Guys i have a major problem, please read!!


Don Juan
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
just cut off all communication with her. dont call her, let her call you. if she tries to contact you, there might be a little spark back in your relationship. if she doesnt try to contact you within however long your patience can withstand, NEXT her. keep in mind you must be patient with this, as long as it takes. and i agree with everyone else though, you shouldnt be talking on the phone with her for hours. she'll appreciate a conversation in person for hours rather than one on the phone. my calls never exceed more than like 2 minutes unless SHE tries keeping the conversation going. as soon as you come across an awkward pause, time to hang up.

^thats if you REALLY still want to be with her. if it were me, the second she pulled away from a little kiss i would have dumped her, or ATLEAST have been like wtf? you shouldnt need to beg for a kiss at all. she SHOULD want you to kiss her. she doesnt let you kiss or touch her and you "try to play it cool?" :nono: where the fvck is your head? its either in your d!ck, or up your ass. either one is not going to help you.

you have gone way too far down the road of ONE-ITIES. marriage? how could you even think about that. she has turned you into a total AFC. actually this is worse, you have turned yourself into an AFC. this site isnt for solving your gf problems, it is for DJ'ing. its time for you to stand up for yourself. be a man. tell her what the deal is. tell her that she's been acting like a b!tch and she can either start acting like your girlfriend, or find someone else to eat her p****. you can vary those words however you like but point is lay down the law. sorry if i verbally bashed you, but like you said, you have a problem. so you know what to do, now do it!

*and dont slap your meat!! itll make things worse.


Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Ahhh Crap!!!!!

I'm sorry guys, anyways i had totally forgotten i wrote this thread in High school forum, im 18, shes 17, anyways i read all of your posts.

It all makes sense, although im prolly dont want to face the truth of losing her, but i guess it must be done......... Anyways i really appreciate everyones help, im going to chck out your silent treatment thread.

I see her everyday at school.

today i began "no contact" with her, becase at school today after we had a good day together, i had to force a kiss on her a few times, OMFG why am i being like this.. why do i get this feeling when she loves me, when her actions clearly tell me she doesnt?? how am i being fooled so easily.

anyways, at the end of the day after we both hit it off pretty well, i was walking with her and she told me to stop following her, and told me to go away multiple times, "shewww" as if im some damn dog.

As i was saying, wtf has gotten into you, why r u so fcked up???

anyways igot home, she trid calling me 3 times, i dont pick up, she has no idea im home. i plan on not talking to her or picking up her phone. i seriously told myself that i wouldnt let her treat me like crap like this again, i just dont deserve it, but i really do love her and i care about her i just hate the way she can be sometimes, and the way as if shes repulsed by me hugging or kissing her or touching her, when before she was all over my nuts.

i cnat force a dead relationship like this. not quite dead, but pretty lame. 8 months, i thought she was the world to me. oh well.

im sorry i didnt get back sooner, i just remember i had this here and decided to check it out.

although i have a question, if i see her at school, how do i give her the silent treatment ? i dont want to just act like shes affected me, like im PO'd, you know? she will just get mad at me and be like whatever and we'de both just end contact most likely, and i dont want drama like that.

im thinking play it cool and all that, but of course when i do this and i dont neded her , she eventually wants to kiss me, but the fact is i want to get over her. um yeah i guess i know what to do. just dump her.

she might be pregnant though, i hope to god she isnt. anyways if u want to know whats been goin on check out the other thread ive been updating

thanks guys


Don Juan
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
i gave chicks the silent treatment even though they sit right next to me. eventually she wonders why youve been neglecting her and tries to talk to you. i just give her answers like shes just another person in class that i dont talk to. once she cracks then you have your fun :yes:

once i slowly give her attention again, she would be on my nuts more than before. after the silent treatment you can give her attention here and there but make sure she is chasing you.

if she ever said "shewww" again, i would just walk away. then continue the silent treatment. im sure she wouldnt actually expect you to walk away. it'll drive her crazy if you play your cards right. yes, crazy...muahahahaha

EDIT: dont say you love her. if you believe you love her, and she loves you.. eventually when it comes the time you have to go your seperate ways for whatever reason, it'll crush you horribly. ive been there trust sucks


Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
If you just dumped her, that would be the most appropriate choice.. There's no need to give silent treatment.

The only thing you are fighting against is your heart.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
florida baby
its the episode of seinfeld where george dumps his girl to get "hand"

george: so im afraid I, am going to have to dump YOU
girl: what?!
george: thats right! I am dumping YOU.
girl: oh wow...
george: never saw it coming didya? well lifes tough kid.
girl: what do you want? i KNOW i can make you happy...

had so much hand he was coming out of his gloves. and larry david (writer for the show) says he got the idea from doing it once and it really worked. what u got to lose? either she dumps you, you go out with some pride, or she becomes whipped.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Loss Vaygus, NV
It was also true at the end where he overdid it to an extreme.

George "You can't leave me, I've got HAND!"
Girl "Good, you're going to need it."

Overdo anything and it will flash up in your face.