Embrace the good times while they last. I'm in my 40's and have hit a social funk of late. I've moved from previous towns and left really good social situations to so-call improve my career. Some of it has worked, some of it hasn't. This one hasn't worked. I thought it was me; it's not.
Not to get too whiney here, but where I currently live isn't working socially for me. Professionally it's working well, they treat me well, I like my job. But after three years, socially it's been a train wreck, and trust me, I've tried every trick in the book not just for dating, but also to get friends. Sometimes you don't click with a place. Much of that is my age, most people have families the sort. But sometimes you just have to move or make a change.
Example: The other night I got great tickets to a college basketball game, as in down by the floor. A coach gave them to me. I called a gal I had dated off and on, she initially said yes but had to cancel (teen daughter had something that was up). Called another gal I dated a couple times, she had a meeting. Called another gal, she had to work. Called a guy friend, he wants to go -- wifey has girl's night out, he has to bail at the last second. I'm up to strike four now, I call another guy, he decides to go, cancels at the last minute, also.
Sure, this scenario didn't help my self-esteem, I'm not used to getting five or six strikes. Rather than mope, I've decided to try and get out of Dodge by New Year's if I can find a quality job. Sometimes places don't click, no matter what the effort. I've lived in many towns, this is the only one where I've been "rain checked" dozens of times, with no follow up on the rain check.
Embrace your friends, girlfriends, relationships, family while you can. Sometimes you land in the proverbial desert and it's not fun. Sorry for the "whine and cheese" ... had to get that off my chest. I was going postal the other night!