Got an idea to weed out the stupid newbie questions


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
These Are All Bad Ideas!!!

"Why" you ask? Lets listen, my neglected DJ friends;

Firstly, when people join our site they want advice, by making them wait 30 days before they can post they have no incentive to stick around. Think about it, PEOPLE WANT TO BE HEARD. Any DJ knows that. So, if we make new people wait 30 days these kids will forget about our forum.

'But MVP, I can live that, I'm a DJ, we don't need these AFC's."
"Silence!," say I. "Without AFC's the questions that are most relevant to newcomers will be ignored. If this site was strictly DJ those AFC's would never see that retarded AFC question that they were looking for."

Secondly, learning is a two-way process. You need to hear, then say. If a newbie can read a brilliant post but not ask a much needed question about it, what's the point of him being here? What if a newbie sees the Bootcamp Bible, only to understand that the key to his miseries requires another 29 days of AFC-dom before he can start his BootCamp Thread? Surely, we will depress this AFC enough to have him never pick up the Bible again.

Thirdly, alternate ideas. Well, I hear some of you bring up the idea of having a DJ quiz, ask yourselves: WHO DECIDES WHAT IS THE RIGHT APPROACH TO DJ'ING? Sh!t, some of you have been arguing on this site for years and still can't come to a consensus. You know why this is? Not because one of you is right and the other stubborn, ITS BECAUSE BOTH OF YOU ARE RIGHT. There is no one right path to DJ'ing, if we install a quiz newbies will b!tch about
"I scored 23"
"well, oh yeah, I scored 25, I'm more of a man then you."
Puh-lease, both of you!
We need to get rid of this block in everyone's head that if something is not "mainstream" it is not right. THere is no right path to DJ'ing and a quiz will be an obstacle to DJ'ing, not a tool for it.

Now, others of you bring up the idea of having an Advanced Forum. I like this.... to an extent. Surely, having a forum where we deal with more advanced materials or FR would be nice but if you look around you would notice we have forums for these, we have the Unusual Techniques in Seduction for advanced DJ'ing techniques and we have Don Juan Tips for more mainstream DJ'ing revelations. Now, why is it that you people don't see these places as "Advanced DJ Forums"? Its because YOU NEVER GO THERE. Simple, if you DJ's would stop b!tching about newbies and go to these places a little more we'd all be a lot better of!

So, what should you DJ's do rather than troll Suggestions & Feedback and b!tch at Allen about newbies is POST MORE. its not about the Newbie to DJ ratio, its about the NEWBIE POST TO DJ POST RATIO. If you DJ's would post a little more hints and feedback and a little less pointless jabber this site would be much better off. I look around at you DJ's and I check your profiles and see that some of you post .38 times per day! Well, no sh!t! When the DJ's aren't posting and the newbies in need are out shouting for attention its no wonder this site is skewing towards AFCness.

So, stop being such an elitist, if you're really such a DJ... POST MORE!!