We all have fallen victim to an Emotional Terrorist at one point in our lives. I am leaving gender out of this because this kind of personality exists in both genders. It could be a parent, a sibling, a significant other, a friend, an employer, a co-worker, grandparent, other relative, an casual aquainance or even a complete stranger.
These individuals can suck the life right out of you, knock the wind out of your sails and make you miserable...IF you let them. They will use underhanded methods to manipulate you into giving them or helping them get what they want. This is a little different than a person who unintentionally does or says something that stirs natural feelings of guilt. I am talking about a person who intentionally makes you feel guilty or responsible for their happiness, health and wellbeing. We all KNOW that the only person we can control is ourselves. We all KNOW that we can't "fix" anyone else. So WHY do we accept this burden of guilt? Why do we buy into this foolishness that we are so all-powerful that we can rescue someone?
We are all responsible for our own feelings, thoughts and behaviors and nobody else's. We are all responsible for our own happiness and nobody else's.
If you encounter an Emotional Terrorist who tries to blackmail you with guilt and manipulate you into feeling responsible for any facet of their existence....
Just Say NO!
These individuals can suck the life right out of you, knock the wind out of your sails and make you miserable...IF you let them. They will use underhanded methods to manipulate you into giving them or helping them get what they want. This is a little different than a person who unintentionally does or says something that stirs natural feelings of guilt. I am talking about a person who intentionally makes you feel guilty or responsible for their happiness, health and wellbeing. We all KNOW that the only person we can control is ourselves. We all KNOW that we can't "fix" anyone else. So WHY do we accept this burden of guilt? Why do we buy into this foolishness that we are so all-powerful that we can rescue someone?
We are all responsible for our own feelings, thoughts and behaviors and nobody else's. We are all responsible for our own happiness and nobody else's.
If you encounter an Emotional Terrorist who tries to blackmail you with guilt and manipulate you into feeling responsible for any facet of their existence....
Just Say NO!