I'm guessing almost all of them had kidsI never went below a 6.5 in the looks department and even that chick looked better than her pics, and ended up being a 7.5 in person, borderline 8---her body was banging. The rest were at least a 7. Some were 7.5 or 8's. I wouldn't get the time of day from 9's or 10's, so that was my online limit.
I didn't care at all about if she had kids, I was interested in banging them. The rest yeah...I don't do trashy chicks or ones with no jobs and ones that are dumber than a box of rocks. I'm a computer programmer, gotta have some intelligence to be around me(both sexes---I just hate stupidity in any form).
Single moms are easy. Women in mid to late 20s without kids are insanely difficult