KontrollerX said:
"Guys i need serious help.
Im in the begining stages of an LTR."
Solution: Get out of your LTR and just pump em and dump em.
Then all the problems dissapear and go away.
No more tossing and turning, no more sickening feelings in the pit of your stomach, and most importantly of all no more drama.
Now I know those that give this advice that I just gave you tend to catch hell from the majority of pro relationship agenda people here but I couldn't give less of a damn.
No, it not that these "pro relationship agenda people" are going to give you hell, it's simply the fact, judging from your reply, that people like you don't know what it's like to truly fall in love.
Look at it from a biological point of view: why would nature makes us suffer all the afflictions that you describe if what it was for was not "worth it"? Nobody can tell anyone what to do, think or feel. And yet all these afflictions you mention come up universally amongst people going through this. Ask yourself why? Some people choose to deal with it by ignoring and trying to wipe it out altogether because they are afraid of the consequences of being hurt.
KontrollerX said:
Think about it slickaz.
Unplug bro.
Go get yourself some sweet variety and live it up.
Don't chain yourself down to one woman.
Be free.
Live free.
And when you eventually die as an old and happy man from getting so much poon and enjoying blessed variety you will leave a beautiful corpse.
my guess is when you die living like you recommend, you have a lot of regrets, or more importantly, you are indifferent because you've never experienced feelings that those who love get to feel.
KontrollerX said:
Work your mind out of the relationship agenda that is so unfortunately prevalent in this place which is supposed to be more about getting laid than getting into a relationship or marriage and you will find your peace because from what I'm reading from you dude it doesn't seem relationships are really the thing for you and you need to know that that is ok.
Anyone that tells you otherwise is working at protecting their own ego and unwittingly propping up a feminine social convention ie shame the men that shun relationships to bring them back into the fold, back into the system.
no one can force being in a relationship on anyone. People "choose" to do it. What do you don't understand? Are you retarded, because it seems likely you are.
KontrollerX said:
Fvck that.
Live free brother.
You don't need a surrogate mommy to love you when you can love yourself.
You don't need a companion in life when you can have many companions in life.
You don't need a best friend when you can have tons of best friends.
Don't short change yourself and go through these needless frustrations just to avoid being alone.
women are like musically instruments. you can be a universalist and play all different sorts of instruments to a reasonable degree. Or you can be a specialist and devote yourself to one particular instrument. If you opt for the latter, there's a higher chance of playing the instrument to an exceptional degree.
if she hasn't done anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about. men only display insecurities about women if there is some kind of power discrepancy, self esteem issues, or emotional trauma from the past.
women don't play games with men they want, and if her interest in you is as high as you say it is, then you shouldn't even be posting here and asking. It might be you who's looking at the situation wrong.
anyway, you should be getting off this site and spending time with her, and not here asking some deluded morons what to do. Because when that happens, you really should learn to think for yourself and not ask other people's advice.
By the way, your job is NOT to maintain her interest level. Terrible misconception. If a woman wants to be with you, she'll be with you. We all end up with those who want us anyway.