Guys who steal sum1's GF


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
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Maybe my first opinion is flawed. Cause it is up to the girl whether she cheats or not. But, a person who does the know the game can manipulate her to cheat. So, who is most likely to be blamed? The guy just doin his thing or the b!tch who ended up being unfaithfull? Now, I may be realizing its not the guys fault but, the girls for cheating....



Don Juan
Apr 3, 2007
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Yeah i pretty much just read the first post and i gotta say i agree with the original poster. I've let too many good opportunites go to waste because i didnt want to take another guys girl. The way i see it; you only live once and that if you just want to have fun with the girl and know that you can kick her bf's ass then go ahead. Just make sure not to be too serious with her because she will probably cheat on your ass as well. Trust me guys; i let some good pu$$y go to waste because i wanted to be a "good" guy.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2007
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You know as kids we heard about santa claus and presents and stuff? Now that was articulated by our parents and our society. They knew the truth...

nothing like that exists! And what happened..? one day you realize sheesh that was all made up! Similarly, The society taught us 'love' 'romance' and all

the nice and warm things about man-woman 'unconditional' relationships through media. The truth is that doesn't really exist either and that something that you come to know about through experience.
In fact that is something that part of the society still thinks is true!! ironic.

The good thing is once you've been through all of that, its a great relief to remove your rose colored goggles and taste 'reality' as it is.. something that

is clear, transparent and free of all the illusions that made you the insecure AFC in the first place.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
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Los Angeles
I've stolen girlfriends, I also slept with some dude's wife and his sister

to me, beyond the instant gratification of sex and the braggin rights you get in the male community, it's all stupid and unnecessary

if the sex is a one night stand, it'll probably stay discrete with no consequences for you but if it's repeated, it's guaranteed drama. and if you got game, why bring drama into your life? drama meaning a woman who isn't assertive enough to get out of relationship that doesn't do it for her and is gonna go creeping instead. plus the insecure boyfriend who's so damn attached, he's gonna go apesh!t after he finds out

I guess I could understand the appeal in doing something you never did before, but in retrospect there are plenty of single women who are better lays and not "damaged". and if you're in it for the challenge, single women are harder to game


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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East Chicago
I.A.F.Y.B. said:
Maybe my first opinion is flawed. Cause it is up to the girl whether she cheats or not. But, a person who does the know the game can manipulate her to cheat. So, who is most likely to be blamed? The guy just doin his thing or the b!tch who ended up being unfaithfull? Now, I may be realizing its not the guys fault but, the girls for cheating....

Why is there always a need to blame somebody? Why cant you just say f*** it and move on? Manipulation can only go so far, in fact I wouldn't say he manipulated the girl at all. He just knows how to make a good deal. It's still ultimately the girls decision to do it. I'm not saying it's good, I'm not saying it's bad either. But I am sayin it is what it is.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
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BlackJackal said:
Why is there always a need to blame somebody? Why cant you just say f*** it and move on? Manipulation can only go so far, in fact I wouldn't say he manipulated the girl at all. He just knows how to make a good deal. It's still ultimately the girls decision to do it. I'm not saying it's good, I'm not saying it's bad either. But I am sayin it is what it is.



Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
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ready123 said:
and if you're in it for the challenge, single women are harder to game
what s your definition of "game" in this case? flirting, #-closing, kissing, fvcking?

on first thought i wanted to say, no, single women are LESS of a challenge, but now that i thought about it more i guess i can see where you comin from...

still, i d like to know your rationale behind that assertion


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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LOL where do the single women gather? I haven't been able to find any. BTW I'm only talk about thin and cute single women that don't have kids.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2003
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Fort Bragg, North Carolina
i'm actually a firm believer in stealing girlfriends, it's like the next "challenge", plus no strings attached!

I'm down with O.P.P. (other people's pvssy)


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
drak_ool said:
what s your definition of "game" in this case? flirting, #-closing, kissing, fvcking?

on first thought i wanted to say, no, single women are LESS of a challenge, but now that i thought about it more i guess i can see where you comin from...

still, i d like to know your rationale behind that assertion
game to me is always sex

anyway you know how women typically cheat because they're missing something in her current relationship. boyfriend is not giving her something emotionally related, and it's been frustrating her for awhile. she's too insecure to break up with the guy so in her mind, she's stuck with this shortcoming indefinately. so subconsciously, she needs an escape and if she cheats w/ you, you're her release

knowing that, all the stuff that you would usually have to do to build attraction with single women gets cut in half w/ taken women. all you gotta do is let her feel you understand her frustration and her boyfriend's deficiencies (be totally neutral though and don't try to one-up the boyfriend), convey you got whatever he boyfriend is lacking and have more value than her boyfriend, and make her feel that you're trustworthy and can be discrete

so it's easier, but the kicker is, if for some reason, you wanted to be anything more than a just an escape for her, it's probably not gonna happen. if she's been w/ her guy for a while, she might be attracted to you, but she still LOVES her boyfriend because she's invested too much time in him to admit he might've been the wrong choice


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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So she will have sex with you but not have a relationship with you? How do I tell her that I understand her frustration that she is not getting what she needs without actually telling her. You must be frustrated. Are your emotional needs not getting fulfilled.

LOL I actually said something like that, but I was able to because the topic of the lecture was relationships and we covered the different forms of intimacy. Physical, Emotional, Intellectual and Shared Activities. She mentioned that she wasn't sure her emotional needs were being fulfilled but she talks to him a lot on the phone, (he's in Hawaii BTW) I know I'm close to getting her but the proper techniques to use just don't come to me. If I don't do the right thing she's going to slip away.

