Guys, it's ok to bang a girl raw!



Jaylan said:
Its not my fault that you took that personally. I think many people can agree here that a nonchalant attitude to STDs and going raw is just dirty and stupid. Why contribute to the mode of thinking that spreads that garbage? Men need to be smarter...and down playing STDs doesn't contribute to the cause of helping men become more educated about this issue

Lmao @ the woman remark though. Typical emotional response I guess.
I didn't take it personally. I just wanted to take a jab at you.

If you'd read my earlier post, you'd have seen that I promoted wearing protection.

You're definitely a woman, though. Not there's anything wrong with that...


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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TyTe`EyEz said:
I didn't take it personally. I just wanted to take a jab at you.

If you'd read my earlier post, you'd have seen that I promoted wearing protection.

You're definitely a woman, though. Not there's anything wrong with that...
And you downplayed STDs in that same post. People who downplay STDs tend to have had experiences with them. I generally consider these people dirty and not too bright. Thats how the crap spreads, from attitudes acting like they arent any big deal.

Also, continue with the emotional jabs though brah. I find it humorous.:D


Jaylan said:
And you downplayed STDs in that same post. People who downplay STDs tend to have had experiences with them.

Is that right? Good to know. I don't personally have one - yet, haha - but it's the nature of the game. This website is about getting laid. Stds are par for the course. If you don't want to get cut, then don't work for a glass manufacturer.

I generally consider these people dirty and not too bright. Thats how the crap spreads, from attitudes acting like they arent any big deal.

Again with the dirty. Such a feminine way to describe something. Oohh sex is dirty! No sh1t.

Also, continue with the emotional jabs though brah. I find it humorous.:D

It didn't take much emotion to call you a woman. Smiley face.

I see you, Loveshack.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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TyTe`EyEz said:
Is that right? Good to know. I don't personally have one - yet, haha - but it's the nature of the game. This website is about getting laid. Stds are par for the course. If you don't want to get cut, then don't work for a glass manufacturer.
And many smart men here will say they wont put their health at risk for poon. A lot of us here have that self respect. Its fine if you dont have the same respect for your own health. But this idea that STDs are no big deal and just par for the course?...sorry thats plain dumb.
Again with the dirty. Such a feminine way to describe something. Oohh sex is dirty! No sh1t.
Dont even try this BS logic with me bro. Guys here all the time use the word dirty when describing women of ill repute, and especially chicks who are known to have diseases. So yeah, plenty of men here will see folks with non-chalant attitudes that contribute to the spread of STDs as dirty or potentially dirty individuals.
It didn't take much emotion to call you a woman. Smiley face.
Troll harder brah. Youre about to level up.


Jaylan said:
And many smart men here will say they wont put their health at risk for poon. A lot of us here have that self respect. Its fine if you dont have the same respect for your own health. But this idea that STDs are no big deal and just par for the course?...sorry thats plain dumb.
Dont even try this BS logic with me bro. Guys here all the time use the word dirty when describing women of ill repute, and especially chicks who are known to have diseases. So yeah, plenty of men here will see folks with non-chalant attitudes that contribute to the spread of STDs as dirty or potentially dirty individuals.
Troll harder brah. Youre about to level up.
You want to get laid? Then there's a health risk. You can keep giving your webmd style responses. Keep telling everyone how sex is dirty. As an added tip, if you play the lottery you'll probably lose.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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TyTe`EyEz said:
You want to get laid? Then there's a health risk. You can keep giving your webmd style responses. Keep telling everyone how sex is dirty. As an added tip, if you play the lottery you'll probably lose.
Reading comprehension is not your strong suit is it?

Please quote exactly where I said sex was dirty. Please do it. But I know you cant and that you are simply misrepresenting what I actually said.

And what I actually said is that its dirty and stupid to be non-nonchalant about STDs. ANY sane man on this forum would agree. Most smart guys here would see a chick who was dismissive and nonchalant about STD risks as a dirty whats the problem?

Just because all sex has a risk, does not mean guys shouldnt be smart about who they choose to bang. Id be highly suspicious of sticking my d!k in some chick whos got a careless attitude towards STDs...dont matter that I have a condom. Any man would be right to see someone who shows an unconcered attitude towards STDs as a dirty risk not worth taking.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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skinnyguy said:
There seems to be quite a few women on this site who think that you shouldn't do it raw. Well, the thing is this. Let's say you have a FWB who gets tested and you get tested. If she's on the pill and she's clean, not only can you fvck her raw, you SHOULD.

As for bringing back a chick from the club, ok, I will agree that it can be risky.
But if you actually know the girl it should be no problems.

One time a girl told me "I won't do anything with you unless you get tested". That was actually quite reassuring for me to hear cause I knew she was clean.
Hey fool, knowing the girl doesn't prove she took the pill. She says she's on the pill, she might like you enough to want to trap you. If she's banging you, she likes you enough to lie. I hope you knock her up this post is bad karma. Can't believe you think that just because you know her, and she says she takes the pill, it's safe to bang her raw. This must be the first chic you ever laid.


Jaylan said:
Reading comprehension is not your strong suit is it?

Please quote exactly where I said sex was dirty. Please do it. But I know you cant and that you are simply misrepresenting what I actually said.

And what I actually said is that its dirty and stupid to be non-nonchalant about STDs. ANY sane man on this forum would agree. Most smart guys here would see a chick who was dismissive and nonchalant about STD risks as a dirty whats the problem?

Just because all sex has a risk, does not mean guys shouldnt be smart about who they choose to bang. Id be highly suspicious of sticking my d!k in some chick whos got a careless attitude towards STDs...dont matter that I have a condom. Any man would be right to see someone who shows an unconcered attitude towards STDs as a dirty risk not worth taking.

I'm not going to argue semantics. I actually agree with most of what you've said. Our differences are minimal. I suppose it's just your presentation. Nothing personal; you give some good advice.

You're right, I do choose to take a "non-nonchalant" attitude when it comes to STDS. I equate getting an STD to getting in a car accident: Every time you go out you take the risk. It's the chance we take. This is a website based on getting laid by random women. STDs are a repercussion we have to deal with. Sh1t, it's something married men have to worry about!

You're certainly right about not banging skanky b1tches, though. I agree, wholeheartedly. Unless you really want to fvck them. In that case, bang those broads the fvck out.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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As a former cowboy in the raw dog rodeo, I can tell you you should always take responsibility for your OWN birth control. Don't expect her to be on top of it, or to be honest about it for that matter.

There are STDs out there. Most likely you will get herpes (1 or 2), HPV, chlamydia, or gonorrhea. Condoms only reliably protect against chlamydia and gonorrhea.

The common STDs are a nuisance, but the most terrifying consequence of your actions is A KID.

I wont even bust inside of my LTR and future wife because I am so scared of a pregnancy. And she is on the pill.