Grew some balls, told a chick I liked her...


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
amen to that sir, no shortcuts. I don't intend to expect anything more than a slap on my dumbassness from this experience and learn from it, i ain't a player or the confident dude with chicks.. YET. I will get there, I never failed at things that I swear I will fu@cking handle, it will take time, but I make things happen. thank you


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
moneyisking said:
amen to that sir, no shortcuts. I don't intend to expect anything more than a slap on my dumbassness from this experience and learn from it, i ain't a player or the confident dude with chicks.. YET. I will get there, I never failed at things that I swear I will fu@cking handle, it will take time, but I make things happen. thank you
Learning from your.mistakes is how you make progress . You're one step closer to that man you want to be


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
lol he didn't make a mistake. whatsoever.

from a technical standpoint yeah his game blew logs but from an overall standpoint, what you have to understand from an overall standpoint is that,

there is absolutely nothing, he could have done, no game he coudl have ran, no DJ tactics that he could have tried, no C and F routine, nothing, that would have made her see him as anything other then a friend. Buddy I've been there. My first 5 years on this forum were me being there.

Now with that stated, he's much better off getting this out the way now and realizing she doesn't like me, and focusing his time and energy on girls that have a blank slate than he is trying to run every ****ing trick he knows or learns here on this girl, beucase he's got oneitis even if he doesn't know it, it not working, then coming here starting 10000055005 threads about how game doesn't work or even worse, reverting back to hard core AFC tactics, beucase they seemingly got him further with her.

As pook said in the 15 lessons post in the DJ bible, If it's a friend she sees, it's a friend you will be. She sees you as a friend, there is nothing, you can do to change that. You did right by nipping it in the butt now.

so in that regard, it was the best thing he could have done. take it on the chin, keep your head up, and go pick up some new broads.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
bradd80 said:
Judge Nismo, bradd80 here appearing as defense counsel on behalf of the OP in this matter.

My client seeks to appeal his sentence on the grounds that they're too harsh and they don't fit the crime.

Although the OP may come across as pure AFC, I think we're being a little tough on this young man here.

He’s only 23 years old, so he still has so much to learn. But he has recognized his need to change and improve, as shown by his taking the initiative on his own and seeking our help here at so suave.

OP has already paid a huge price for his first offense: the embarrassment of rejection and propping up the fragile ego of a stupid girl who obviously doesn’t know a good guy when she sees one, and he’s admitting it to all of us here.

And that took a lot of courage.

OP’s greatest crime was being rejected by a girl he liked, a crime all of us here no doubt is guilty of committing at one time or another.

I respectfully submit that jail time would be too disproportionate a punishment for the crime, especially when considering no one was actually even threatened with harm. The OP admitted his AFC-ness, and came here looking for help and rehabilitation, not punishment, isolation, and even more rejection.

moneyisking is a bright young man, who isn't involved in drugs or gangs (obvious from his posts here on SS) and has no serious prior convictions of being an AFC other than the topic of this discussion. If you look at his posts on SS, he has done nothing but try to help others better themselves, and avoids being lured into flame wars by other more aggressive posters. It is our humble position that exiling this young man to the isolation of Friendzone Lake, Maine would be counterproductive because it would isolate him and keep him away from cooler guys who could show him how to be better with women. We believe that it is isolation and a lack of mentors that may have caused the OP to be so AFC in the first place. Therefore, it is our humble submission that isolating the OP and keeping him away from cooler, older mentors for him to look up would be counterproductive and even make his situation worse.

If we may, allow us to humbly suggest that sentencing OP to blue balls time already served plus a promise to read the DJ bible and actually implement what he has learned and report back through at least 3 successful field reports here on so suave would be a more appropriate sentence fitting of his crime and indicative of his need for rehabilitation.

I like to be tough on crime just like anyone else here, but sometimes we have to know when to give a young man a second chance. No one was injured, and no one was even threatened with the prospect of harm. And as serious as his transgression is, exiling the OP to Maine at this point would only help destroy his life and cause him to slip further into the recesses of AFC-dom rather than rehabilitate him and make him a better man.

I believe we won't be seeing him in our court room any more.

Judge Nismo, we await your response.
We more than likely won't see him in the courtroom anymore. And who hasn't been rejected by a girl they like anyway? Hell, I've been rejected so many times, and I've had a share of women in chambers. I gave them all a very stiff punishment after I got them off. :D

I threw the book at the OP because he has a lot to learn. When I was 23, I had a lot to learn. I believed in all that fairytale disney sh*t. Not anymore. Since this thread didn't become a flame war and the OP is willing to learn, I will accept this appeal. Friendzone Lake, Maine is a little far off. So I'll drop that fine. But the blue balls and bruised shaft still stands.

This appeal will be accepted on the grounds that he checks out the dj bible and my 2 threads entitled "Your princess is in another castle". They answer a whole lot of common ass problems that appear in the courtroom.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2011
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada.
If you had balls you would have made a MOVE a long time ago - henceforth avoiding the dreaded "friend zone." Telling a girl you like her only means you're lacking balls when it really matters - making a move. Women don't need you to tell them you like them, when you can SHOW them you like them. Showing them is much more beneficial for you in the long run.