He should really get in shape first, then approach women. I think that looks don't matter as much when you have a good game but still you can't look completely hideous. The genetic looks usually don't matter as much but if you are out of shape, don't take care of yourself you are going to get rejected much much more.
I know that when I used to be younger I didn't use to take care of myself, I had greasy skin, messed up hair, dressed sloppy, and I was a maybe just an L4 for girls, but now as I began to take care of myself I'm easily an L7 or L8. Of course it also depends on a womans preference but still.
So take care of your body, not because of women but because of you! Feeling strong and in shape is the best thing you can experience. I know how miserable I feel if I don't do anything physical during the day, I have to do at least short exercise.