1 Bad Dude said:
Trader, you are wrong here. If you(the husband here) are the great catch it doesn't matter how much muscles or looks a co-worker of hers has. She won't touch him. She's already got the best at home. You'll drop her off at the airport or kiss her goodbye when she leaves the house and she'll be missing you before she boards the plane. Obviously she didn't have very much confidence in her own great-catch-ness if she was threatened by a plane ride. Actually, now that I think about it, this goes to show just how easily women can be seduced. She knows this and doesn't trust her husband not to seduce and screw the co-worker.
What you have said is completely irrelevant to what I was talking about, and is not even remotely related enough to be called a *tangent.*
1 Bad Dude said:
Don't even get me started on your absurdly foolish views on cheating and which gender doing it s more damaging.
You should get started, because so far you have said absolutely nothing.
Stagger Lee said:
But still even if the male was the leader, that doesn't necessarily mean that his behavior has to be x,y, and z and not a, b and c. Just because a man does something or fails to do something does not make it worse for him to do so than for a female to. when a man cheats (not saying it is right) it can be just for sex. when a woman cheats usually she is about to branch swing or may cuckold the husband. Leader or follower its worse for a woman to cheat.
I understand what you are saying that a man may just cheat only for the physical sex, but a girl usually cheats to branch swing.
We disagree on the *weights* assigned to the particular arguments - in other words, our value systems differ greatly.
I agree with your argument in principle, but I place very little weight to it.
I place heavy weight on the leadership argument - which I have delineated above.
At first, I was surprised that you placed such little *weight* on the leadership argument, but then I realized there was nothing surprising about it at all. After all, girls have kept echoing: 'There are few *real men* to be found.'
Turns out they were right.