Guys Who Exaggerate Field Reports


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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My girlfriend's out of town so it was boys' weekend out with some guys from a local lair as well as some of my friends who have minimal involvement with pua. They all write FR's from time to time, or simply tell me about hot chicks they've picked up.

These guys introduced me to some of the 'hot' girls they've seen/picked up in the past. They also pointed out "hot" girls to me in the bars and clubs we were at. One "hot" girl was wearing pants about three sizes too large, and had big gaps in both her lower and upper rows of teeth. Another "hot" girl had a gut so large it looked like she was hiding a bucket of fried chicken underneath her dress. I can give you a bunch of other examples.

I am starting to wonder: am I too selective or are these guys just desperate, or do they see reality in a fundamentally different way or what? I think what's happening is that these guys will focus on some aspect of a girl which is very appealing: a big bust or a nice face, and then ignore all other factors. So if a girl has a pretty face and a paunch, she's hot. I tend to go for the all around package, including her personality as well as body and face.

These are good looking guys too, who are successful in education and work. They are not loser trolls with 5,000 posts on sosuave.

It just makes me think I am being too selective, or perhaps these guys are simply more appreciative of women. I'm confused.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
It's all subjective. Don't sweat it if you're getting what you want.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
(5000 posts lol)

If you are worried about guys who brag what do you think of people who underplay their girls? You know what I mean, the guys who say "she was okay" when she would be drop dead gorgeous babe by any other man?


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2006
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thickandcreamy said:
These are good looking guys too, who are successful in education and work. They are not loser trolls with 5,000 posts on sosuave.

How 'bout 11 thousand or so posts? How Ironic.:whistle:

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
senator said:
How 'bout 11 thousand or so posts? How Ironic.:whistle:
What is it about guys with post envy. I bet you look over the partitions in men's bathrooms to compare hardware with the guy pissing next to you. :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Good point. The only thing that confuses me is this: do the guys actually think these girls are "hot?" Or, are they simply selling themselves short because of inner game issues? Like one of my friends, he is very successful in most areas of life and gets laid on a regular basis. But the last girl he picked up looked like Rosie O' Donnell and had the personality of a tranquilized farm animal.

Part of me says: "good for him." The other part of me says, "there's no possible way he considers her to be hot, he's selling himself short."

The only impact their adventures have on me is that as much as I dislike it, their standards are having an effect on my own. For the first time ever, I have seriously considered the possibility of pulling a big girl just for the adventure. Then I get repulsed. But the thought crossed my mind for what was either the first time, or the first time in an extremely long time.

Francisco d'Anconia said:
It's all subjective. Don't sweat it if you're getting what you want.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2006
Reaction score
good thread dude... 'saying it like it is' or saying things taht are you in back of your mind but would never say to a that pesron directly hehe


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
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I've seen plenty of dudes bragg about the hot chick they just met or dating. Then you see the girl and you wonder if he's joking or what!

That's why reading hos guys are all about looks and so visual makes no sense. Because would'nt we all find the same girls attractive then?

Guys are attracted to all types of women. Some guys like LARGE girls and try to call them thick and shapely,some guys are into faces,others love dark hiar or blonds or whatever and any girl with that color hair is considered hot. Guys are looks oriented. But it does'nt always mean good looks.

Most every guy has different taste and even if she's perfect some of your friends may not think she's all that, so stop trying to impress people. Remember Debra Lafavre?. the hot blond 22 year old teacher who seduced a kid. Anyway, her ex-husband was on some show and he admitted all of his groomsmen begged him not to marry her as she would ruin his life. But he let his D*** do the talking and look what happened.

IF you think she is hot that's all that matters. A girl may be hot on the outside, but have a lousy personality and make you miserable.


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2007
Reaction score
Some guys just do have lower standards. Even in a perfect society, somebodies gotta do the manual labor and work at McD's right? Who's gonna take fat uglies you won't?

I've seen it time and again as well. Not here, but I have a lot of friends who would rate a decent girl an 8.5 whereas I would prolly rate her a 6.5. Congratulations to you, if you can afford to have higher standards!