I don't yet understand how to make a girl feel anything.

BTW is it a good, bad or neutral when she asks things about you? We could be having a conversation and I asked what she liked to do by herself and with her boyfriend when she goes back to Hawaii and then she turned it back on me asking what I liked to do and other stuff like that. I wasn't ready to respond and didn't say anything cool because I'm simply not used to talking about myself to girls. Usually it's all about them.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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East Chicago
ready123 said:
game to me is always sex

anyway you know how women typically cheat because they're missing something in her current relationship. boyfriend is not giving her something emotionally related, and it's been frustrating her for awhile. she's too insecure to break up with the guy so in her mind, she's stuck with this shortcoming indefinately. so subconsciously, she needs an escape and if she cheats w/ you, you're her release

knowing that, all the stuff that you would usually have to do to build attraction with single women gets cut in half w/ taken women. all you gotta do is let her feel you understand her frustration and her boyfriend's deficiencies (be totally neutral though and don't try to one-up the boyfriend), convey you got whatever he boyfriend is lacking and have more value than her boyfriend, and make her feel that you're trustworthy and can be discrete

so it's easier, but the kicker is, if for some reason, you wanted to be anything more than a just an escape for her, it's probably not gonna happen. if she's been w/ her guy for a while, she might be attracted to you, but she still LOVES her boyfriend because she's invested too much time in him to admit he might've been the wrong choice
Yup been there done that. Thats pretty much exactly how it goes.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
here's a good place for last night's LR, since there was bf drama

Last night, an ex-gf from high school calls me. We had met up on myspace. She was sh!tfaced drunk, and telling me that she was out looking for a fb, because her bf hadn't had sex with her in almost two months. I was like, "oh, neat, you and your friend and I can hang out until you find that guy."

So then we meet up, and she's of course very friendly. We went back to her place, and while her friend ran next door, I kissed her in the hallway. She only has a couch in her living room, no chairs, so the three of us were on the couch, with the ex-gf of mine in the middle. I had gone into the kitchen to throw away a beer bottle, and looked through the window as I was there to see a guy coming in. I said, "hey. Some guy is here." As I walked back into the living room, I could tell by the stunned expressions on the two girls' faces that they were not expecting this guy. I realize that he is the bf before I sit down next to his girl, but there's no place else for me to sit! So I just plop down on the couch next to his gf. They introduced us, and I tried to be friendly and non-chalant.

Here's where the bf blew it. If he had acted happy to see me, and started laughing and having a good time like it had not occurred to him to be jealous, then I would have finished my beer and left, and it would have been him sleeping with his gf last night, not me. But instead he blows up like a little girl, and stomps off for them to have a fight in the next room before he stomps out of the house and leaves.

Another funny thing, he calls to continue the fight, and the girl I had just kissed and who had told me that she was looking to get laid that night starts playing the "I can't believe you don't trust me" game. She kept saying that, and acted mad that he didn't trust her. I was laughing to myself during their conversation, making a mental note to never believe that line when a girl gives it to me.

Later, after we dropped off her friend and went back to her place, she walked straight into the bedroom, stripped naked, and got into bed - no asd whatsoever.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Maxtro said:
So she will have sex with you but not have a relationship with you?
nah they usually won't and are pretty loyal to the boyfriend they're cheating on. but would you really wanna be in a relationship w/ a girl that creeps around anyway?

Maxtro said:
BTW is it a good, bad or neutral when she asks things about you?
it's good if she's jocking you. you should know by the vibe - you should FEEL like you're being chased


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
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ready123 said:
anyway you know how women typically cheat because they're missing something in her current relationship. boyfriend is not giving her something emotionally related, and it's been frustrating her for awhile. she's too insecure to break up with the guy so in her mind, she's stuck with this shortcoming indefinately. so subconsciously, she needs an escape and if she cheats w/ you, you're her release
that s what i thought you were talking about. ya, in that case she s def less of a challenge since she is almost actively looking for a man. however there s also the girl who is emotionally and physically satisfied with her boyfriend. Now she is an almost impossible challenge. And in-between the two there is a lot of gray area, with some of these girls being more or less of a challenge based on their levels of satisfaction wit their bf


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
East Chicago
The ones that are an impossible challenge ( single or not ) are a waste of time anyway. Me personally I dont have time to deal with a woman who doesn't want me for whatever reason while I can be dealin with attractive women who do want me.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
drak_ool said:
that s what i thought you were talking about. ya, in that case she s def less of a challenge since she is almost actively looking for a man. however there s also the girl who is emotionally and physically satisfied with her boyfriend. Now she is an almost impossible challenge. And in-between the two there is a lot of gray area, with some of these girls being more or less of a challenge based on their levels of satisfaction wit their bf
yea that's true i'd say the ones who are totally satisfied and happy with their SO, there's absolutely NOTHING you can do. this is probably between 5-10% of all women in relationships. and it's a good thing because if it weren't for that 5-10%, those of us who know women probably wouldn't bother with relationships at all

and I agree w/ BlackJackal, I mack on women for sex and because of the fun they can bring. there's a point where when you're targeting a girl and she's being a total ***** that it becomes a waste of time and the more obsessed you get trying to "win" the more sociopathic you get.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
I pretty much have to steal a hot girl or be next in line when she dumps the guy because I can't find a girl above HB7 who is single for more than a week. They basically run through men like pieces of gum in a pack, once one guy lost his flavor they just pick up the next one whenever the hell they want it.