Master Don Juan
I never said Chad's don't have #metoo cases or able to always get away with sexual harassment in the work place, but they definitely have a better chance of flying under the radar because of their looks.You seem really bitter from that black pill breakfast I guess? I can easily find plenty of good looking guys with sexual assault/Me Too cases against them. Either way, how about we just go to work and do our fvcking jobs instead of day dreaming and crying over the mythical Chad being able to sexually harass women at work.
The problem is, with both attractive and non-attractive men, they sometimes don't know when to stop. A chad can quickly become creepy-chad if he is too persistent. But 9 times out of 10, a woman is more likely to sweep a comment "under the rug" from a "Chad" than the over-weight and balding Steve.Had the guy been semi-attractive I doubt any of the women would had gone to HR. Assuming he could take a hint and cut it off after the first rejection.