Now to further clarify, this guy friend is a major AFC. He'll go shopping with her and take her out to dinner, but my gf always calls me to come over at the end of the day.
If this guy devotes a disproportionally large amount of time with your girlfriend, it would be safe to assume he is trying to lay some pipe. Guys with their own lives will chill with women, but not at the expense of their free time. Example, i'd never skip a hockey game to shop with a one of my boys girlfriends...thats ****ing gay as hell. If its non-recurring, than don't lose a wink of sleep. If its even semi regular, assume he's into her ( but not the other way around). The more free time said guy spends hanging w/ the chick, the more you can assume he will be into her. The same thing happened w/ my last gf when I left the scene. One of the guys ( who is cool and hang out a lot with her group) tried to make a move as soon as I was out of the picture. Nothing came of it when I was gone, so its likely your girl isn't even into this guy.
Most guys act upon simple premises. Most go for what they see, lower their standards when applicable, and generally will act out of self interest. Its not all the time, but judging from my post about friends acting on impulses, its safe to say that many are at least interested in such prospects even at the risk of friendships. I guess I always assume they are. However, if your women is into you, than you have nothing to worry about.
RT's model is the one I want to emulate in my next stage of life. I would almost expect my gf/ LTR to remain in contact with friends and guys even long into a relationship. I think this is extremely healthy. However, it is within my right to continue to hang around women much the same way if I see fit. Yes, guys can have women friends they won't go after - i have had many! RT's situation is unique to many men because he is always around temptation, and his wife knows this. Men stuck in cubicles have no options, especially in my field.
Not everyone seems to agree with that, however. A lot of guys think "What's the big deal? I'm the one she comes home to. I'm the big alpha male, she couldn't possibly be interested in her chode friend".
I notice most guys who take that attitude are either not in a relationship currently, or have women on the side themselves.
I would say if you're so alpha and she only thinks of you why is she going out on these "dates" with some other dude?
Here is the problem with this line of thinking. EVERYONE thinks they are better than they are, and that EVERYONE ELSE is worse than they are. In reality, looks, status, money etc are closer than imagined, so its very possible for this 'chode' to be interesting to said women.
Even if her relationship with this guy is harmless, it sets a bad precedent.
It depends. As I said if its regular, than yes. If she can't handle her own medicine ( going out w/ other women), ditch her. its not worth playing these types of games. The only games I play are on sheets of ice, on a court, or on a rugby pitch. period. BOOM!