nando said:
hey bro i wasn't jumping on you, i was just curious, i meant it in an inquisitive way, not offended way.
I am not building rapport because when I am thinking about what I want to do at the time
I think it won't be worth it, and
feel like I shouldn't bother trying to talk to people and just mind my own biz. If I do start the convo it usually leads nowhere because of my inability to focus on a topic, I did not used to have this problem before.
So the question is WHY?
Is it because you feel they are above you?
Or are you above them?
Do you feel you have little expereinces to share with them?
Do you feel like you are trying too hard to impress, and maybe it sounds mechanical and forced?
these are the things you need to reflect on.
Understand your motivations for feeling this way.
The answer to this question is simply to work on achieinvg your GOAL.
WE have clearly stated that ONE of your goals is to 'build rapport' with the cool people you interact with.
Inform yourself on HOW to 'BUILD RAPPORT",
go out and
Who says it has to be perfect?
Are you trying to impress anyone?
You shouldn't be.
What are you trying to 'get' from 'building rapport"?
Are you
hoping people will like you?
Or are you just
trying to bring value to people,and make them feel good, and NOT 'expecting' ANYTHING in return???
Think about these things.
The answers will start to come to you.