Guys who steal sum1's GF


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Since, there seems to be a few posts on "How to steal someone's girlfriend"

I have two opinions on guys who take someone else's girlfriend

1. You are a PLAYER HATER. You're mad at the other guys game because you don't have a fine b!tch like he does. So, you being selfish and can't work your own game and cant find your OWN woman. You gotta try to take someone elses pvssy for yourself. :cuss:


2. Now, IF the girl is coming on to you and wanting to get with you. I'd say its okay because it is her decision; your not influenceing her.

What opinions/beliefs do you guys have on this subject???

Rata Blanca

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
You can't steal something that wants to be stolen.
Are you really seducing a girl if she wants to be seduced?
Isn't she seducing you?

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
Rata Blanca said:
You can't steal something that wants to be stolen.
Are you really seducing a girl if she wants to be seduced?
Isn't she seducing you?
You remind me of that one John Lennon snl skit.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Crossville TN
There are way to many women out there to "seduce" another guys girlfriend. If you want her, at least be a man and wait for her to break up with her wussy little boyfriend. Dont be a little weisal and go around trying to steal and homewreck other peoples relationships.

That and you will probably get your ass pumeled. If any one of my buddies came in and said that this guy was attempting to steal his girlfriend behind his back i would probably jump his little ***** ass without thinking twice.

With that said, if the same buddy came in and said my girlfriend cheated on me, i would say...well i'm sorry man but you werent doing your job...and leave it at that. MEN have morals. What are you?


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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I once saw a nature documentary about some species of fish.

IIRC, there was an Alpha type male fish, who usually had a harem he protected. He would inseminate them, then go on a perimeter scaring away all other competition, other suitors from getting too close.
However, there was another male type of the same species of fish...

This was the Beta male fish.
He would sneak inside the Alpha's perimeter.


By his skin design and color.
You see, this weaker Beta fish had almost the same color and pattern as the FEMALE fish.

So when the Alpha wasn't looking, the sneaky coward Beta would sneak in and wait.
He would move a few more inches and wait...

The alpha wouldn't confront him, because he thought it was another female.

The beta would eventually get close enough to a female, mate with her before the alpha found out-which he often did- then run away before the alpha fish could get him. He had to stay inside his perimeter, because then the females would be open to approach.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Crossville TN
^^^ So in the end the Alpha male mated with a swarm of fish and the Beta male mated with one and even that required lots of work. Fish dont have the choice. We do.


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score

You guys need to understand this....... GIRLFRIENDS CHEAT. Not all, but MOST. Maybe nearly ALL.

I'm not saying that this is RIGHT. I'm just saying that it it TRUE.

Head... sand.... out.

Who are you to be unhappy with? the other guy? NO. The girl.

This has been covered here MANY times.

You can talk about morality, "seduction," "right and wrong," what one "should" and "shouldn't" do ---- all day long 'till you're blue in the face. It DOESN'T MATTER.

Women are going to do what they want. And we can't "make" them stop.

Accept the truth. Take what they offer. Expect nothing more. Love them, like them, be with them when you are with them. But don't expect them to be other than they ARE.

It's all ok.



Don Juan
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Crossville TN
Actually...if your enough of a man you can keep any women interested.

Women dont cheat b/c they are evil, wrong, ect. They cheat because your not giving them what they need.

Alot of women cheat NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE WOMEN, BUT BECAUSE YOUR ....NOT..... A MAN. Note the 99 -1 wuss man ratio of every guy alive.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
yep said:
Actually...if your enough of a man you can keep any women interested.

Women dont cheat b/c they are evil, wrong, ect. They cheat because your not giving them what they need.

Alot of women cheat NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE WOMEN, BUT BECAUSE YOUR ....NOT..... A MAN. Note the 99 -1 wuss man ratio of every guy alive.
A lot of the time this can be true but its not always true.

Sometimes you really never can give a woman what she wants always if she is the type that needs variety and something new every few months.

