Got the KISS! Now what? - Short.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2005
Reaction score
So, I've been out with this girl (HB8 (GREAT Personality) ) about 3 times, and yesterday, we finally kissed. First date, there was a lot of kino, second date, tons of holding and whispering, but I felt like I had to do something or I will become one of her "friends". The only reason I've waiting so long is because she's a "good-girl", and a virgin.

She gave me SO many signals even from the beginning of the night. Licking lips, biting fingers, waiting for something to happen. I knew what was going on the thru the WHOLE night. First, I started to lick her fingers very slowly, then her ear, and then starting kissing her cheeks... while watching the movie (on my bed ;) )

She would look me in the eyes, and flirt with me, but I drove this girl crazy... I teased her for at least 1 hour. At the end, she was melting. We kissed about 5-6 times for like 30 seconds or so.

My question is:

Did I do the right thing by teasing her for so long?

Real question is: What do I do now? KEEP doing everything same? I think she opened up to me a lot yesterday... good things to come.

Gotta love this site!

-Thx for reading and inputs guys.


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
New Zealand
Great bro!

Now there is a few areas that you need to look at.

1) Yes you did the right thing by teasing her. Of course you did, you gave her something most guys can't even think up in their minds let alone do! Good work. You need to keep this up, but don't do everything similar. For example take the concept of marginal utility (haha, this is economics). If you consume too many cans of Pepsi, eventually you will get sick of it right ...until the next time when you are thirsty. Apply this to your situation. See her for a little bit each time and she will be begging for more - give her too much and she will become sick of it until the next time (but, who knows ...she could totally get sick of it).

Don't do the same **** too often or she will get sick of it, it will get repetitive. You need to think up new things. Give and take. Give a little, if she likes it then do it more but not too much so you are teasing her. Play games with her. Laugh at other people. Do fun things on dates. Be creative. Go to the Zoo for gods sake - I have been meaning to do this one ...girls love cute animals and her state will change this.

2) You need to change environments. Again this comes back to getting sick of the same place. I had a gf once where we would make out all day on the bed. In the end she dumped my ass and I knew why - we didn't get out and enjoy the relationship. We didn't do what other couples were doing. We were mad about each other but it got boring staying in bed. Already on the third date you have got her on your bed making out with her. Now you need to take her out somewhere different (I don't mean pay for her). Be creative like I said and try to change environments AS MUCH as possible.

3) Don't be pushy. She obviously likes you - but never ask her if she likes you. Let it flow and take your time. Try to think of her as a relative that you don't want to spend too much time with but you have to in order to keep the family happy. You need to give her space, and show you have space. Do not see her everyday. Depending on how you go 2-4 times per week is good. Don't be afraid of saying you are busy but you must do this from the start. You can't spend a week with her then say ahh, I can't see you I have other plans. It won't seem real. Also, don't call her every night.

4) Have fun :)


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks for the input. The thing is, I work with her, so I AUTOMATICALLY see her 4 times a week.

We usually go out on Friday (4th time I see her). I called her once (in a month) to see how she was doing... I called her 3 times to confirm our dates. :)

She wants to go to the Zoo, I'll take her there next week and walk around a little bit in the city, cheap and casual... lots of Kino + CF coming up! :D