( . )( . ) said:
Sure, this growing epidemic of homosexuality we are seeing, the succesful push from the gay agenda to normalise homosexuality, hell just the fact college age boys now have half the testosterone levels of their fathers is something we all should have great concern about.
We have enough confused and frustrated young beta's turn to phaggotry as it is, do we really need to glorify it with children's comic books? Trust me these boys will have plenty of time to have the awesomeness of homosexuality shoved down their throats.
Hang on. Let me check on something:
Superman = still straight
Batman = still straight (regardless of how suspicious Robin was)
Flash = still straight
Aquaman = still straight and relatively useless
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) = still straight
Green Lantern (John Stewart) = still straight
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) = still straight
Hawkman = still straight
Nightwing = still straight
Martian Manhunter = still Martian
Steel = still straight
Captain Marvel/Shazam = still straight
Green Arrow = still straight
Red Tornado = still a robot
Booster Gold = still straight and even more useless than Aquaman
Cyborg = still half-man, half-robot, all-straight
Doctor Fate = still straight
Wonder Woman = still hot
Elongated Man = still straight
Lobo = still straight
Jimmy Olson = still annoying
Green Lantern (Alan Scott) = gay
Wow. One gay guy in that group. Whoop-de-freakin-do. Well, I guess we straight guys have to throw the towel in now. There's a single gay person that is portrayed heroically. Let's all start panicking, because that's totally Alpha behavior.