on a girl(only if shes really worth it)

Right now im in college and dont have alot of cash or a nice car. That will change though. And I dont have trouble meeting girls or what have ya. Thank god and my mama for my good looks though, otherwise i might be in trouble.
If your doing ok have good looks and all why do you even CARE about this topic dude, why bring such self limiting beliefs into your reality.

If you THINK this way the world around you will APPEAR this way even tho it is NOT that way.