haha i know exactly what you mean
Although I think my ****blocker doesnt do it maliciously as yours, he is still annoying.
This guy I know (I cant think of his name right now, so ill call him Anti-oreo, or oero

oero is chubby, short, black, and an AFC.
I am white(really tan though), pretty tall, and normal body form.
Obviously we wouldn't be going after the same types of girls...or so I would think.
This guy sits in front of me, and seems to follow me around just to fvck up all my DJ attemtps.
I was DJing one girl across the room, but he was sitting in front of me and started making both of us feel TOO self conscious to enjoy our little game.
Then me and this same girl got into a group, HE joined it! Hes tarted doing his little AFC faggoty **** again.
This guy has NO backbone on him, and he trembles at everything girls tell him.
Im sitting there being ****y and funny getting the girl to laugh and open up. He is almost crying, and he tells me "why are you being so mean to her?"
I give him a look like WTF

is your problem?
Every Kino attempt I make, he turns into some faggoty immature pervert trick, jokes I make, innuendos I use, everything he fvcks up.
Finally Im like "okay fvck this ****, this girl isnt worth it, if some faggot wants to try his luck with her, good luck" and so then I draw back and become a passive DJ.
This dude jumps at the chance and starts a coversation about smoking with her. HAHAH. They talk about all the different places theyve smoked weed and I am pretty sure when a random pothead is being friendly to you, they are gonna use you for weed.
either waY while shes talking, I draw her head on the board, and poke her to turn around. She looks at the disfigured image and is holding back a laugh.
oero starts his **** again, in the most lethargic voice you can imagine, imean this guy can put ben stine to sleep.
"Why are you making fun of her.....see....thats...just..plain...mean..." stretched over what seems like a minute worth of time.
This tone sucks the fun right out of life, i mean if I talked like that I would kill myself already.
So the girl is all depresed now, along with everyone in our group from hearing the fvcker speak.
This is just one short example of what he does.
There is no possible way he can get a girl with that attitude, and just him being around me takes the "horny" away from everyone.
I really do want to help this guy, but he is/or acts like he is anemic, and girls dont like half dead loosers.
For your case, I think you have a jealous AFC.
I would try talking to him and asking him wtf his problem is next time he tries something stupid.
Then if all else fails and he just decides to be a b1tch and hate you (i mean who the hell says "im not your friend!") you are going to have to put him in his place.
Make him self-consious of what he is doing, and make everyone aware of it even more.
I mean, sure he "knows" he is pulling a girl away from you, but he doesnt know his motivation.
You point out his motivation, in a joking manner.
"Dooooood! wtf are you doing? What are you like in love with that girl or something? jesus relax! we're just talking, no need for you to get so threatened and jealous over me just talking. your not even going out with her, so dont get possesive over something thats not even yours." and then do something like putting your arm around the girl.
Or maybe you can play a fun little game with him, depending on how he says it, and his tone of voice.
him: "Why are you touching her!?"
you: *rub the girl more sexually* "Ohhh because shes just so sexay

" and then turn attention to the girl. (ignoring him)
If he doesnt want to be your friend, if he doesnt want the opportunity to become like you, then you have to take care of yourself FIRST.
If he decides to jump under your wheels, nobody would expect you to swerve the DJ wagon