Grocery store pickup


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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As I have said before; I think this environment is one of the most challenging. I am referring to passing females in the aisles, not waiting on line. Waiting online is a little easier.

You don't have time to think; you have to have something to say right in the moment and if you hesitate a few seconds the opportunity is gone.

I made brief eye contact with an attractive blonde at the Trader Joe's and she cracked a very, very slight smile but was looking to the side and not at me when she did it. I am not sure if that very slight smile was for me, but I hesitated because I had ZERO to comment on.

You also want to avoid going in the same direction since it might seem like you are "following her". She was in another area of mine a few minutes later, but I did not say anything.

Supermarket pickup is extremely challenging, because what do you comment on? "Hey, I see you have 95% lean meat in your cart, are you a vegetarian?



Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
First off, it has to be incidental...not sure this applies to you, but don't go to a grocery store to "pickup chicks", go because you like their groceries...

Don't pay attention to the women unless they come in your vicinity, and don't worry if it seems like you're stalking them or vice versa...that happens all the time, especially when they have counter intuitive layouts or you don't have a grocery list in mind. And I would say, worrying about crossing paths with them indicates to me that you're focusing on them too much. I tend to not even look in women's direction unless they're right by me in which case I'll make eye contact to gauge interest. When she IS in your vicinity, and especially if she has given even the most subtle IOIs, you're 100% right that need to act FAST and spontaneously, don't think, the window is so short that it's not even a window, it's like 1-2 seconds. Try bvtching about the lack of healthy foods (yes, even in trader joes) and point out a healthy option, or, ask them what brand of kombucha they like or something. You can even try to squeeze in a quick rant about seed oils and processed garbage in vegan/gluten free stuff, then tell her you're a nutritionist and give her your number off of that basis, maybe even make a fake business card and website if you're frequenting those places often enough. Gotta get creative.

I see more hot women in grocery stores and gyms (per capita) than anywhere else now. Some of the hottest women i've ever seen in my life were at Trader Joes and Target (and gyms, to a lesser extent). To me those seem like prime locations to meet women because it's unexpected and because they are places you already need to go to anyway and I can see pickup strategies being developed around them, since bars/clubs are a complete shvtshow nowadays. Besides, this whole mindset that PUAs have to go out with the explicit purpose to approach women is fvcking retarded to me, the best pickup is always incidental in places you already want/need to be on a regular basis, so you might as well hedge your bets and develop specific strategies around those.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
Reaction score
When she IS in your vicinity, and especially if she has given even the most subtle IOIs, you're 100% right that need to act FAST and spontaneously, don't think, the window is so short that it's not even a window, it's like 1-2 seconds.
First off, this reeks of FOMO, which goes against the abundance mindset that's preached all over the forum.

Secondly, while this might work for guys in their early 20s and younger, there are only a few other scenarios that give off as much desperation/weirdo/lack of options vibes than being in your late 40s as OP is and hitting on women at the grocery store, women that you've only seen for few seconds.

If you've seen each other on several occasions and you're pretty certain she's given IOIs then that's a different thing.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I have gotten more first dates at the grocery store than any other classic daygame venue. That said, I agree that grocery store pickup is challenging. I think there are more challenging daygame venues.

I am referring to passing females in the aisles, not waiting on line. Waiting online is a little easier.
It is commonly recommended to do grocery store approaching somewhere in the aisles rather than waiting on a checkout line. This was discussed in Roosh's "Day Bang" book (published 2011 now out of print) and in some other daygame articles/manuals.

You don't have time to think; you have to have something to say right in the moment and if you hesitate a few seconds the opportunity is gone.
True. That's why you need to be prepared going into a store for approaching. Have a standard scripted, memorized line if necessary. Also, you could open with an observation about her, the environment in the store, or ask a question about something in her grocery basket. Roosh advised the "Is that good?" line about some food or drink product in her basket.

If you've seen each other on several occasions and you're pretty certain she's given IOIs then that's a different thing.
Most grocery store approaches are done without IOIs. With that said, doing grocery store approaches with an IOI is going to increase the odds of a successful approach.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
As I have said before; I think this environment is one of the most challenging. I am referring to passing females in the aisles, not waiting on line. Waiting online is a little easier.

You don't have time to think; you have to have something to say right in the moment and if you hesitate a few seconds the opportunity is gone.

I made brief eye contact with an attractive blonde at the Trader Joe's and she cracked a very, very slight smile but was looking to the side and not at me when she did it. I am not sure if that very slight smile was for me, but I hesitated because I had ZERO to comment on.

You also want to avoid going in the same direction since it might seem like you are "following her". She was in another area of mine a few minutes later, but I did not say anything.

Supermarket pickup is extremely challenging, because what do you comment on? "Hey, I see you have 95% lean meat in your cart, are you a vegetarian?

One of my best pickups ever was in a grocery store...

I walked by this good looking woman who had a cart filled with eggplants and had her back turned looking at some other produce...

So I calmly walked by and said "What are you doing with all of THOSE!?" In a kinda of incredulous voice with a smirk on my face as she turned around and she just took one look at me and busted up laughing...