What I'm saying is you can be the top DJ 100% alpha male but what you can never be is a new person ie a new challenge, a new conquest, a new personality.

So I agree with aliasguy that you gotta love women but just don't expect them to be more than they are.

I believe there are 5% of women out there that are everything any man could want ie genuine, caring, kind, unselfish, loyal, exciting, smart but not overbearingly so but unfortunately the majority of us must deal with the other 95% and so aliasguy's advice becomes gospel and that is...

Love them for what they are and just don't expect too much and you'll be fine.

Play the Game

Master Don Juan
Apr 5, 2007
Reaction score
Interceptor said:
I once saw a nature documentary about some species of fish.

IIRC, there was an Alpha type male fish, who usually had a harem he protected. He would inseminate them, then go on a perimeter scaring away all other competition, other suitors from getting too close.
However, there was another male type of the same species of fish...

This was the Beta male fish.
He would sneak inside the Alpha's perimeter.


By his skin design and color.
You see, this weaker Beta fish had almost the same color and pattern as the FEMALE fish.

So when the Alpha wasn't looking, the sneaky coward Beta would sneak in and wait.
He would move a few more inches and wait...

The alpha wouldn't confront him, because he thought it was another female.

The beta would eventually get close enough to a female, mate with her before the alpha found out-which he often did- then run away before the alpha fish could get him. He had to stay inside his perimeter, because then the females would be open to approach.
What would happen if the Alpha decided to come up behind the the female looking beta and stick it where it don't belong? I'd imagine the beta would be very surprised. :D

To the OP: I can't be a playa hater. Look at my name! I live for the game!!!! I'm the definition of a player. A player is someone with no moral scrupules who knows how to manipulate people to their whims. This may include stealing somebody else's gf or dating multiple women at a time. An AFC is someone who gets a gf, lives by the honor code, and thinks his life is complete until his precious gf leaves him. You can argue morality and such, but in the end morality is a made up concept that would disappear without social influence.

The person who is jealous is the one who lacks that which he seeks. Now tell me who is it that lacks the pvssy after it has moved on or been seduced away from him?


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score

I have a t=shirt that says: "Don't hate the player, hate the game."

Most women LOVE it.

Those that DON'T, well, they don't "get" it.

And that's ok, too.



Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
East Chicago
aliasguy said:

You guys need to understand this....... GIRLFRIENDS CHEAT. Not all, but MOST. Maybe nearly ALL.

I'm not saying that this is RIGHT. I'm just saying that it it TRUE.

Head... sand.... out.

Who are you to be unhappy with? the other guy? NO. The girl.

This has been covered here MANY times.

You can talk about morality, "seduction," "right and wrong," what one "should" and "shouldn't" do ---- all day long 'till you're blue in the face. It DOESN'T MATTER.

Women are going to do what they want. And we can't "make" them stop.

Accept the truth. Take what they offer. Expect nothing more. Love them, like them, be with them when you are with them. But don't expect them to be other than they ARE.

It's all ok.

QFT. You cant control other people. Best thing you can do is know how to act if the situation ever comes about in your relationship. Thats all you can do really. It's the woman who makes the choice to giving any man the freen light. And if she didn't cheat the whole time till she met the guy she chose to cheat with, then trust me he didn't do anything that special. Obviously any other dude before him turned out to be to whack to do it with, and merely used her LTR as an excuse to turn them down.

A man can only do so much. Then again it dont take much if a woman already wants you to begin with. So that just means she was always gonna cheat. And the BF is just a casualty.(sp)


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score

Hey, yep-----

Most women don't cheat because "you're not giving them what they need." (Although, I'll admit, we most often DON'T give them what they "need.")

They cheat because they CAN.

You can do EVERYTHING "right," and she will likely still do it.

That's just the way it is.

(Most guys will "cheat" if they CAN, too.)

It's not that complicated.

Accept the truth.

All is well; let not your heart be troubled over all this.

People are people.

This is WHY I no longer extract "promises" from women.

