Right, so I suppose we just shouldn't take what you say seriously since you "dumb things down" and don't provide sources because you don't care.
East Africa is "known for endurance" because of particular tribes, "particularly Kenya" because there is a tribe there called the Kalenjin from which the runners come and who are 13% of Kenya's population. Generalizing this to mean that "west africans are built for sprinting" and "east africans are built for endurance" is a fallacy of composition.
Dude, go read my one thread on cuckolding lol I went over the math myself and you can see it, I link sources. I don’t just talk out of my ass here. Here, I’ll post it:
Alright, so here's the thing: we know that people who go to paternity testing clinics are more likely to be victims of paternity fraud (I mean, they have doubts for a reason, right?). Currently, that rate is at 25.9% (reported by paternity clinics themselves as of 2008 at least). We also know...
^^^^that took me several hours to do, I’m not gonna go through all that the mathematical proofs and logical deductions just for you lol, it‘s just not fun enough or worth it. I’m not gonna do all that stuff I did in that thread just for you bro, don’t take it personal lol
And yeah the best runners from Kenya are from one particular tribe, doesn’t mean that Kenyans not from the tribe are as ****ty as your average American at running. Ethiopians are good too. Like I said, East Africans in general. That’s why they all look skinny and starving lol it’s not even bc they are, it’s because it’s just how they’re built and how their life is.
Since you've looked into it yourself, you must have plentiful sources describing this voting fraud and that that's why Trump lost the popular vote, right?
Yeah I remember reading about it several years ago and never forgot it. They did the same thing with Bernie Sanders because they tried screwing him out of winning the Democratic nomination in favor of Joe Biden. There’s video footage of lines at those voting stations where the average wait time is over 4 hours long, and the voting stations closed before everyone could vote. Stuff like this happens a lot on the Dems side, gerrymandering too. It’s just ****ed if you ask me