Turns out she was Italian and was making Eggplant Parmesan for a big family gathering...I teased her some more about it and she playfully hit my arm and told me to shut up...then I grabbed the front of her cart and started walking and said "c'mon we need to keep going, Ive got things to do today..."

and I told her I hope she doesn't disappoint all those people with her cooking.

Then she gave me a wide eyes look like "I can't believe you said that!" And she said "I am a great cook would love it!"

And I said well I guess I'll never find out...unless of course you'd like to grab a drink and get to know me better in person sometime and save me some so I can judge for myself. And she was like "your on!" And I got her number...

And sure enough, our first date was the day after her gathering and she brought me a piece and it was freaking phenomenal...

Actually ended up dating her for a year or so.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
First off, this reeks of FOMO, which goes against the abundance mindset that's preached all over the forum.

Secondly, while this might work for guys in their early 20s and younger, there are only a few other scenarios that give off as much desperation/weirdo/lack of options vibes than being in your late 40s as OP is and hitting on women at the grocery store, women that you've only seen for few seconds.

If you've seen each other on several occasions and you're pretty certain she's given IOIs then that's a different thing.
Not following your logic, how is that antithetical to abundance mindsets and how is that FOMO to only talk to women in your vicinity instead of "scoping out" and "analyzing" the environment like the typical PUA autist would suggest?

Also I don't see how age is relevant to hitting on women in a grocery store. If anything it seems even more natural for someone in their 40s than 20s, who would be more expected to do so in college campuses, or clubs/bars. If you're 40+, "natural" environments seem apropos, churches, sports clubs, public places, etc. The only place I can see an older man going regularly for the explicit purpose to pick up chicks is a high class ****tail bar in a hotel or something.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2022
Reaction score
Cold approaching in a store seems more challenging than cold approaching on the street, but actually there is no difference if you go direct.
The only difference is that people will look at you and they can judge you, you will feel more pressure and AA. Good inner game usually helps.
Go direct, that's it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
Reaction score
Not following your logic, how is that antithetical to abundance mindsets and how is that FOMO to only talk to women in your vicinity instead of "scoping out" and "analyzing" the environment like the typical PUA autist would suggest?
act FAST and spontaneously, don't think, the window is so short that it's not even a window, it's like 1-2 seconds.
FOMO: gotta act FAST, all I have is 1-2 seconds and she's gone. Who knows when I'm gonna meet another bombshell again?

Abundance mindset: She's just a woman doing her shopping. I've known enough women that seemed very attractive on a cursory look who later on turned out to have lots of physical and mental issues. Therefore, there's nothing special about this one. I already have women in my life and if not, I'm certain they will effortlessly appear when the time is right.

Also I don't see how age is relevant to hitting on women in a grocery store. If anything it seems even more natural for someone in their 40s than 20s, who would be more expected to do so in college campuses, or clubs/bars.
I assume OP was talking about someone in their 20s - early 30s at the most. In that respect, age is very relevant because you don't want to be that creepy old guy pestering younger women who do their shopping.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
FOMO: gotta act FAST, all I have is 1-2 seconds and she's gone. Who knows when I'm gonna meet another bombshell again?

Abundance mindset: She's just a woman doing her shopping. I've known enough women that seemed very attractive on a cursory look who later on turned out to have lots of physical and mental issues. Therefore, there's nothing special about this one. I already have women in my life and if not, I'm certain they will effortlessly appear when the time is right.

I assume OP was talking about someone in their 20s - early 30s at the most. In that respect, age is very relevant because you don't want to be that creepy old guy pestering younger women who do their shopping.
Most younger women would much rather prefer a suave older guy that has his life together approaching her than the typical guy her age that has nothing going for him
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Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2022
Reaction score
Most younger women would much rather prefer a shave older guy that has his life together approaching her than the typical guy her age that has nothing going for him
I have to disagree here, some will go with the older guy yes, but most will go with the guy of her age even if he has nothing going for him.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I don't see how age is relevant to hitting on women in a grocery store. If anything it seems even more natural for someone in their 40s than 20s, who would be more expected to do so in college campuses, or clubs/bars. If you're 40+, "natural" environments seem apropos, churches, sports clubs, public places, etc. The only place I can see an older man going regularly for the explicit purpose to pick up chicks is a high class ****tail bar in a hotel or something.
Grocery store approaching can be done at any phase of life. There are certain grocery store locations near universities that are well known for having undergrad/graduate students and recent grads in their 20s hitting on each other. There are also grocery store locations near 55+ retirement communities in Florida and Arizona where divorced and widowed 55+ people hit on each other.

I think it's easier to be a 35-50 year old man doing approaches in a grocery store as compared to a lot of nightlife venues. A lot of 35-50 year old men get tired of doing nightlife venue cold approaching.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2022
Reaction score
Increasingly they are becoming disillusioned by them, and especially their lack of prowess in the bedroom.
They don't care about that, pleasure in the bedroom is not a priority, what matters is to fit in.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Hi OC16,
Most people are awaringly annoyed about inflation,so seeing the Steak in her trolley you could say "I swear that this cut was a dollar cheaper only a few weeks ago,yet they say inflation is finished with",If she is interested she will carry the conversation from there...the problem I have with Women is not starting a conversation,but shutting them up!