I just don't want to put them in a position where they have to LIE to me.

Everything's GOOD this way.



Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
I.A.F.Y.B. said:
Since, there seems to be a few posts on "How to steal someone's girlfriend"

I have two opinions on guys who take someone else's girlfriend

1. You are a PLAYER HATER. You're mad at the other guys game because you don't have a fine b!tch like he does. So, you being selfish and can't work your own game and cant find your OWN woman. You gotta try to take someone elses pvssy for yourself. :cuss:


2. Now, IF the girl is coming on to you and wanting to get with you. I'd say its okay because it is her decision; your not influencing her.
when i read stuff like this i feel like we re back in the stone age. It is ALWAYS her decision! no matter how much "influence" you think you have, in the end if she doesn't want to do it, she won't do it. you can't STEAL someone's gf.

as for your definition of a "player hater" your argument is completely flawed: if "you can't work your own game" and "can't find your OWN woman" then how would it be easier for you to take "somebody else's pvssy"? it s actually HARDER, not easier, to game a chick wit a bf and you have to show BETTER game than him to snag her. So that wouldn't make you a "player hater" but a DJ...

for some reason i find a girl more attractive if she has a bf, maybe it s just that i m an a$$hole or fvucked up in the head. Also, if i found out that my gf cheated on me i would consider it her fault, not the dude's, unless he was someone who knew me or they did it in front of me


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
"Get your hands off the girl,
Can't you see that she belongs to me?
And I don't appreciate this excess company.
Though I can't satisfy all the needs she has
And so she starts to wander...
Can you blame her?"
(Weezer- Perfect Situation)

IMO a woman cheats because her BF is doing something wrong. If the BF was doing everything right, the woman wouldn't feel the need to wander...


Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Play the Game said:
What would happen if the Alpha decided to come up behind the the female looking beta and stick it where it don't belong? I'd imagine the beta would be very surprised. :D

Serves the Beta/AFC male fish right. That's the risk you run, impersonating a female......for the sake of getting some? Yeah, right!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2007
Reaction score
I.A.F.Y.B. said:
Since, there seems to be a few posts on "How to steal someone's girlfriend"

I have two opinions on guys who take someone else's girlfriend

1. You are a PLAYER HATER. You're mad at the other guys game because you don't have a fine b!tch like he does. So, you being selfish and can't work your own game and cant find your OWN woman. You gotta try to take someone elses pvssy for yourself. :cuss:


2. Now, IF the girl is coming on to you and wanting to get with you. I'd say its okay because it is her decision; your not influenceing her.

What opinions/beliefs do you guys have on this subject???
the first opinion i agree with you on. to me thats even messed up to do.

the second option is fine.

I dont agree with dudes trying to steal other peoples girls and then they dont even find the chick attractive they just do it to be cool to themselves. thats what makes me mad.


Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
aliasguy said:

You guys need to understand this....... GIRLFRIENDS CHEAT. Not all, but MOST. Maybe nearly ALL.

I'm not saying that this is RIGHT. I'm just saying that it it TRUE.

Head... sand.... out.

Who are you to be unhappy with? the other guy? NO. The girl.

This has been covered here MANY times.

You can talk about morality, "seduction," "right and wrong," what one "should" and "shouldn't" do ---- all day long 'till you're blue in the face. It DOESN'T MATTER.

Women are going to do what they want. And we can't "make" them stop.

Accept the truth. Take what they offer. Expect nothing more. Love them, like them, be with them when you are with them. But don't expect them to be other than they ARE.

It's all ok.



Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
East Chicago
Insecurity is rampant in these boards. If your girl cheats just accept the fact that you went out with a slut/ or she found someone thats better than you (in her eyes) and move on. No dude can "steal" your girl, unless he actually kidnaps the woman and raped her. Most women trade up all the time man. I've met women who turned out to have BF's and wouldn't cheat if you put a gun to their head, and I've met women with BF's that was willin to set a day to get f***ed.