Originally posted by Jariel
I notice a lot of you seem to think that cold approaching is the only way to meet girls.
This leads me to believe that you need to increase your social networks a lot more than you need to improve your cold approaching skills. Having different social groups will increase your social confidence, conversation skills and will allow you to meet plenty of women in relaxed settings...as opposed to flagging down some random passer-by going about her business.
Well that's a chicken-and-egg scenario, isn't it?
Every guy has friends, but if attracting and therefore pulling women was the same process as casual interactions with sets of people, why would boards like this exist? Even fat everquest nerds have a circle of friends, but the reality is that MEETING AND ATTRACTING WOMEN IS NOT THE SAME AS STANDARD SOCIAL INTERACTIONS.
The generally accepted pracitices of friendly social interaction just don't apply. Building attraction and creating relationships with girls, at any phase (the pickup, the first date, the mid-game, the maintenance phase, etc) requires different skills than what even the average, socially competant guy will pick up.
I'm sure a lot of guys on these boards are great in mixed social settings, but still lacked and understanding of the dynamics at play during romantic male/female interactions. Now, say you've gone 20 years old and still find yourself lacking in this department? How do you build CONFIDENCE and COMPETANCE in a hurry? You get into as many encounters, on a romantic level, as possible, and learn as much as possible from each one.
Originally posted by Jariel
I'm getting the impression that many of the guys here are loners who go out alone (or maybe with a male friend) looking for women. Then there are others who go out in mixed groups, meet new people via social networks and get numbers and dates regularly.
In my understanding, increasing social skills and social circles is a huge part of the DJ goal - and is generally a cool thing to do anyway. Unfortunately you're not going to get into any social groups by hitting on women in the street. You need to go to sociable places where you mix naturally and talk to people regularly.
So what are you saying? That cold approaching skills are useless in general social settings? Not all cold approaches are one-on-one.
I was listening to Mystery's talk in Dave D's Mastery series 2 or whatever. He correctly states that MOST girls you are going to approach in ANY social situation are going to be in a set of more than one person. And it's so true... learning how to engage a group, working the crowd while keeping your target in mind is a huge part of the cold approach.
I've gone to the bar, the library, the food court at malls, whatever with buddies, seen a group of chicks, approached a single one, and played the role of the bridge in order to bring our two groups together in a nonromantic social context. Cold approaches are a great confidence builder for ANY social situation. Approaching, interacting, confidence in covo... all different branches of the same tree, dude.
Originally posted by Jariel
I mean, how did you make your current friends (assuming you have some)? Did you just pick them up off the street?
Again you confuse friendships with romantic relationships. Two different things man. I have had WAY more flings with girls than solid friendships that have stood the test of time. Total different relationships. A good friend is WAY harder to find than a girl that will let you in her pants. Fact.
Originally posted by Jariel
The thing about cold approaches I find so pathetic is that the whole concept says "I'm lonely, will you be my friend?" and some guys will take it further "hey, I will prove myself to you. I can be funny, I can be smooth, I can do magic tricks" etc. You may not be expressing this verbally, but this is essentially what you are doing.
Man, you are totally ignorant of the fundemental rule of the successful cold approach: THE ABSENCE OF NEEDINESS IS THE HEART OF THE SUCCESSFUL COLD APPROACH. The goal based, needy, approval-seeking cold approach is BOUND to fail! Not realizing this makes your whole post look like the insecure, ignorant rantings of the KB jocky supreme.
I am a lone wolf. I can make friends and carry myself in ANY interaction with confidence. I choose my friends carefully. There is nothing kiss ass in my approaches - the only goal I have is to increase my game. By choice, I only follow through on like 1/3 of the girls I approach. My only concern is moving up that ladder... the hot girl today is the sure thing tommorrow.
Originally posted by Jariel
I don't mean to put anyone down or offend people, but I'm just trying to snap people out of this fantasy world created by seduction communities for lonely men. There's a better life awaiting.
Oh man... All this time that I've been enjoying approaching people has been a huge delusion! Secretly, these girls I've approached have hated me for doing so! I'm living in a world of make-believe, in a lollipop house on gumdrop lane!
Nigga please. I approach because I want to, because I enjoy it, and constant success means constant reinforcement and advancement. This post really makes me question what YOUR motivations and insecurities are. Why do you have so much disdain for those who take a certain path?