Some "thoughts" on your post.
[1] Nothing in life is a quick fix. Never will there be a point where you're "Perfect Women." The quicker guys know this, the more clam they will become in their approach, and the greater success they will have.
[2] This isn't a quick fix site. It's constant growth and mastery. Even when you Understand the game behind the game, you'll still get blown out by UG and HBs alike.
[3] Would you prefer oldies but goodies check in and add wisdom, or would you rather newbies respond to newbie posts with their wisdom seriously deficient?
[4] mASF is known as a community. As such, people never really leave, they become elders. The elders offer their advanced wisdom in all areas.
[5] Once you've dealt with women long enough, you realize it IS NOT about women. What do I mean?
Of the various relationships and women I've dated, both long and short-term, EVERY situation is unique. The bible just gets you in the game; it's by no means COMPLETE in the sense it solves all problems. And when you internalize that this is ALL about you, you realize, you never had to come here, and you don't have to ever leave.
The issues, positives, and negatives present in current relationships, are different than the ones I had in the past at 18, 19, 20, 21, etc. The girl matters little. It's a matter of whether you're going to play her games or not, whether you call her bluffs or not.
I could go on about this line of thinking, but it serves ME no purpose. I've been here 2-3 years, and have been completely happy with my life. But then again, there are guys yet to experience what other's have, and feel like failures until they do so. Throw that mentality OUT. It will come. Enjoy life, where you are RIGHT now. Enjoy living, and breathing, and do what you can to make THIS MOMENT the best possible. Do your best. Do you always do your best? It will all come.