Got her what?

Black Dog

Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
Alright...I finally got this girls number after about a month 1/2 of knowing her.....REALLY lame I know. I first deicided to go introduce myself to slim cute latina, ran pretty good game on the occasions when I'd see her; lots of kino, gamed her friend etc. She showed mucho mucho interest, but I never asked for the number there because it was on a public bus around my friends who watched us like vultures (they thought she was hot as well) I saw her a couple days later after she stopped taking the public bus, and like nothing....--without really building rapport on this approach, I was hoping I had some leftover attraction)--I just told her, "Hey, HB the only times we ever see each other is on the bus. Why dont you give me your number?" She smiled, complied, and started putting in in my phone...and then my friend came up and made a huge deal about it. She got embarrassed, ran away and I had no number.

It took me about 3 weeks of devising a good way to get her # again...I was pissed that she had ran away like that, and not offered to give it again the other times she saw me... but I guess it was my job to initiate again. After reading some FRs and other good threads, I realized how much time I wasted and said I wasn't going to spank my sh*t until I bagged her number. When I saw her again, I grabbed down there and went up to her, made some lame jokes to try and build rapport.....then the next minute she was writing those digits on my arm.

I know I know...getting the # really isn't a big deal....but it felt like a huge mission because I had already asked, almost got it but then I was c0ckblocked.

Anyway, I've had the # for a day and I'm not going to text her till maybe the end of the week. I need a little bit of advice on how to talk with her, how to get to know her so I can set up a date etc,,since I don't see her on a daily basis.

I've read How To Text threads and all that stuff, but. I guess I should just be a DJ & hope for the best right


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
then my friend came up and made a huge deal about it. She got embarrassed, ran away and I had no number.
F*CK! Is there anything more annoying than this?? I have this one friend who purposely does it all the time, and have only concluded that he is actively trying to c*ckblock. We scolded him on it a few years ago but he still does it sometimes.

Black Dog

Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
Forty0ztoFreedom said:
F*CK! Is there anything more annoying than this?? I have this one friend who purposely does it all the time, and have only concluded that he is actively trying to c*ckblock. We scolded him on it a few years ago but he still does it sometimes.
Lol he sounds a little like a crappy friend. But maybe challenges like this make the game more most cases my friends back off and we each let each other do our thing....but my one friend also really likes this girl so that was weak game on his part.

Donnie Darko

Don Juan
Feb 16, 2010
Reaction score
Do NOT text her. Call her. Spend 10-15 minutes chatting her up, joking around, teasing and busting on her and then tell her that you are going to go [INSERT ACTIVITY OF YOUR CHOICE HERE] on [PICK A DAY] and ask her to join you. If she declines but counter offers, then accept the counter offer. If she declines but does not offer a counter offer, then tell her that we should hang out another time and then suggest doing something else on a different day. If she declines your counter offer, then NEXT her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
If you have no indication of what you should be texting... CALL HER.
It seems like you were doing pretty well gaming her verbally... so why lose that in the face of a weaksauce text game. Keep doing what you were doing.

Let her hear your voice.

And if you need tips with anything sexy you can say in Spanish, I'm the man to ask.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2010
Reaction score
Black Dog said:
and then my friend came up and made a huge deal about it. She got embarrassed, ran away and I had no number.
Did you at least give him a nice slap on the back of the head for being a douche?

1 Lucky FLIP

Don Juan
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
Like everyone said, making the call is MUCHO better than texting. Keep it short, fun, and eventually to the point.

BTW, kick your friend in the cr0tch next time you see him.

BTW #2, I'm currently learning Spanish Kailex, so I may take up that offer as well :yes:

Black Dog

Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
Donnie Darko said:
Do NOT text her. Call her. Spend 10-15 minutes chatting her up, joking around, teasing and busting on her and then tell her that you are going to go [INSERT ACTIVITY OF YOUR CHOICE HERE] on [PICK A DAY] and ask her to join you. If she declines but counter offers, then accept the counter offer. If she declines but does not offer a counter offer, then tell her that we should hang out another time and then suggest doing something else on a different day. If she declines your counter offer, then NEXT her.
K thanks man! Tight name also.

Kailex said:
if you need tips with anything sexy you can say in Spanish, I'm the man to ask.
Thanks Kailex, I've seen your advice in other threads, really good. You think I should just call her first? I mean I'm not a bad texter, I haven't for a while. But texting is sometimes extra work, girls misinterpert stuff easily....I think I probably will just call her. Cuz this girls very cute, she's always got at least one dude following her around. (I don't know any of them personally so I won't judge, but most of them look like total AFCs...chubby kids w/ no game, guys trying to get her approval)

I'm sure she's got enough text messages.

