Got the Number, arranged for a date, in the meantime what should i do?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
So we have a date Sunday.
I first met her on Tuesday, her friends introduced me to her. We arranged for a date on Sunday. She's working this weekend, but in the meantime any suggestions of what I could do? Should I text her, call her randomly just to talk? What do you usually do?


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Kick back, relax and hope she isn't psycho and cancels on you :rolleyes:

Mr. Fantastic

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Uh... Hashbrowns?
You set up the date the date and now she has to wait to see you. You are a busy guy and you don't have time for just casual conversation. Heck she hasn't proven herself to you, so right now even your hobbies have priority over her. You have graced her with some of your valuable time on Sunday, so why give her anymore before that? Remember, she is guilty of disinterest until proven otherwise. That is the only way to protect your heart.

foomee: "But what if I am just looking for a quick lay?"

Mr. Fantastic: "Then go buy some piece o' **** seduction book, or hire a prostitute."

foomee: "But I wanna sleep with this chick!"

Mr. Fantastic: "Why? She isn't special. Her vagina isn't laced with gold. Once you start focusing all of your energy on some chick you'll become obsessed and fall into oneitis. Isn't that what you came to this site to rid yourself of?"

foomee: "Yeah I guess... So are you saying I should look for love/LTR?"

Mr. Fantastic: "Not at all. That's just what suits me best. I don't see any point is sleeping around because I see it as an addiction rather than 'success', but that is just me. What you need to do is find out what you want from this chick before you start asking for advice, that's all I'm saying. I'll give you completely different advice than a Speed Seducer will because we both have different outcomes in mind. But to answer your question in short, don't contact her until Saturday or early Sunday to confirm the date. Then go pick her up or meet up or what ever the **** you are doing."

What most people who ask questions on this site don't understand is that they need to decide what they want from their lives before they ask their questions. Instead of doing that they jump into the "game" before having a solid foundation for what they want. Then they get confused when they follow someones advice and it completely backfires.

For example,

foomee: "I followed the advice but it didn't work... May be I'm just not good enough..."

Normal Response: "You did it wrong. Apply more C&F and it will work!"

The right response:

Mr. Fantastic: "No! You are good enough! What you need to understand is that what works for one person may not necessarily work for you. Instead of asking for advice just go out and try different things. Then when it blows up in your face you'll be able to see what works and what doesn't. Advice doesn't help because each situation has many different variables. Go out and fail! It is the only way to succeed!"


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
So now, tonight, Friday night I'm going out to a club with a chick I hooked up with last weekend. She wants to come home with me but doesn't want to get attached. She wants me as a bf, but I told her right now I don't want a gf. Sooo we'll probably get drunk, and then she'll come here. But whatever happens I just want to have fun.

Tomorrow night a girl I hooked up with 2 weeks ago is coming over to my place, we're gonna order out then watch a scary movie. Soo we all know where that's going.

Then Sunday evening this new girl who is very cute, is coming over, we're gonna cook. It should be fun, throw in some kino here and there, maybe I'll pick up a bottle of wine or some beer, that'll lighten the mood. But this girl I've only just met so yeah I don't know exactly how to handle it, but her IL is very high.

..thanks for the advice. so right now I'll continue spinning these plates and just see what happens on Sunday.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2011
Reaction score
yes, spin plates. dont do what i did and just focus on one girl. you will fuk it up. you're doing good bro! keep it up!! im starting my plates tomorrow night.. already got girls lined up ;)