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
The Safeway in the Marina (SF) was considered the prime spot for this (too far away from me to try). Until a homeless guy took a dump in the floor a few years back.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
As I have said before; I think this environment is one of the most challenging. I am referring to passing females in the aisles, not waiting on line. Waiting online is a little easier.

You don't have time to think; you have to have something to say right in the moment and if you hesitate a few seconds the opportunity is gone.

I made brief eye contact with an attractive blonde at the Trader Joe's and she cracked a very, very slight smile but was looking to the side and not at me when she did it. I am not sure if that very slight smile was for me, but I hesitated because I had ZERO to comment on.

You also want to avoid going in the same direction since it might seem like you are "following her". She was in another area of mine a few minutes later, but I did not say anything.

Supermarket pickup is extremely challenging, because what do you comment on? "Hey, I see you have 95% lean meat in your cart, are you a vegetarian?

Learn from the masters:



Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
I assume OP was talking about someone in their 20s - early 30s at the most. In that respect, age is very relevant because you don't want to be that creepy old guy pestering younger women who do their shopping.
Because of my lack of success when I was younger, I've had to be the "creepy old guy" for almost my entire PUA life. :mad:


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
First off, it has to be incidental...not sure this applies to you, but don't go to a grocery store to "pickup chicks", go because you like their groceries...
Depends if there are good "tomatoes" there.



Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
Reaction score

Ahh yes, my kinda a true veteran in grocery store game..I will share some thoughts.

As I have said before; I think this environment is one of the most challenging. I am referring to passing females in the aisles, not waiting on line. Waiting online is a little easier.
Challenging? I think it is one of the most easiest.

You don't have time to think; you have to have something to say right in the moment and if you hesitate a few seconds the opportunity is gone.
Yeah, that is why you should have a game plan on what you will say...because having a game plan requires less thinking and will apply equally to every woman you encounter.

I made brief eye contact with an attractive blonde at the Trader Joe's
Funny you mention Trader Joe's.

No bullshiit, today while I was at work making a delivery to a customer (at a restaurant), I asked the guy who signs for the product about the eye candy that frequents the restaurant.

He told me that there is some eye candy that comes through there, but not like it used to be.

So we had a conversation about women and cold approaching..and I told him about my frequent visits to Walmart.

His eyes lit up and he said, "Bro, if you want to see gorgeous women, start paying Trader Joe's a visit.

"Once you see the women who shop there, you won't want step into Walmart again". :lol:

First him, now you lol.

I gotta hit up Trader Joe's.

and she cracked a very, very slight smile but was looking to the side and not at me when she did it. I am not sure if that very slight smile was for me, but I hesitated because I had ZERO to comment on.
Brooo, see, the advice I'm about to give you is, in my opinion, what separates the men from the boys.

I'm not with all the *****footing around.

I take action, I go for advice is for you to do the same.

When she smiled (whether she smiled at you or not), I would have said..

"Miss, you have a cute smile, are you single?"

No hesitation. Do not hesitate. Go for it.

Rip the band-aid off.

Be a man. Go for it.

You also want to avoid going in the same direction since it might seem like you are "following her".
I usually follow women from a distance and they are normally always focused on shopping instead of their surroundings and won't notice me.

However, to your point, after they see you in their vicinity a couple times, they may become noticably suspicious lol.

I've had that happen a couple times, actually lol.

I had one bad experience where a woman called me out for following her lol.

I would share the short story on how it went down, but never mind.

She was in another area of mine a few minutes later, but I did not say anything.
Next time, seize the opportunity.

Never let a missed opportunity be because of you.

Supermarket pickup is extremely challenging, because what do you comment on?
Bro, from what I can tell, your problem is simple; your mentality is based on a false premise.

"I need to comment on something".

Now, I agree, you need to comment on something...but my idea of commenting is different than yours.

My idea of commenting: "You are an attractive woman. Are you single?"

Your idea of commenting: "Hey, I see you have 95% lean meat in your cart, are you a vegetarian?

See the difference? My comment was directed towards her physical attraction, followed by a question pertaining to her relationship status.

And based on the question, she knows EXACTLY where I am going with it (they always know).

Your comment/question (with all due respect )was some quirky, indirect, beta-puss inquiry, knowing full well you don't give a DAMN about whether she vegetarian or not lol.

My advice, BE MORE DIRECT, BOLD, and straightforward.

"Hey, I see you have 95% lean meat in your cart, are you a vegetarian?

Now look, don't get me wrong, your comment could very well lead in to something.

But my point is...if her puzzy is on the roof of a 12 story building...would you rather take the stairs to get there, or the elevator?


Feb 14, 2024
Reaction score
As I have said before; I think this environment is one of the most challenging

I made brief eye contact with an attractive blonde at the Trader Joe's and she cracked a very, very slight smile but was looking to the side and not at me when she did it. I am not sure if that very slight smile was for me, but I hesitated because I had ZERO to comment on
I've found grocery stores excellent places to meet cool people (awesome women included)since I first started dating back in The 2000s. This remains true today