1 Lucky FLIP said:
BTW #2, I'm currently learning Spanish Kailex, so I may take up that offer as well :yes:
Thanks dude haha....I speak a little. I don't really know how to spit in Spanish though. But I appreciate all the advice I can get. Do you have any personal favorite lines

I can think of "¿Cómo fue tu día sin mí,?" But thats it. (How was your day without me)

Kailex, also if i could ask are you fluent in Spanish? In other threads, from your posts you come across to me as Latino (I'm latino/causcasian)

1 Lucky FLIP

Don Juan
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
Black Dog said:
Thanks dude haha....I speak a little. I don't really know how to spit in Spanish though. But I appreciate all the advice I can get. Do you have any personal favorite lines

I can think of "¿Cómo fue tu día sin mí,?" But thats it. (How was your day without me)

Kailex, also if i could ask are you fluent in Spanish? In other threads, from your posts you come across to me as Latino (I'm latino/causcasian)
"Venir aqui guarra!" Not really a pickup line but make sure you have the right attitude for this :)


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
Black Dog said:
K thanks man! Tight name also.

Thanks Kailex, I've seen your advice in other threads, really good. You think I should just call her first? I mean I'm not a bad texter, I haven't for a while. But texting is sometimes extra work, girls misinterpert stuff easily....I think I probably will just call her. Cuz this girls very cute, she's always got at least one dude following her around. (I don't know any of them personally so I won't judge, but most of them look like total AFCs...chubby kids w/ no game, guys trying to get her approval)

I'm sure she's got enough text messages.

Thanks dude haha....I speak a little. I don't really know how to spit in Spanish though. But I appreciate all the advice I can get. Do you have any personal favorite lines

I can think of "¿Cómo fue tu día sin mí,?" But thats it. (How was your day without me)

Kailex, also if i could ask are you fluent in Spanish? In other threads, from your posts you come across to me as Latino (I'm latino/causcasian)
I am Hispanic and just as fluent orally/written in English as I am in Spanish. I'm one of the lucky ones who can switch up that easily in a moment's notice.

First of all, forget about whether she has AFC's or not. You're going to be the guy that stands out.

Second, I try to stay away from "lines" with hispanic women because they are TOO used to getting the corniest lines from other hispanic men. TRUST ME, if you think pickup lines in English are terrible, they are even WORSE in Spanish.

Third, what you want to say in Spanish is something you might want to say a little further along once you have established a bit more of a rapport.

I'd suggest going with something along the lines of anything sensual, something that is more of an inside joke between the two of you, something that isn't recycled or that seems somewhat unoriginal. If you're going to say something in her language, you'll want to say something that evokes some kind of emotional response that would strictly make her think of you and only you.

If you have anything like that... tell me and I can translate it for you.
And sorry to ask, but it might make a difference... specifically which nationality is she? Cuban? Puerto Rican? Mexican? Etc...?

Black Dog

Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
Kailex said:
If you're going to say something in her language, you'll want to say something that evokes some kind of emotional response that would strictly make her think of you and only you.

If you have anything like that... tell me and I can translate it for you.

And sorry to ask, but it might make a difference... specifically which nationality is she? Cuban? Puerto Rican? Mexican? Etc...?
I'm think she is just plain Mexican. But shes got some really smooth features which would suggest she's mixed with other stuff...I'll get back to you on this.

Oh and about the being sensual thing. So the line I offered was good or? Or nay. My friend told me it, and i thought about it and it could be any everyday conversational thing...I'd have to say it with the right attitude I guess. Thanks for your advice Kailex

1 Lucky FLIP said:
"Venir aqui guarra!" Not really a pickup line but make sure you have the right attitude for this :)
Hahaha! I guess since she is younger than me it would be easier to be more dominant and say something like this


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
Black Dog said:
Oh and about the being sensual thing. So the line I offered was good or? Or nay. My friend told me it, and i thought about it and it could be any everyday conversational thing...I'd have to say it with the right attitude I guess. Thanks for your advice Kailex
The problem I've seen with that particular line is that it's a "phishing line". Basically it's a way of trying to spark a specific reaction. I've seen a lot of men get upset with lines like those because the supposed response should be something along the lines of:

"Well my day was okay, but since I spent it without you, it wasn't as good."

If you don't overthink, if you don't care, if the response you'll get means nothing to you more than just A RESPONSE, go for it.

But be ready for her to respond with something along the lines of: Ohhh, it's going wonderful.

To her, your question reads as "How did your day go"... to you the answer would read something like "Oh she's wonderful without me??".

Also, it's somewhat of a boring conversation starter through text. You usually don't want to get into lengthy conversations through texting. I stick with going through 2 to 3 texts at MOST to convey something, but not to hold a conversation. That line you are asking about... it's better SAID than TEXTED. If you can pull off a real ****y tone to it, then it won't matter what the response will be, she'll probably giggle to it.

Try finding out what nationality it is... you can come up with some nice Neg's depending on what she is. I know I do this ALL the time depending on what they are (I date Hispanics 75% of the time, SADLY).