Guys with girlfriends–Differentiating between PMS and troubles with relationship?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
Reaction score
This girl I’ve been hanging out with is right now experiencing “PMS.” We’ve never really had any trouble or uneasiness up until now, but ever since her time of the month rolled around about two days ago things have seemed really awkward between us. BAD VIBES. How can you tell when it’s just a girl's PMS that is bothering her or if there is something more seriously wrong going on?

elvis aint dead yet

Senior Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
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IF you've only known her for a few weeks, then you really don't even know the girl yet.

But if you've been with her for over a year and you two never argue or fight over anything, well my friend, I'm sorry but either she's cheating on you or your cheating on her, either way, whats the point in staying in the relationship.

While some things like constant bickering and arguing over nothing points to a relationship gone sour, a couple that never argues or fights over anything usually means one of you are cheating and don't care or one of you is just a pushover.

Just think of it this way. You argue with your own family and friends over things. WHy wouldn't you argue over things with your GF or wife?

Sometimes it might be that you two should break up, but a relationship without ever an argument usually is a relationship that lacks passion and a point.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
Reaction score
I've only known this girl for two months. Last month, during her "time of the month" she seemd to act OK (I could still tell she was PMSing) but this month she seems really distant and nothing feels right. PLEASE HELP! I need to hear from people with similar experiences.


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by otr4
I've only known this girl for two months. Last month, during her "time of the month" she seemd to act OK (I could still tell she was PMSing) but this month she seems really distant and nothing feels right. PLEASE HELP! I need to hear from people with similar experiences.
how the heck could you tell she was PMSing? Did she start yelling at you or something?


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2004
Reaction score
Sounds to me like there may be some trouble abrewin'. But, we need some details on the things she's naggin you about before we can decifer PMS or trouble in the relat. If this isn't just a combination of PMS and some other stresses in her life causing her discomfort, then she may have her mind fixated on a new guy that has caugt her attention. Facts are needed for us DJ's to be able to draw any conclusion about this particular situation first.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
Welcome to the mind of a woman...

Dude... trying to understand, or interpret their feelings, is close to impossible.... remember this... how they feel, chances are, isn't what you think it is, and visa versa. You may think there's something wrong with the relationship, in turn, you get all afcish, and it just fuels her hatred. :) ..u see? ...chances are, shes' probably feeling like crap, and with you there drilling her about the relationship, she just may result to murder.

Best just to stay away.. get together with the homies for a few days.... call her if you want.... invite her out with you... but if she's wiggin, let her simmer in it.. by herself. ;)
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Don't believe in that "I have a bad *****y attitude because of PMS" - that is a crock of shyt that has been implanted in the minds of men in the last 30 years!! Women didn't have this 'pms syndrome' for thousands of years - they would have been smitten and given a severe tongue lashing if they would have blamed their ill behavior on their vagina!! This is an excuse of the modern day woman to blame her bad attitude on a non-issue.

This is a modern day phenomena that has arisen with the hor mindset of the last 30 years - another attempt by women to try to get their way by focusing on their pvssy. Same escuse isused after pregnancy!! For thousands of years women have been giving birth and still maintaining the household without complaints, all of sudden the modern day ho with the lazy hor mindset can't get off her ass after a two month rest period and she starts demanding that the man gives her a hand - if anything I'll give her a backhand!!

Don't believe that her vagina is the cause of her bad attitude or changed behavior - you will be a fool to listen to such feminist dribble!! Her period has absolutely no affect on how she should respect or behave around you!

It is something else!


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Don't believe in that "I have a bad *****y attitude because of PMS" - that is a crock of shyt that has been implanted in the minds of men in the last 30 years!! Women didn't have this 'pms syndrome' for thousands of years - they would have been smitten and given a severe tongue lashing if they would have blamed their ill behavior on their vagina!! This is an excuse of the modern day woman to blame her bad attitude on a non-issue.

This is a modern day phenomena that has arisen with the hor mindset of the last 30 years - another attempt by women to try to get their way by focusing on their pvssy. Same escuse isused after pregnancy!! For thousands of years women have been giving birth and still maintaining the household without complaints, all of sudden the modern day ho with the lazy hor mindset can't get off her ass after a two month rest period and she starts demanding that the man gives her a hand - if anything I'll give her a backhand!!

Don't believe that her vagina is the cause of her bad attitude or changed behavior - you will be a fool to listen to such feminist dribble!! Her period has absolutely no affect on how she should respect or behave around you!

It is something else!
Exactly, I've always beena firm believer that PMS, is not an excuse to trip out on people... and don't tell me this, 'I wish you can feel it just once.' crap.. I don't want to feel it, I can give a rats a$$ what it feels like. It probably hurts like a mother.