Gunned down


New Member
Aug 12, 2012
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Hi Guys,

Big fan of Sosuave and coming now with my own issue.

Got amazing social life, running my own company, hitting the gym 6 times a week and currently spinning 3 hot plates and having weekly sex with all of them.

Truth be told, I was spinning 4 plates...but got gunned down by the fourth.

I committed the terrible mistake to pay her more attention than the others due to her more interesting convos.

This might seem odd, but I always had the terrible feeling she went into competition mode with me, she kind of needed to let me see how smart, independent and all that she was.

It was always a competition for her. She mentioned that a smart guy like me needed to have his mind stirred so that I dont get bored with!!?

Anyways,after a silly argument which i cant even remember she went into silent mode since 4 months ago telling me "next time you contact me...".

But I havent contacted her. I wont. But I have been hoping she will contact me. Nothing has happened yet.

Anyone has had same kind of experience ? Any chances she will be back ?

Thanks !


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2012
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4 months.... Get over it. Move on, find another "4th". If she was interested, you would know it. She would have contacted you by now.


New Member
Aug 12, 2012
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So you think not a chance she will be back ? 4 months is not that long either, is it ?


Nov 4, 2010
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baron67 said:
So you think not a chance she will be back ? 4 months is not that long either, is it ?
she sounds strong willed and stubborn, she hasnt forgot you but she isnt going to give in either, youre going to have to do least that is her opinion. is it worth it? you want to continue with her game? if your life is so awesome, why do you need her?


New Member
Aug 12, 2012
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I haven't mentioned the strong will and stubbornness and you hit it right there !!

I got tripping over this one and I think is mainly due to have been rejected because truth be told that is what it is.

I am not quite much of an ego man, it's the challenge or tension that her behavior created on my head.

I am truly happy about my life and cant complain about enough challenges that I get around work on a daily basis.

Honestly, I dont know what trigged on me this whole situation.

But yes, got me all tripping and even sometimes when Im having sex with the others she comes to my mind. I never had this before so its new grounds for me.

What really pizzes me off is that you are so right, in her mind i have to make the move but I wont.

She left and she got to come back on her own,not by me calling her. I cant do that.

Thing is that I got my life going on...just this small annoyance that seems I cant get over it. Pathetic,really.

I am sure she hasnt forgotten about me, just hope she gives in.

I am being played with silent treatment from which she took control over the situation. I just want to turn the tables but quite difficult when you cant do a thing about it.

betheman said:
she sounds strong willed and stubborn, she hasnt forgot you but she isnt going to give in either, youre going to have to do least that is her opinion. is it worth it? you want to continue with her game? if your life is so awesome, why do you need her?