Master Don Juan
anyone who has seen this movie knows what this thread is about.
I went to kentukcy to catch the Sunday Card at Keeneland, in lieu of me going to Monmouth Thursday to catch the Breeders Cup weekend (anyone anywhere near that needs to get a ticket and go. I promise you that you will not regret it)
So I had a couple of days to kill. what better way to spend it letting my family know I'm about to be a DAD!!!
so I fly in to little rock last yesterday afternoon and I dont' know how I forgot taht my dad works at the airport.
I was trying to suprise my family and no more than 5 mintues after I get off the airpot I catch my dad in the lobby area. Better yet my GF asks me who is that man yelling my name. So Introduce my dad to my GF.. of course my dad hits on her. he hits on anything tha tmoves.
anyway, I tell him to bring his wife and my 6 year old Brother to red lobster that night.
then I head to jacksonville where my mom lives. no call, just show up. The look on my mom's face. My mom is just 40, so the age disparity isn't that great between her and my mom.
So anyway, my stepmom, step dad, mom and dad, my 7 year old sister and 6 year old brother and my 17 year old brother, who i was soooo happy to see. dont 'get to spend enough time wtih him.
So we are eating, and after like 6 dacquris for me, I'm chatting with my little sister over how to spell a word, and my GF just blurts out "I'm pregant"
my mom literarly chocked on the food in her mouth.
so I cleared the air... we came down her first and foremost, so I can tell you guys that I am going to be a father, she's a little over 2 months pregnant ,and to let you meet this woman who I've somewht settled down with.
So my mother, being the sarcastic ******* she is, kinda addresses the 400 pound goirilla in the room and makes a subtle attack at her... "well, kinda old to be having a child isn't it?"
So I say "well.. you had bri (my sister) when you were 33, so what does that make you?".. I didn't fly my GF half away across the country to be insulted by my mother.
I could see my dad chucking
So my mom says "I just think she's a little old for you".. mind you she's sitting righ next to me. And she wanted so much to have my mom's approval
so I say "I really dind't come here to get know what you think, I came down here because you are my mom and you deserve to know what's going on, if you dont' like it, there is a place and time where we can talk about what's going on, but here in front of the rest of my family just shows how immature you are and why you and I dont' talk now"
I looked over at my GF, and she isn't as thick skinned as I am, and I could see her eyes watering, so I said " you know what.. I'm done. I apprciate everyone coming". Threw 200 bucks on the table and grabbed her hand and left.
It was actually kinda cute.. she was crying on the way to my house.. "your mom doesn't like me".
I had to explain to her... my mom is to stuck on herself to relize the world aorund her. One of the biggest arguements we have had to date is her wanting to know "what kinda of man won't talk to his mom?".. well. you just saw why. I have nothing ot say to her. and she openly insults the mother of my future child? she can kis smy ass
the cutiest moment of the night was when my sister said "so you had sex?"... Yes bri.. we had sex. somethting you won't do until you are 30.
anyway, thoguht it wa sinteresting
I went to kentukcy to catch the Sunday Card at Keeneland, in lieu of me going to Monmouth Thursday to catch the Breeders Cup weekend (anyone anywhere near that needs to get a ticket and go. I promise you that you will not regret it)
So I had a couple of days to kill. what better way to spend it letting my family know I'm about to be a DAD!!!
so I fly in to little rock last yesterday afternoon and I dont' know how I forgot taht my dad works at the airport.
I was trying to suprise my family and no more than 5 mintues after I get off the airpot I catch my dad in the lobby area. Better yet my GF asks me who is that man yelling my name. So Introduce my dad to my GF.. of course my dad hits on her. he hits on anything tha tmoves.
anyway, I tell him to bring his wife and my 6 year old Brother to red lobster that night.
then I head to jacksonville where my mom lives. no call, just show up. The look on my mom's face. My mom is just 40, so the age disparity isn't that great between her and my mom.
So anyway, my stepmom, step dad, mom and dad, my 7 year old sister and 6 year old brother and my 17 year old brother, who i was soooo happy to see. dont 'get to spend enough time wtih him.
So we are eating, and after like 6 dacquris for me, I'm chatting with my little sister over how to spell a word, and my GF just blurts out "I'm pregant"
my mom literarly chocked on the food in her mouth.
so I cleared the air... we came down her first and foremost, so I can tell you guys that I am going to be a father, she's a little over 2 months pregnant ,and to let you meet this woman who I've somewht settled down with.
So my mother, being the sarcastic ******* she is, kinda addresses the 400 pound goirilla in the room and makes a subtle attack at her... "well, kinda old to be having a child isn't it?"
So I say "well.. you had bri (my sister) when you were 33, so what does that make you?".. I didn't fly my GF half away across the country to be insulted by my mother.
I could see my dad chucking
So my mom says "I just think she's a little old for you".. mind you she's sitting righ next to me. And she wanted so much to have my mom's approval
so I say "I really dind't come here to get know what you think, I came down here because you are my mom and you deserve to know what's going on, if you dont' like it, there is a place and time where we can talk about what's going on, but here in front of the rest of my family just shows how immature you are and why you and I dont' talk now"
I looked over at my GF, and she isn't as thick skinned as I am, and I could see her eyes watering, so I said " you know what.. I'm done. I apprciate everyone coming". Threw 200 bucks on the table and grabbed her hand and left.
It was actually kinda cute.. she was crying on the way to my house.. "your mom doesn't like me".
I had to explain to her... my mom is to stuck on herself to relize the world aorund her. One of the biggest arguements we have had to date is her wanting to know "what kinda of man won't talk to his mom?".. well. you just saw why. I have nothing ot say to her. and she openly insults the mother of my future child? she can kis smy ass
the cutiest moment of the night was when my sister said "so you had sex?"... Yes bri.. we had sex. somethting you won't do until you are 30.
anyway, thoguht it wa sinteresting