Had a bad tennis win this week. I very narrowly beat this guy in his 20s. At the end of the match he said do you ever beat anyone. I thought that was a bit disrespectful so I said nah just you. Afterwards I found he's a coderbeen between jobs for a long time.
He was a real fighter so I believe he d be a hard worker. I don't want to get into the racials but let's just say a certain demographic has stitched up IT market in Oz is handing the jobs out amongst themselves for backhanders. I've witnessed it firsthand in a couple of large shops. So poor guy is bucking a stacked deck.
No wonder he was pissed I felt bad. And gave him a few job hunting tips. Not the in your face you should do this mate but more hey this is some stuff that's worked for me in the past. Modern workplace is such a ****fight that there but for the grace of God...